Physics 306: Elementary Physics Methods

Schedule: Mon, Wed, Fri, 4:00 - 5:00 PM --- PAI 4.42 --- Unique # 53240

Instructor: M.W. Choptuik --- Office: RLM 9.208A --- Office Hours: Tue, Thu 10:00-11:30
Phone: 471-1541 --- E-mail:
WWW Home Page:

Grader: Somdatta Bhattacharya --- Office: TBA --- Office Hours: TBA

Tutorial Sessions: From mid-October (October 17) to the end of classes, there will be tutorial sessions held as follows: These tutorials will be problem-solving, practice sessions. You will solve problems at the board with, when necessary, the assistance of the instructor. Bring all old homework and tests to these sessions.


   Monday               Wednesday              Friday         Homework Due    FTD

                     30 Aug: Chap 1          1 Sep: Chap 1
                         Introduction           Introduction
 4 Sep:               6 Sep: Chap 2          8 Sep: Chap 2     --- H1            601
    LABOR DAY            One-Dim Motion         One-Dim Motion
11 Sep: Chap 2       13 Sep: Chap 3         15 Sep: Chap 3     --- H2            602
    One-Dim Motion       Vectors                Vectors
18 Sep: Chap 3       20 Sep: Chap 3         22 Sep: Chap 4     --- H3            603
    Vectors              Two-Dim Motion         Laws of Motion
25 Sep: Chap 4       27 Sep: Chap 4         29 Sep: Chap 5     --- H4            604
    Laws of Motion       Laws of Motion         Work/Energy  
 2 Oct: HOUR TEST 1   4 Oct: Chap 5          6 Oct: Chap 5     --- H5            605
    Chaps 1,2,3,4        Work/Energy            Work/Energy
 9 Oct: Chap 6       11 Oct: Chap 6         13 Oct: Chap 6     --- H6            606
    Momentum             Collisions             Collisions
16 Oct: Chap 7       18 Oct: Chap 7         20 Oct: Chap 7                          
    Circular Motion      Circular Motion        Circular Motion
23 Oct: Chap 7       25 Oct: Chap 8         27 Oct: Chap 8     --- H7 (Mon 4am)  607
    Circular Motion      Rotations              Rotations
30 Oct: Chap 8        1 Nov: HOUR TEST 2     3 Nov: Chap 9
    Rotations            Chaps 5,6,7,8         Solids/Fluids
 6 Nov: Chap 9        8 Nov: Chap 9         10 Nov: Chap 10    --- H8 (Mon 4am)  609
    Solids/Fluids        Solids/Fluids          Thermal Physics
13 Nov: Chap 10      15 Nov: Chap 10        17 Nov: Chap 13    --- H9 (Mon 4am)  610
    Thermal Physics      Thermal Physics        Vibrations/Waves
20 Nov: Chap 13      22 Nov: Chap 13        24 Nov:            --- H10 (Mon 4am) 610
    Vibrations/Waves     Vibrations/Waves       THANKSGIVING    
27 Nov: Chap 15      29 Nov: Chap 15         1 Dec: HOUR TEST 3 -- H11 (Mon 4am) 611
    Electric Fields      Electric Fields        Chaps 9,10,13,15
 4 Dec: Chap 15       6 Dec: Review          8 Dec: Review     
    Electric Fields                             Class Evaluation
      15 DEC:  COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM  7:00-10:00 PM (Chaps 1-10, 13, 15)