Alternate Tools
      Alternate Tools and Locations
      Specifying Alternate Tools and Paths
      Analyzing the Effects of Multifile IPO (-ipo_c, -ipo_S)
  Assembly File Listing Example
      Assembly File Listing Example
  Basic Profile-Guided Optimization Options
      Basic Profile-Guided Optimization Options
      Features and Benefits
      Stripmining and Cleanup
      Combining Processor Target and Dispatch Options
  Combining:  Processor Target
      Combining Processor Target and Dispatch Options
  Command Line
      Running from the Command Line with make
      Running the Compiler from the Command Line
      Compilation and Linking Overview
      Compilation with Real Object Files
  Compilation Environment
      Customizing the Compilation Environment
  Compilation Environment:  Customizing
      Customizing the Compilation Environment
  Compilation Flow
      Controlling Compilation Flow
  Compilation Flow:  Controlling
      Controlling Compilation Flow
  Compilation Output
      Controlling Compilation Output
  Compilation Output:  Controlling
      Controlling Compilation Output
  Compilation Phases
      Compilation Phases
  Compilation Process Overview
      Customizing Compilation Process Overview
  Compilation Process Overview:  Customizing
      Customizing Compilation Process Overview
      Default Behavior of the Compiler
      Invoking the Intel(R) C++ Compiler
      Running the Compiler from the Command Line
  Compiler-generated Code
      Monitoring Compiler-generated Code
  Compiler-generated Code:  Monitoring
      Monitoring Compiler-generated Code
  Compiler Input
      Compiler Input and Output Summary
  Compiler Input Files
      Compiler Input Files
  Compiler Limits
      Compiler Limits
  Compiler Options Cross-reference
      Compiler Options Cross Reference
  Compiler Options Quick Reference Guide
      Compiler Options Quick Reference Guide
  Compiler Vectorization Support
      Overview of Compiler Vectorization Support and Guidelines
  Compiler Vectorization Support:  Overview
      Overview of Compiler Vectorization Support and Guidelines
  Compiler Welcome
      Intel(R) C++ Compiler Welcome
  Compiler Welcome:  Default Behavior
      Default Behavior of the Compiler
  Compiler Welcome:  Running
      Running the Compiler from the Command Line
  Configuration Files
      Configuration Files
  Conformance to C Standard
      Conformance to the C Standard
      Conformance to the C++ Standard
      Controlling Compilation Flow
      Controlling Compilation Output
      Controlling Inline Expansion of User Functions
  Controlling:  Compilation Flow
      Controlling Compilation Flow
  Controlling:  Compilation Output
      Controlling Compilation Output
  Controlling:  Inline Expansion
      Controlling Inline Expansion of User Functions
      Creating a Library from IPO Objects
      Creating a Multifile IPO Executable
      Creating a Multifile IPO Executable Using a Project Makefile
  Creating:  Library
      Creating a Library from IPO Objects
  Creating:  Multifile IPO Executable
      Creating a Multifile IPO Executable
  Creating:  Multifile IPO Executable Using
      Creating a Multifile IPO Executable Using a Project Makefile
      Criteria for Inline Function Expansion
  Criteria:  Inline Function Expansion
      Criteria for Inline Function Expansion
      Customizing Compilation Process Overview
      Customizing the Compilation Environment
  Customizing:  Compilation Environment
      Customizing the Compilation Environment
  Customizing:  Compilation Process Overview
      Customizing Compilation Process Overview
  Data Dependence
      Data Dependence
      Debugging Options
      Debugging Options Summary
      Preparing for Debugging
  Debug:  Options
      Debugging Options
  Debug:  Options Summary
      Debugging Options Summary
  Debug:  Preparing
      Preparing for Debugging
  Default Behavior
      Default Behavior of the Compiler
  Default Behavior:  Compiler
      Default Behavior of the Compiler
  Default Libraries
      Default Libraries
      Defining Macros (-A, -A-, -D, and -U)
  Defining Macros
      Defining Macros (-A, -A-, -D, and -U)
  Defining Macros:  Macros
      Defining Macros (-A, -A-, -D, and -U)
  Diagnostic Information
      Diagnostic Information
  Diagnostic Messages
      Diagnostic Messages
  Dispatch Options
      Combining Processor Target and Dispatch Options
      Analyzing the Effects of Multifile IPO (-ipo_c, -ipo_S)
  Effects:  Analyzing
      Analyzing the Effects of Multifile IPO (-ipo_c, -ipo_S)
  Electronic Licensing
      FLEXlm* Electronic Licensing
  Enabling Remarks
      Suppressing Warning Messages or Enabling Remarks (-w, -wn)
  Environment Variables
      Environment Variables
  Errors Reported
      Limiting the Number of Errors Reported (-wn)
      Using Profile-Guided Optimization: An Example
  Exclusive Specialized Code
      Exclusive Specialized Code with -x{i |M|K|W}
  Extensions Support Overview
      Targeting a Processor and Extensions Support Overview
      Features and Benefits
