subroutine srcom (rsav, isav, job) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this routine saves or restores (depending on job) the contents of c the common blocks ls0001 and eh0001, which are used internally c by one or more odepack solvers. c c rsav = real array of length 218 or more. c isav = integer array of length 41 or more. c job = flag indicating to save or restore the common blocks.. c job = 1 if common is to be saved (written to rsav/isav) c job = 2 if common is to be restored (read from rsav/isav) c a call with job = 2 presumes a prior call with job = 1. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer isav, job integer ieh, ils integer i, lenils, lenrls double precision rsav, rls dimension rsav(1), isav(1) common /ls0001/ rls(218), ils(39) common /eh0001/ ieh(2) data lenrls/218/, lenils/39/ c if (job .eq. 2) go to 100 c do 10 i = 1,lenrls 10 rsav(i) = rls(i) do 20 i = 1,lenils 20 isav(i) = ils(i) isav(lenils+1) = ieh(1) isav(lenils+2) = ieh(2) return c 100 continue do 110 i = 1,lenrls 110 rls(i) = rsav(i) do 120 i = 1,lenils 120 ils(i) = isav(i) ieh(1) = isav(lenils+1) ieh(2) = isav(lenils+2) return c----------------------- end of subroutine srcom ----------------------- end