Appendix B - The Skm Language

Appendix B - The Skm Language

This appendix describes the syntax and use of the Skm language to create scripts for the IRIS Explorer command interface.

Skm Syntax

The Skm scripting language uses prefix notation. All expressions are enclosed in parentheses and all commands precede arguments and operands. If you want to say do something, the Skm expression is:

skm>(do something)

To add two numbers, the addition operator precedes the arguments:

skm>(+ 1 2)

To launch a module:

skm>(start "ReadImg")
#<Explorer Module Ref: ReadImg>

White space separates operands and operators. White space is generally just the space character but may also be the tab or newline character. Non-numeric constants should be surrounded by double quotes. Numeric constants do not require quotes (footnote).

Assignment is performed with the define command. To define a variable called var and assign it the value 3, write:

skm> (define var 3)

To change its value, write:

skm> (define var 4)

To display the value of a variable, type the name of the variable at the prompt (without parentheses).

skm> var

The Skm Data Types

The basic Skm data types include:

There is no distinction between real and integer numbers in Skm -all numbers have floating point precision. Symbols are identifiers that are preceded by a single quote. For example, var is set to the symbol foo as follows:

(define var 'foo)

Strings are character sequences surrounded by double quotes. String operators are discussed in a later section. Lists are sequences of identifiers surrounded by parentheses. Procedures are discussed in a subsequent section.

Any variable in Skm can be used to contain any data type. Thus, you can store both a number and a string into the same variable.

skm> (define var 23)
skm> (define var "hello there")
"hello there"

The Comment Character

The semicolon is the comment character in Skm. It comments out the remainder of the line on which it is located. As seen above, the define operator returns a value that is printed after the Skm statement is evaluated. In the discussion that follows, the printing of a return value (when present) is sometimes omitted for the sake of simplifying the presentation.

IRIS Explorer Operators

This section introduces the Skm commands used to perform functions in IRIS Explorer. Those commands that accept one or more module names as arguments can handle zero or more module names listed in sequence, or a Scheme list of module names. The semantics of the commands when given no arguments depends on the particular command, but in general it means to apply the command to all selected modules. Table B-1 lists the available commands.

Command Purpose
all-mods List all modules
all-groups List all groups
break-loop Break a loop by halting a named module
connect Establish a connection between two modules
connection? Test a variable for connection information
connection-list List all of a named module's connections
copy Copy selected or named modules and groups
cut Cut selected or named modules and groups
destroy Destroy selected or named modules and groups
disable Disable named modules and groups
disconnect Remove a connection between two modules
dup Duplicate named modules and groups
enable Enable named modules and groups
exec-hilite-off Turn off execution highlighting
exec-hilite-on Turn on execution highlighting
fire Fire named modules or groups
get-module-x-y Get the position of a module in the Map Editor
get-param Get the value of a module's parameter
get-param-minmax Get the minimum and maximum values of a module's parameter
get-pfunc Get the value of a module's P-Func
help Provide information about command syntax
help-mod Show a module's help page
hide-widget Hide a module's widget
interrupt Interrupt a running module
load Load a scheme script file
log Show module's log window
loop-ctlr? Test for the active loop controller module
loop-ctlr-capable? Test for a loop controller-capable module
loop-ctlr-off Turn loop controller module off
loop-ctlr-on Turn loop controller module on
main-log-off Toggle the Log window off
main-log-on Toggle the Log window on
maxi-at Create a maximized module control panel
maxi Maximize the control panel(s) of selected or named modules and groups
micro Micro-ize the control panel(s) of selected or named modules
mini Minimize the control panel(s) of selected or named modules
mods-to-list Generates a list containing all modules currently in the Map Editor
module? Test a variable for module start information
module-to-filename Print the file path of a module's resource file (.mres file)
module-to-host Print the name of the host a module is running on
number-to-string Convert a number to a fixed format string
param-list Print a list of a module's parameter value(s)
paste Paste the contents of the editing buffer
pause Cause the script execution to pause
perf-report-off Switch off performance reporting for selected or named modules
perf-report-on Switch on performance reporting for selected or named modules
pfunc-list Print a list of a module's P-Func value(s)
quit-explorer Exit IRIS Explorer
save Save selected or named modules to a named map file
select Select named modules
selected-mods List the selected modules
set-param Set a parameter value in a module
set-param-minmax Set min and max values for a range parameter
set-pfunc Set a module's P-Func value
show-widget Expose a module's hidden widget (see hide-widget)
start Start a module
start-map Start a map
string-to-number Convert a character string to a number
unmaxi Remove selected or named module's maximized control panel
unmicro Unmicro-ize the control panel of a module
unselect Unselect selected or named modules and groups
unselected-mods List the modules that are currently not selected
Table B-1 Skm Commands

