Physics 210: Intro Computational Physics: Course Notes & Resources

This document will be updated throughout the course.

Also note that I will sometimes lecture using the blackboard, and then you will be expected to take your own notes. (i.e. not all notes for the course will be posted electronically.)

  • Course Web Pages Hard Copy  [PDF] &  Intitial Survey  [PDF] (Sep 5)
  • Unix / Linux [PDF] (Sep 5 - Sep 17)
  • Overview of Programming [PDF] (Sep 19)
  • Maple (Sep 19 - Oct 3)
    • Maple User Manual [PDF]
    • Maple Programming Guide [PDF]
    • Maple 9 Learning Guide [PDF]
    • Maple 7 Programming Guide [PDF] (Chapters 1, 2 especially useful for novices)
    • Worksheet [PS] showing calculations from Chapter 2 of Maple 9 Learning Guide (ver. 2, Sep 24)
    • Worksheet [PDF] illustrating usage of some particularly useful Maple commands: basic calculus, linear algebra.
  • Term Project Information
    • Animations from representative term projects (and related simulations)
      • Gravitational N-body dynamics (planar)
        • N = 6 (random initial conditions) [MPEG]
        • N = 3 ("Earth-Moon-Satellite") [MPEG]
      • Toomre model model of galaxy collisions
        • From Michelle Kunimoto's 2012 project [MPEG]
      • N identical charges on a sphere (evolution to equilibrium configuration) 
      • Game of Life (not available as term project!) [MPEG].  Coding for CA Forest fire simulation is very similar.
      • 1-dimensional time dependent Schrodinger equation (particle in a box, illustrating tunneling)
        • Free particle (no potential) [MPEG]
        • Free particle, moderate & large potential barrier (superimposed evolution) [MPEG]
      • KdV equation
        • Single solition [MPEG]
        • Three solitons [MPEG]
    • Instructor's sample term project proposal [PDF]
  • MATLAB / octave (Oct 8 - )
    • Overview of Matlab Programming [PDF]
  • Finite Difference Approximation (Oct 8 - )
    • Overview of Finite Difference Approximation [PDF]
    • Nonlinear pendulum [PDF]
    • N-body problems [PDF]

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