Run-Time Options

The run-time options let you specify error checking to be performed at run time, not compile time.

Descriptions of Run-Time Options

-[no]check [all] or -[no]check [none]

Default: Custom (options are specified individually).

Alternate syntax: -C is equivalent to -check all

Specifies all or no checking for run-time failures. Individual run-time check options shown below are not available if -check all or -check none is specified.
is equivalent to -check none.

-check is equivalent to -check all.

-check [no]arg_temp_created

Default: Custom (options are specified individually).

Default: -check noarg_temp_created

Requests a run-time informational message if actual arguments are copied into temporary storage before routine calls.

-check [no]bounds

Default: -check nobounds

Alternate syntax: -CB

Generates code to perform run-time checks on array subscript and character substring expressions.


The default (-check nobounds) suppresses range checking.

For array bounds, each individual dimension is checked. Array bounds checking is not performed for arrays that are dummy arguments in which the last dimension bound is specified as * or when both upper and lower dimensions are 1.

Once the program is debugged, omit this option to reduce executable program size and slightly improve run-time performance.

-check [no]format

Default: -check noformat, unless -vms is specified, in which case -check format is the default.

Requests a run-time error message when the data type for an item being formatted for output does not match the FORMAT descriptor.

-check [no]output_conversion

Default: -check nooutput_conversion, unless -vms is specified, in which case -check output_conversion is the default

Requests a run-time error message when format truncation occurs (that is, when a number is too large to fit in the specified format field length without loss of significant digits).


Default: -notraceback

Requests that the compiler generate extra information in the object file that allows the display of source file traceback information at run time when a severe error occurs.

Specifying -traceback provides source file, routine name, and line number correlation information in the displayed call stack hexadecimal addresses (program counter trace) that is displayed when a severe error occurs. If -traceback is not specified, this information is not displayed. However, advanced users can locate the cause of the error using a map file and the hexadecimal addresses of the stack displayed when a severe error occurs.

Specifying -traceback  will increase the size of the executable program, but has no impact on run-time execution speeds.

The -traceback option functions independently of the -debug option.