Command Syntax

Table B-2 summarizes the command syntax. Square brackets enclose optional arguments.

This information is available from within Skm by typing (help). You can also type (help "command") and you will get the help for the specified command, e.g. (help "start").

(break-loop modulename)
(connect modulename portname modulename portname)
(connection? variable)
(connection-list modulename)
(copy [modulename ...])
(cut [modulename ...])
(destroy [modulename ...])
(disable modulename...)
(disconnect modulename portname modulename portname)
(dup modulename ...)
(enable modulename...)
(fire modulename ...)
(get-module-x-y modulename)
(get-param modulename portname)
(get-param-minmax modulename portname)
(get-pfunc modulename portname)
(help [command])
(help-mod modulename ...)
(hide-widget modulename widgetname)
(interrupt modulename...)
(load filename)
(log modulename...)
(loop-ctlr? variable)
(loop-ctlr-capable? variable)
(loop-ctlr-off modulename...)
(loop-ctlr-on modulename...)
(maxi-at modulename [ [ `at X Y] [ `size W H] ] )
(maxi [modulename ...])
(micro modulename...)
(mini [modulename...])
(module? variable)
(module-to-filename modulename)
(module-to-host modulename)
(number-to-string number)
(param-list modulename)
(pause seconds)
(perf-report-off [modulename ...])
(perf-report-on [modulename ...])
(pfunc-list modulename)
(save filename [modulename ...])
(select modulename ...)
(set-param modulename portname value)
(set-param-minmax modulename portname minval maxval)
(set-pfunc modulename portname value)
(show-widget modulename widgetname)
(start modulename [ `at X Y] )
(start-map map-name [ `at X Y] )
(string-to-number string)
(unmaxi [modulename...])
(unmicro [modulename])
(unselect [modulename ...])
Table B-2 Skm Command Syntax

Some commands have an alternate syntax. Any command that takes a double quoted string specifying a module name can also take a variable of type <Explorer Module>. Such variables are returned by the start command when it executes successfully. Similarly, a shortcut way of specifying a connection is to use a variable of type <Explorer Connection>. These variables are returned by the connect command. Use of these special variables is explained in greater detail later.

IRIS Explorer-related Command Descriptions

This section discusses the most commonly used IRIS Explorer-related Skm commands, along with those whose operation is not obvious.


The start command is used to start modules. Here are a few examples:

(start "ReadImg")
(start "SharpenImg" "at" 200 300)
(start "GenLat" 'at 100 50)

The start command returns a value of type <ExplorerModule> which contains the name of the started module; therefore, you can assign the return value in the following manner:

(define mod (start "ReadImg"))

The variable mod can now stand in for the string ReadImg whenever needed.


Modules can be destroyed using the destroy command. So to destroy the module ReadImg, you can type:

(destroy "ReadImg")

or if the value returned by start was saved in a variable named mod, you can use:

(destroy mod)

Note that assigning the value returned by start is more than a convenience; it is required under some circumstances. In the example above, you requested that the module ReadImg be launched. It is possible, though, that a ReadImg module already exists. If so, then the module started as a result of this code will be named ReadImg<2>, not ReadImg. Subsequent connect commands that explicitly refer to the string ReadImg will reference the pre-existing ReadImg module and will fail to have the desired effect.

