FLEXlm* Electronic Licensing

The Intel® C++ Compiler uses GlobeTrotter*'s FLEXlm* electronic licensing technology. If you are using a floating (concurrent) or node-locked-counted license model (license count > 0 in the license file)  then the license server must be setup correctly and started before the Intel C++ Compiler can be used. License server utilities/files are located in the /flexlm/ directory in your installation path. Included files are as follows:

lmgrd (the license server daemon)

lmutil (utility to determine machine information,  lmhostid)

enduser.pdf (FLEXlm End User Manual)

License Server Setup


The steps below assume the simple case where the license server exists on the same machine as the Intel C++ Compiler software.  For more complicated installations, please contact your system administrator.  If you are currently using GlobeTrotter*'s FLEXlm* electronic licensing technology to monitor licenses, please contact your system administrator to install the new license file in the proper location and to restart the license manager daemon.  For detailed instructions on setting up and starting the license server, please refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual located in the /flexlm/ directory of your installation path.

  1. Install the license manager daemon (lmgrd) and intelpto on the license server.

  2. Run lmgrd with this command: prompt>lmgrd -c license_file_path -l debug_log_path where license_file_path is the full path to the license file and debug_log_path is the full path to the debug log file.

  3. Setup the license server daemon to run at system startup.

If you have any problems running the compiler, please make sure the file l_cpp.lic is located in the /licenses directory in your installation path. There must be a local copy of the license file on every machine that uses the application. The default directory is /opt/intel/compiler50/licenses.