Programming with Mixed Languages Overview

Mixed-language programming is the process of building programs in which the source code is written in two or more languages. It allows you to:

Mixed-language programming is possible between Intel® Fortran and Intel® C++.

To properly create mixed-language programs, rules must be established for naming variables and procedures, for stack use, and for argument passing among routines written in different languages. These rules, as a whole, are the calling convention.

A calling convention includes:

This section provides information on the calling conventions available when writing routines written in Fortran, C, C++, and assembly language. See these topics:

Calling Subprograms from the Main Program

Summary of Mixed-Language Issues

Adjusting Calling Conventions in Mixed-Language Programming Overview

Adjusting Naming Conventions in Mixed-Language Programming Overview

Protoyping a Procedure in Fortran

Exchanging and Accessing Data in Mixed-Language Programming Overview

Handling Data Types in Mixed-Language Programming Overview

Intel Fortran/C Mixed-Language Programs Overview