Intel® Fortran Compiler for Linux* Systems User's Guide, Volume I: Building Applications
    Disclaimer and Legal Information
    About the Intel Fortran Compiler
    How to Use This Document
    Getting Started
    Building Applications
    Compiler Options
    Debugging Using idb
    Data and I/O
    Programming with Mixed Languages
       Programming with Mixed Languages Overview
       Calling Subprograms from the Main Program
       Summary of Mixed-Language Issues
       Adjusting Calling Conventions in Mixed-Language Programming
       Adjusting Naming Conventions in Mixed-Language Programming
       Protoyping a Procedure in Fortran
       Exchanging and Accessing Data in Mixed-Language Programming
       Handling Data Types in Mixed-Language Programming
          Handling Data Types in Mixed-Language Programming Overview
          Handling Numeric, Complex, and Logical Data Types
          Handling Fortran Array Pointers and Allocatable Arrays
          Handling Integer Pointers
          Handling Arrays and Fortran Array Descriptors
          Handling Character Strings
          Handling User-Defined Types
       Intel Fortran/C Mixed-Language Programs
    Error Handling
    Using Libraries
    Reference Information