Targeting a Processor (IA-32 only)

The IntelŪ C++ Compiler lets you choose whether to optimize the performance of your application for specific processors or to ensure your application can execute on a range of processors.

Optimizing for a Specific Processor without Excluding Others

Use the -tpp{n} option to optimize your application's performance for specific processors. Regardless of which -tpp{n} suboption you choose, your application is optimized to use all the benefits of that processor with the resulting binary file still capable of running on any of the processors listed.

To optimize for... Use...
PentiumŪ and Pentium processor with MMX(TM) technology -tpp5
Pentium Pro, Pentium II and Pentium III -tpp6
Pentium 4 Processor -tpp7

For example, the following commands compile and optimize the source program prog.cpp for the Pentium Pro processor:

prompt> icc prog.cpp

prompt> icc -tpp6 prog.cpp