Note: There will be a significant programming component to this course: the instructor's current language of choice is Fortran 77, (hereafter f77), and, at least in the Homework assignments, students will be required to program in f77. Those students who do not know f77 will be responsible for picking it up on their own, with help from the instructor where and when necessary. Students will also be responsible for developing facility with the basic components of the Unix programming environment required for computational work: this includes familiarity with a suitable text editor, preferably vi or emacs, and proficiency with a Web browser such as netscape. Finally, students will be responsible for learning sufficient LaTeX or TeX to prepare their term papers. See the Course Resources and Suggested References pages, for on-line and hardcopy sources, respectively, on these and other topics.
Text: Due to the significant diversity in topics to be covered, there is no required text for the course. The optional text, Numerical Recipes (2nd edition), by Press et al is particularly recommended for those of you who anticipate doing further numerical work. Note, however, that the full text of the book is available on-line. Also note that there are distinct Fortran 77 and C versions of the book: choose the one which you feel will suit you best. See the Suggested References web page for texts and other references pertinent to the course, and the Course Resources web page for a collection of on-line reference/instructional material.
Homework: See the syllabus below for scheduled homework due dates. Homework will be assigned at least a week before it is due: late homework may be accepted at the instructor's discretion. As the course progresses, the Homework Schedule web page will contain information concerning current and past assignments. The weight of each individual homework towards your final mark will be based on the complexity and difficulty of the assignment.
Term Projects and Presentation: Either individually or in consultation with the instructor, each student must choose a topic for a term paper in some area of computational physics. All topics must be approved by the instructor: a one page outline of the project is due March 6th. Please secure the approval of the instructor regarding the topic before submitting the outline. Even if the bulk of the project involves programming, the term paper per se must be prepared in the style of a technical paper or a scientific essay. Term papers must be prepared using LaTeX (or TeX) mathematical typesetting software. Suggested paper length is 20-30 pages, including figures, graphs and source code listings. During the last two weeks of class, all students will be required to make a short in-class presentation on their project. The length of the presentation will depend to some extent on the enrollment, but will probably not exceed 15 minutes. Note that, in some cases, term projects may still be in progress at the time of presentation, but that this is to be avoided if at all possible. Speaking order will be determined via random selection by the third week of class. The presentation is intended to give you speaking experience as well as to educate the rest of the class and the instructor---it will not count significantly in the assessment of a grade for the project. All write-ups are due May 1, 1997 and this deadline is to be considered VERY FIRM.
Due | Tuesday | Thursday |
January 14 Class Cancelled |
January 16 Unix |
January 21 Unix |
January 23 Unix/Fortran |
H1 | January 28 Fortran |
January 30 Maple |
February 4 Maple |
February 6 Maple |
February 11 Maple/ODEs |
February 13 ODEs |
H2 | February 18 ODEs |
February 20 ODEs |
February 25 ODEs |
February 27 Linear Systems |
Project Outlines | March 4 Linear Systems |
March 6 FD Methods |
March 11 Spring Break |
March 13 Spring Break |
H3 | March 18 FD Methods for Elliptic PDEs |
March 20 FD Methods for Elliptic PDEs |
March 25 FD Methods for Elliptic PDEs |
March 27 FD Methods for Elliptic PDEs |
April 1 FD Methods for Elliptic PDEs |
April 3 FD Methods for Elliptic PDEs |
April 8 FD Methods for Time-Dep. PDEs |
April 10 FD Methods for Time Dep. PDEs |
April 15 FD Methods for Time-Dep. PDEs |
April 17 FD Methods for Time-Dep. PDEs |
H4 | April 22 Miscellaneous/Presentations |
April 24 Miscellaneous/Presentations |
April 29 Presentations |
May 1 Presentations/Class Evaluation |