The solution is to avoid referring to modules by the name used in the start command. Instead, assign the value returned by start to a variable and use the variable for subsequent references.


Maps are started using the start-map command:

(start-map "")


The connect command takes an output module and port and an input module and port:

(connect "ReadImage" "Output" "SharpenImg" "Img In")

As with start, a value is returned by connect that may be saved in a variable:

(define c1 (connect "ReadImg" "Output" "SharpenImg" "Img In"))

You can delete the connection with:

(disconnect "ReadImg" "Output" "SharpenImg" "Img In")


(disconnect c1)

Variables containing module and connection information persist even after the IRIS Explorer objects to which they refer are gone. Thus, you can reconnect the modules just disconnected with:

(connect c1)

Testing Variable Types

Skm provides the predicates module? and connection? to test the type of a variable.

(module? c1)
(connection? c1)

A predicate returns either () (false) or t (true). The following:

(module? m1)

means that the variable m1 contains information about a module started some time in the past. The true return value does not necessarily mean the module still exists.

Skm Language Features

The sections that follow describe the programming language features of Skm.

Comparison Operators

Skm provides two basic comparison operators: eq? and eqv?. The first, eq?, determines if two symbols evaluate the same. The latter, eqv?, is more general. It determines the equality of both symbols and numbers.


Below are examples using eq? to test the equality of symbols.

(eq? 'test 'test)
(eq? 'test 'hat)

But, you can't use eq? for numbers:

(eq? 3 3)


Here, eqv? is shown for numbers and symbols:

(eqv? 3 3)
(eqv? 3 4)
(eqv? 'test 'test)
(define hat 3)
(eqv? hat 3)

Numbers can also be compared with the following operators:

=, !=, <, <=, >, >=

You can use these operators only to compare numbers.

Conditional Operators

A conditional test can be performed using the if operator, which takes the form:

(if test-expr then-expr else-expr)

For example:

(if (eq? expr-1 expr-2)

(define one 1)
(define two 2)
(if (< one two)
    (start "GenLat")
    (start "ReadLat")
#<Explorer Module Ref: GenLat>

If more than one statement belongs in either the then or the else portion of the if construct, use the begin operator. It is analogous to curly braces in C and to begin-end in Pascal-like languages.

(if (eq? expr-1 expr-2)

(define one 1)
(define two 2)
(if (> one two)
    (start "GenLat")
        (start "ReadLat")
        (start "ReadImg")
#<Explorer Module Ref: ReadLat>
#<Explorer Module Ref: ReadImg>

String Operators

Skm provides the set of string operators listed below:

Returns true if its argument is a string.
Returns length of string argument.
Returns a character at indicated position.
Sets a character at indicated position.
Compares two strings. Returns true if equal.
Returns substring of given string between start and stop index.


string? is a predicate that tests an argument to see if it is a string. It takes a single argument. string? returns t or (), depending on the type of its argument.

(string? "some-string")
(string? 23)


string-length returns the length of a string argument.

(string-length "some-string")


string-ref returns a specific character from a given string. The first argument is the string; the second is the index of the character to be extracted. Indexing is origin zero (that is, the index of the first character in the string is zero). The returned character is still a string and may be used in all string commands.

(string-ref "hello" 1)


string-set! sets a character in a string. The first argument is the target string; the second argument is the index into the target string; the third argument is the character that replaces the indexed character in the target string. The target string is changed as a side effect. string-set! returns t if it succeeded and () otherwise. The index is origin 0.

(string-set! "hello" 0 "J")
;; string is changed to "Jello"


The string=? function compares two strings for equality. If equal, t is returned.

(string=? "skm" "skm")
(string=? "skm" "scheme")


The substring function returns a substring of a string using the supplied begin and end indices.

(substring "abcde" 0 3)


The string-append function appends two strings.