      FLEXlm* Electronic Licensing
  Floating-point Arithmetic Precision
      Floating-point Arithmetic Precision
      Maintaining Floating-point Arithmetic Precision, -mp
  Floating-point Arithmetic Precision:  Maintaining
      Maintaining Floating-point Arithmetic Precision, -mp
      Guidelines for Using PGO
      Overview of Compiler Vectorization Support and Guidelines
  Guidelines:  Using PGO
      Guidelines for Using PGO
  High-level-language Optimizations
      High-level-language Optimizations
  HLO Overview
      HLO Overview
      Processor Dispatch Support (IA-32 only)
  Include Files
      Include Files
      Searching for Include Files
  Include Files:  Searching
      Searching for Include Files
  Inline Expansion
      Controlling Inline Expansion of User Functions
      Inline Expansion of Library Functions (-nolib_inline)
  Inline Expansion:  Controlling
      Controlling Inline Expansion of User Functions
  Inline Expansion:  Library Functions
      Inline Expansion of Library Functions (-nolib_inline)
  Inline Function Expansion
      Criteria for Inline Function Expansion
  Inline Function Expansion:  Criteria
      Criteria for Inline Function Expansion
  Intel Extensions
      Intel Extensions to OpenMP*
  Intel Extensions:  OpenMP*
      Intel Extensions to OpenMP*
  Interprocedural Optimizations
      Interprocedural Optimizations
      Interprocedural Optimizations (IPO)
      Invoking the Intel(R) C++ Compiler
  Invoking:  Intel C
      Invoking the Intel(R) C++ Compiler
      Interprocedural Optimizations (IPO)
  IPO Objects
      Creating a Library from IPO Objects
  Language Diagnostics
      Language Diagnostics
      Creating a Library from IPO Objects
      Managing Libraries
  Library Functions
      Inline Expansion of Library Functions (-nolib_inline)
  Library Functions:  Creating
      Creating a Library from IPO Objects
  Library Functions:  Inline Expansion
      Inline Expansion of Library Functions (-nolib_inline)
  Library Functions:  Managing
      Managing Libraries
      Limiting the Number of Errors Reported (-wn)
  Limiting:  Number
      Limiting the Number of Errors Reported (-wn)
  Linking Overview
      Compilation and Linking Overview
  lint Comments
      Suppressing Warning Messages with lint Comments
      Alternate Tools and Locations
  Loop Body
      Statements in the Loop Body
  Loop Constructs
      Loop Constructs
  Loop Exit Conditions
      Loop Exit Conditions
  Loop Interchange
      Loop Interchange and Subscripts: Matrix Multiply
  Loop Structure Coding Background
      Loop Structure Coding Background
  Loop Transformations
      Loop Transformations
  Loop Unrolling
      Loop Unrolling with -unroll
  Loops Vectorized
      Types of Loops Vectorized
  Loops Vectorized:  Types
      Types of Loops Vectorized
      Defining Macros (-A, -A-, -D, and -U)
  Macros:  Defining
      Defining Macros (-A, -A-, -D, and -U)
      Maintaining Floating-point Arithmetic Precision, -mp
  Maintaining:  Floating-point Arithmetic Precision
      Maintaining Floating-point Arithmetic Precision, -mp
      Managing Libraries
  Managing:  Libraries
      Managing Libraries
  Matrix Multiply
      Loop Interchange and Subscripts: Matrix Multiply
      Monitoring Compiler-generated Code
  Monitoring:  Compiler-generated Code
      Monitoring Compiler-generated Code
  Multifile IPO
      Analyzing the Effects of Multifile IPO (-ipo_c, -ipo_S)
  Multifile IPO Executable
      Creating a Multifile IPO Executable
  Multifile IPO Executable Using
      Creating a Multifile IPO Executable Using a Project Makefile
  Multifile IPO Executable Using:  Creating
      Creating a Multifile IPO Executable Using a Project Makefile
  Multifile IPO Executable Using:  Creating
      Creating a Multifile IPO Executable
  Multifile IPO Overview
      Multifile IPO Overview
  Notational Conventions
      Notational Conventions
      Limiting the Number of Errors Reported (-wn)
  Number:  Limiting
      Limiting the Number of Errors Reported (-wn)
      Preprocessing Only (-E, -EP, and -P)
  Only:  Preprocessing
      Preprocessing Only (-E, -EP, and -P)
      Intel Extensions to OpenMP*
      OpenMP* Runtime Library Routines
      OpenMP* Standard Option
      Parallelization With OpenMP* (-openmp)
  OpenMP*:  Intel Extensions
      Intel Extensions to OpenMP*
      Restricting Optimization
  Optimization-level Options
      Optimization-level Options
  Optimization Choices
      Optimization Choices
  Optimization Choices:  Restricting
      Restricting Optimization
      Debugging Options
      Preprocessing Options
  Options Summary
      Debugging Options Summary
  Options Summary:  Debugging
      Debugging Options Summary
  Options Summary:  Debugging
      Debugging Options
  Options Summary:  Preprocessing
      Preprocessing Options
  Output Summary
      Compiler Input and Output Summary
      Overview of Compiler Vectorization Support and Guidelines
      Preprocessing Overview
  Overview:  Compiler Vectorization Support
