
getting help on compiler options
getting started
global variables
    using in mixed-language programming
    how to use

help on compiler options
hexadecimal conversions
Hollerith data representation

    logical unit
    preconnected files
    record I/O statement specifiers
i386 preprocessor symbol
ia64 preprocessor symbol
ias assembler
   Assemblers and Linker
   Compilation Phases
ias file
IBM keyword
icrt.internal.map file
icrt.link file
idb debugger
    See debugging
IEEE* S_floating format
IEEE* T_floating format
IEEE* X_floating format
ifc file
ifc.cfg file
ifcore_msg.cat file
ifort command
    examples of
    using multiple
ifort file
   Key IA-32 Compiler Files Summary
   Key ItaniumŪ-Based Compiler Files Summary
ifort.cfg file
   Configuration Files and Response Files
   Key IA-32 Compiler Files Summary
   Key ItaniumŪ-Based Compiler Files Summary
ifortbin file
   Key IA-32 Compiler Files Summary
   Key ItaniumŪ-Based Compiler Files Summary
IFORTCFG environment variable
   Compile-Time Environment Variables
   Configuration Files and Response Files
   Setting and Viewing Environment Variables
ifortvars.csh file
   Key IA-32 Compiler Files Summary
   Key ItaniumŪ-Based Compiler Files Summary
   Running the Shell Script to Set Up the Environment Variables
ifortvars.sh file
   Key IA-32 Compiler Files Summary
   Key ItaniumŪ-Based Compiler Files Summary
   Running the Shell Script to Set Up the Environment Variables
ifportlib.a library
implied OPEN
   Accessing and Assigning Files
   Default Pathnames and File Names
include files
    searching for
indirect command files
    See response files
information retrieval routines
input and output routines
input files
input record transfer
INQUIRE statement
   Obtaining File Information: INQUIRE Statement
   Types of I/O Statements
inquiry by file name
inquiry by output item list
inquiry by unit
    shared libraries
INTEGER compiler directive
integer data representation
integer pointer
   Displaying Variables in the Debugger
   Handling Integer Pointers
INTEGER(IKIND=8) data representation
INTEGER(KIND=1) data representation
INTEGER(KIND=2) data representation
INTEGER(KIND=4) data representation
INTERFACE statement
internal files
intrinsic data types
IOSTAT specifier
ISNAN intrinsic function

key files

language options
    See linker
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
   Compile-Time Environment Variables
   Creating Shared Libraries
   Math Libraries
legal information
libcprts.a file
libcprts.so file
libcprts.so.5 file
libcxa.a file
libcxa.so file
libcxa.so.5 file
libcxaguard.a file
libcxaguard.so file
libcxaguard.so.5 file
libguide.a file
libguide.so file
libguide_stats.a file
libguide_stats.so file
libifcore.a file
libifcore.so file
libifcore.so.5 file
libifcoremt.a file
libifcoremt.so file
libifcoremt.so.5 file
libifport.a file
libifport.a library
libifport.so file
libifport.so.5 file
libimf.a file
libimf.a library
libimf.so file
libirc.a file
libircmt.a file
libm.a library
libompstub.a file
    creating shared
libraries options
libsvml.a file
libunwind.a file
libunwind.so file
libunwind.so.5 file
    numeric conversion
linker library
    C/Fortran mixed-language programs
linux preprocessor symbol
list-directed I/O statement
little endian storage
    message catalog file
logical data representation
logical data types
logical I/O units

    See preprocessor symbol
make command
   Invoking the Intel Fortran Compiler
   Using Module (.mod) Files
map file
math libraries
message catalog file location
methods of specifying the data format
Microsoft* compatibility
Microsoft* Fortran PowerStation compatibility
miscellaneous options
mixed-language programming
    accessing data
    adjusting calling conventions overview
    adjusting naming conventions overview
    ATTRIBUTES properties
    C/C++ naming conventions
    calling conventions
    calling subprograms from the main program
    complex data types
    exchanging data
    handling data types in
    logical data types
    numeric data types
    passing arguments in
    procedure names
    reconciling case of names
    summary of issues
    using common external data
    using modules in
mixed-language programs
    compiling programs with
    using in mixed-language programming
module (.mod) files
    searching for
module variable
multi-byte characters
multiple files
    compiling and linking

name case
namelist I/O statement
naming convention
    adjusting in mixed-language programming
naming conventions
    C/Fortran mixed-language programs
NATIVE keyword
NLSPATH environment variable
NODECLARE compiler directive
NOFREEFORM compiler directive
nonadvancing I/O
nonadvancing record I/O
nonnative data
NOSTRICT compiler directive
notation conventions
numeric conversion
    limitations of
numeric data types
numeric formats
numeric values and conversion routines

obtaining file information
    See INQUIRE statement
octal conversions
OPEN statement
   Accessing and Assigning Files
   Types of I/O Statements
    and file sharing
    DEFAULTFILE specifier
    FILE specifier
    for preconnected files
    FORM specifier
       Forms of I/O Statements
       Record Length
    ORGANIZATION specifier
    POSITION specifier
    RECL specifier
       Record Length
       Record Overhead
    STATUS specifier
    supplying a file name
    USEROPEN specifier
OPEN statement CONVERT method
opening files
opt/intel_fc_80/bin directory
opt/intel_fc_80/bin/ifortvars.csh file
opt/intel_fc_80/bin/ifortvars.sh file
optimization options
OPTIONS statement
OPTIONS statement method
    in OPEN statement
output file
output files options
output item list
    inquiry by
output record transfer
    default run-time library exception handler
overriding options
    building applications
    compiler options
    converting unformatted data
    data representation
    error handling
    files and file characteristics
    Fortran I/O
    getting started
    handling data types in mixed-language programming
    integer data representations
    methods of specifying the data format
    mixed-language programming
        adjusting calling conventions
        adjusting naming conventions
    native IEEE* floating-point representation
    of Fortran/C mixed-language programs
    portability library
    record operations
    using libraries