(string-append "abc" "def")

Loading Script Files

To read in a script file from within script code, use the load command:

(load "myfile.skm")
(load "myfile.skm")

Procedures in Skm

Creating a procedure in Skm is done with the define and procedure constructs. The following defines a procedure that takes a single argument, declared formally as 'a', and adds one to it. The value returned by the procedure, if any, is the last value of the procedure.

(procedure (a)
    (+ a 1)

This procedure doesn't have a name yet (procedures can be anonymous in Skm). The following gives the procedure the name plus1.

(define plus1 
    (procedure (a)
        (+ a 1)

You would invoke this procedure with:

(plus1 3)

Here is the definition and use of a procedure called add-pair, which takes two numbers and adds them together:

(define add-pair
    (procedure (arg1 arg2)
        (+ arg1 arg2)

(add-pair 2 3)

Using a Skm Procedure

Connecting image processing modules in IRIS Explorer is a common occurrence. Image processing modules that operate on a single input typically have an input port named Img In and an output port named Img Out.

This procedure simplifies connecting such modules by supplying these port names automatically.

(define image-conn
 (procedure ( mod1 mod2 )
 (connect mod1 "Img Out" mod2 "Img In")))

You can use this procedure as follows:

(image-conn "SharpenImg" "DisplayImg")

Skm Output

Skm output is handled by the print command. It takes one or more arguments and generates output to the IRIS Explorer console (the shell from which IRIS Explorer was launched).

(define v1 "abc")
(define v2 123)
(define m1 (start "ReadImg"))
(print v1 v2)
(print "My module is " m1)
My module is #< IRIS Explorer Module Ref: ReadImg >


In Skm, the procedure for-loop is used to implement a style of iteration similar to that used by C. The format of the for-loop call is:

(for-loop start op stop step loop-body-proc)

Like the typical C for loop structure, the Skm for-loop takes a start count (start), a comparison operator (op), a stop count (stop), and an increment (step). Instead of having a loop body as does the C construct, for-loop takes as its final argument a loop-body construct (explained below) or a procedure of one input argument. The input argument to this loop-body procedure is the loop count.

To create a loop that prints all numbers between zero and nine (inclusive), you write:

(for-loop 0 < 10 1
      (print i)

The loop-body construct is used as the final argument to for-loop. The loop-body construct takes no arguments or a single input argument. In the latter case, the argument is a variable that is scoped locally to the loop body and that serves as the loop counter.

If the loop counter is not needed, loop-body is used as follows:

(for-loop 0 < 3 1 ;; do something 3 times

(for-loop 0 < 2 1
      (start "GenLat")

Since the built-in print procedure can be called with a single input argument, the procedure can be used directly as the last argument to for-loop (without having to use the loop-body construct). Here is an alternate implementation of the print example above:

(for-loop 0 < 10 1 print)

The next example presents a doubly nested loop. The outer loop variable is i and the inner loop variable is j.

(for-loop 0 < 4 1
      (print "outer loop i = " i)
      (for-loop 1 < 4 1
            (print "   inner loop j = " j)

outer loop i = 0
   inner loop j = 1
   inner loop j = 2
   inner loop j = 3
outer loop i = 1
   inner loop j = 1
   inner loop j = 2
   inner loop j = 3
outer loop i = 2
   inner loop j = 1
   inner loop j = 2
   inner loop j = 3
outer loop i = 3
   inner loop j = 1
   inner loop j = 2
   inner loop j = 3

Lexical Scoping of Variables

Variables created with define are globally scoped regardless of the context in which define occurs. Thus, the following uses of define both introduce variables into the global environment.

(define var1 1)
   (define var2 2)
(print var1 " " var2)
1 2

The (begin ... ) block in the second example does not behave as does the creation of a local variable in C where the variable goes out of scope at the end of the block:

int var2 = 2;

Arguments passed to a procedure in Skm are scoped locally to that procedure. Thus, in the following example define introduces neither a nor b into the global environment:

(define a 3)
(define b 4)
(print "before procedure " a " " b)
(define test
   (procedure ( a b )
      (define a 1)
      (define b 2)
      (print "inside procedure " a " " b)
(test a b)
(print "after procedure " a " " b)
gives the following result:
before procedure 3 4
inside procedure 1 2
after procedure 3 4

It seems at first that the example above contradicts the earlier statement that define always introduces variables into the global environment. However, define here is not being used to create a variable (the variables a and b are created at the entry to the procedure). Rather, define is being used to change the value of these variables. You can also use the assign operator set! here.

