Assembly File Listing Example

This topic provides examples of IA-32 and Itanium(TM) architecture assembly file listings and explains how to read them.

IA-32 Assembly Listing Example

$B1$6:                          ; Preds $B1$9        mov       eax, edx                         ;6.26        shld      eax, esi, 11                     ;6.26        or        eax, -2147483648                 ;6.26        neg       ecx                              ;6.26        add       ecx, 1054                        ;6.26        shr       eax, cl                          ;6.26        test      edx, edx                         ;6.26        jge       $B1$5         ; Prob 50%         ;6.26                                ; LOE eax ebx ebp edi

The following list describes the annotations:

Itanium(TM) Architecture Assembly Listing Example

The following is an example of a portion of an assembly file listing for compilations targeted for Itanium(TM)-based systems:


The following list describes the annotations: