Interprocedural Optimizations




Enables interprocedural optimizations for single file compilation.


Disables inlining that would result from the -ip interprocedural optimization, but has no effect on other interprocedural optimizations.


Enables interprocedural optimizations across files.


Generates a multifile object file that can be used in further link steps.


Forces the compiler to create real object files when used with -ipo.


Generates a multifile assembly file named ipo_out.asm that can be used in further link steps.


Preserve the source position of inlined code instead of assigning the call-site source position to inlined code.


Disables inline expansion of standard library functions.


Compile all objects over entire program with multifile interprocedural optimizations. This option additionally makes the whole program assumption that all variables and functions seen in compiled sources are referenced only within those sources; the user must guarantee that this assumption is safe.