The let Construct

Skm provides a special construct called let, which sets up a locally scoped environment. The format of let is:

(let ((var1 init-val1)
      (var2 init-val2)
      (varN init-valN)

Any number of locally scoped variables can be created and initialized in the preamble of the let statement. The variables thus created and initialized are visible only within the code present in let, as seen in the following example:

(define a 3)
(define b 4)
(let ((a 1)
      (b 2)
     (print "inside let, a = " a " b = " b)
inside let, a = 1 b = 2
(print "outside let, a = " a " b = " b)
outside let, a = 3 b = 4

List Processing

A list can be created using list.

(list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
(a b c d)

As indicated above, when Skm prints out a list, it surrounds the list with parentheses.

A Skm command that returns a list is all-mods:

("SharpenImg" "ReadImg")

The first element of a list can be extracted using first. A list with the first element removed is obtained through the use of the rest command (footnote).

(first '(a b c d))
(rest '(a b c d))
(b c d)

The list (a b c d) is quoted so that it will not be evaluated by Skm before being passed to first and rest.

Module Interface to Scripting

Modules in C or C++ may issue scripting commands through this API routine:

int cxScriptCommand( char * string );
The equivalent for Fortran programmers is the function:
integer function cxScriptCommand(character *(*))

This call sends a string containing the Skm code to the Map Editor for evaluation. A valid example (in C or C++) is:

( "(start \"ReadImg\" 'at 100 100 )" );

Embedded double quotes must be escaped in accordance with C syntax for string constants. The input string must contain a valid and complete Skm expression. You may not start an expression in one call and finish it in a subsequent call, as, for instance, in this example:

cxScriptCommand ( "(start \"ReadImg\" " );
cxScriptCommand ( " 'at 100 100 ) ");

However, multiple independent or nested expressions can be sent in a single call:

char * string = "(define a 1) (define b 2)"
cxScriptCommand ( string );

Multiple calls can be made as long as each one contains independent expressions:

cxScriptCommand ( "(define a 1)" );
cxScriptCommand ( "(define b 2)" );

Calling cxScriptCommand results in a message transmission and several context switches. Where it is possible to bundle expressions in a single string, performance will be improved.

Some validity checking is done before the script is sent to IRIS Explorer. If cxScriptCommand() returns a -1, then the validity test failed and no script code was sent. Currently, the validity test will fail if the string contains no parentheses or an uneven set of left and right parentheses.

Normal interpreter output for commands issued by modules is suppressed. Only those error messages generated as a result of module script commands appear on IRIS Explorer's stderr. Thus, input that is valid when the user types it at the > prompt, is not valid when generated by a module; in particular, querying the value of a variable if the query is not in parentheses.

Given this definition:

(define var 100)

the following is valid when typed by a user, but is not accepted from a module, since the printing of evaluated expressions is suppressed for module input:


CxScriptCommand() performs asynchronously with respect to module execution, and IRIS Explorer does not acknowledge Skm code execution (footnote). Consequently, a module cannot know for sure whether the script code had the desired effect. For debugging purposes, however, certain types of errors are noted on IRIS Explorer's console output (stderr).

As with input typed in directly by the user, script commands perform synchronously with respect to one another when required. Thus in the following sequence, ReadImg and DisplayImg will exist when the connect command is issued, assuming no failure during launch.

char * string1 = "(define m1 (start 'ReadImg))"
char * string2 = "(define m2 (start 'DisplayImg))";
char * string3 = "(connect m1 'Output m2 \"Img In\")";

char * string [LONG_LEN];

strcpy ( string, string1 );
strcat ( string, string2 );
strcat ( string, string3 );

cxScriptCommand ( string );

Remember to not refer to modules by the name used in the start command (since the actual module launched may have an instance number appended to its name). Instead, use the name returned by the start command.