      Overview of Compiler Vectorization Support and Guidelines
  Overview:  Preprocessing
      Preprocessing Overview
  Parallelization With OpenMP*
      Parallelization With OpenMP* (-openmp)
      Parsing for Syntax Only
  Parsing:  Syntax Only
      Parsing for Syntax Only
      Specifying Alternate Tools and Paths
      Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO): Three Phases
  PGO Environment Variables
      PGO Environment Variables
      Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO): Three Phases
      Preparing for Debugging
  Preparing:  Debugging
      Preparing for Debugging
      Preprocessing Only (-E, -EP, and -P)
      Preprocessing Options
      Preprocessing Overview
  Preprocessing:  Only
      Preprocessing Only (-E, -EP, and -P)
  Preprocessing:  Options
      Preprocessing Options
  Preprocessing:  Overview
      Preprocessing Overview
      Targeting a Processor and Extensions Support Overview
      Targeting a Processor, -tppn
  Processor Dispatch Support
      Processor Dispatch Support (IA-32 only)
  Processor Target
      Combining Processor Target and Dispatch Options
  Processor Target:  Combining
      Combining Processor Target and Dispatch Options
  Processor Target:  Targeting
      Targeting a Processor and Extensions Support Overview
      Targeting a Processor, -tppn
  Product Web Site
      Product Web Site and Support
  Profile-Guided Optimization
      Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO): Three Phases
      Utilities for Profile-Guided Optimization
  Profile-Guided Optimization:  Utilities
      Utilities for Profile-Guided Optimization
  Profile-guided Optimizations Overview
      Profile-guided Optimizations Overview
  Profile Guided Optimizations
      Profile Guided Optimizations
  Project Makefile
      Creating a Multifile IPO Executable Using a Project Makefile
  Qoptions Specificers
      Using -Qoptions Specificers
  Real Object Files
      Compilation with Real Object Files
  Related Publications
      Related Publications
  Remark Messages
      Remark Messages
  Response Files
      Response Files
      Restricting Optimization
  Restricting:  Optimization
      Restricting Optimization
      Running the Compiler from the Command Line
  Running:  Compiler
      Running the Compiler from the Command Line
  Runtime Library Routines
      OpenMP* Runtime Library Routines
      Searching for Include Files
  Searching:  Include Files
      Searching for Include Files
      Setting Arguments and Variables
  Setting:  Arguments
      Setting Arguments and Variables
  Specialized Code
      Specialized Code with -ax{i |M|K|W}
      Specifying Alternate Tools and Paths
  Specifying:  Alternate Tools
      Specifying Alternate Tools and Paths
      Conformance to the C++ Standard
  Standard Option
      OpenMP* Standard Option
      Statements in the Loop Body
  Stripmining and Cleanup
      Stripmining and Cleanup
      Loop Interchange and Subscripts: Matrix Multiply
      Product Web Site and Support
      Support for Symbolic Debugging
  Support:  Symbolic Debugging
      Support for Symbolic Debugging
      Suppressing Warning Messages or Enabling Remarks (-w, -wn)
      Suppressing Warning Messages with lint Comments
  Suppressing:  Warning Messages
      Suppressing Warning Messages or Enabling Remarks (-w, -wn)
      Suppressing Warning Messages with lint Comments
  Symbolic Debugging
      Support for Symbolic Debugging
  Symbolic Debugging:  Support
      Support for Symbolic Debugging
  Syntax Only
      Parsing for Syntax Only
  Syntax Only:  Parsing
      Parsing for Syntax Only
  System Requirements
      System Requirements
      Targeting a Processor and Extensions Support Overview
      Targeting a Processor, -tppn
  Targeting:  Processor
      Targeting a Processor and Extensions Support Overview
      Targeting a Processor, -tppn
      Types of Loops Vectorized
  Types:  Loops Vectorized
      Types of Loops Vectorized
  Usage Notes
      Usage Notes and Caveats
  User Functions
      Controlling Inline Expansion of User Functions
      Using -ip witn -Qoption
      Using -Qoptions Specificers
  Using PGO
      Guidelines for Using PGO
  Using PGO:  Guidelines
      Guidelines for Using PGO
  Using Profile-Guided Optimization
      Using Profile-Guided Optimization: An Example
      Utilities for Profile-Guided Optimization
  Utilities:  Profile-guided Optimization
      Utilities for Profile-Guided Optimization
      Setting Arguments and Variables
  Vectorizable Data References
      Vectorizable Data References
  Vectorization Examples
      Some Vectorization Examples
  Vectorization Key Programming Guidelines
      Vectorization Key Programming Guidelines
  Vectorizer Quick Reference
      Vectorizer Quick Reference
  Warning Messages
      Suppressing Warning Messages or Enabling Remarks (-w, -wn)
      Suppressing Warning Messages with lint Comments
  Warning Messages:  Suppressing
      Suppressing Warning Messages or Enabling Remarks (-w, -wn)
      Suppressing Warning Messages with lint Comments