Global Namespace

There is a single global namespace in the script interpreter shared by the user typing at the IRIS Explorer user interface console and by all modules issuing scripting commands. The global namespace can be exploited by certain applications, but it also represents a hazard to the unwary.

For example, suppose you have written a module, MyMod, that under certain conditions will issue a scripting command to start another module. You have assigned the value returned by the start command to a variable, called mod, used for subsequent manipulations of the launched module.

A problem arises, though, if a user launches more than one instance of MyMod. All instances of MyMod will assign the result of the start command to the global interpreter variable mod1. The result is that mod1 will contain a reference to the last started module and earlier references will be overwritten.

The solution to this problem is to name variables distinctively so that other modules avoid touching them. A good way to get distinctive names is to prepend the module name to the variable. Module names are unique within IRIS Explorer, so the variable namespaces should not overlap.

In some cases, this does not matter. For instance, in an IRIS Explorer application in which there is only one module that issues scripting commands, the module can name variables without restriction. There can even be more than one module issuing script commands in an application, as long as the module writer has coordinated them with respect to interpreter variable naming.

To be perfectly safe, an application map must be run as an application and not as a simple map. When run as an application, the application controls which modules are started. When run as a map, the application is not in total control since the user has access to the Module Librarian and the Map Editor and can thus always launch unrelated maps and modules that may themselves issue script commands.

A Complex Example

This is an example of advanced Skm programming. Given the built-in function mods-to-list, we will construct a procedure that determines if a particular module exists. The procedure is named mod-exists? and is specified as follows:

(define mod-exists?
 (mod-in-list? mod (all-mods))))

mod-exists? is fairly simple. It passes its single argument mod and the output of all-mods to a helper procedure, mod-in-list, which is defined below. As mod-in-list? is the last statement in the procedure, its return value will be returned by mod-exists?.

Here is the definition of mod-in-list?:

(define mod-in-list?
 (procedure ( mod m-list )
    (if (null? mod) ()
    (if (null? m-list) ()
     (let ((m (first m-list)))
     (if (null? m) ()
       (if (string=? mod m) t
       (mod-in-list? mod (rest m-list)))))))))

mod-in-list? takes two arguments: a module name string and a list of module name strings. First, mod-in-list? validates its arguments by checking both the target module name and the list of modules to make sure they are not NULL. The procedure assigns the first element of the list to the temporary variable m using a let statement and compares it with the target module name. If equal, the procedure returns t (true).

If not equal, the procedure continues the search by recursively calling itself with the target string and the module list is reduced by having the first element removed.

Here is an improved version of mod-exists? that performs some error checking on its arguments.

(define mod-exists?
    (if (null? modname)
       ; then
       (print "mod-exists?: null arg")
       ; else
       (if (not (string? modname))
         ; then
         (print "mod-exists?: supplied with non-string arg")
      ; else
       (mod-in-list? modname (all-mods))))))

As defined, mod-exists? works only when given a module name as a string.

Known Bugs

Parentheses within double-quoted strings may confuse the Skm parser.

When setting the value of a parameter using set-param, you may need to know something about the type of widget associated with the parameter.


Skm is similar to the Scheme programming language. A good Scheme language text may be of some value to those seeking advanced understanding of Skm.

A thorough, well-written text is Scheme and the Art of Programming by Springer and Friedman. A quick and amusing introduction is The Little Lisper by Friedman and Felleisen.

Additional information may be found on the IRIS Explorer website (External).

Copyright Notice

Skm is based on the SIOD interpreter by George Carrette. Note that features of SIOD not explicitly documented herein are not supported. The following copyright notice accompanies SIOD as distributed on (External).


Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Paradigm Associates Inc. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.


Last modified: Jan 13 11:41 1999
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