subroutine rchek (job, g, neq, y, yh, nyh, g0, g1, gx, jroot, irt) clll. optimize external g integer job, neq, nyh, jroot, irt double precision y, yh, g0, g1, gx dimension neq(1), y(1), yh(nyh,1), g0(1), g1(1), gx(1), jroot(1) integer iownd, iowns, 1 icf, ierpj, iersl, jcur, jstart, kflag, l, meth, miter, 2 maxord, maxcor, msbp, mxncf, n, nq, nst, nfe, nje, nqu integer iownd3, iownr3, irfnd, itaskc, ngc, nge integer i, iflag, jflag double precision rowns, 1 ccmax, el0, h, hmin, hmxi, hu, rc, tn, uround double precision rownr3, t0, tlast, toutc double precision hming, t1, temp1, temp2, x logical zroot common /ls0001/ rowns(209), 2 ccmax, el0, h, hmin, hmxi, hu, rc, tn, uround, 3 iownd(14), iowns(6), 4 icf, ierpj, iersl, jcur, jstart, kflag, l, meth, miter, 5 maxord, maxcor, msbp, mxncf, n, nq, nst, nfe, nje, nqu common /lsr001/ rownr3(2), t0, tlast, toutc, 1 iownd3(3), iownr3(2), irfnd, itaskc, ngc, nge c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this routine checks for the presence of a root in the c vicinity of the current t, in a manner depending on the c input flag job. it calls subroutine roots to locate the root c as precisely as possible. c c in addition to variables described previously, rchek c uses the following for communication.. c job = integer flag indicating type of call.. c job = 1 means the problem is being initialized, and rchek c is to look for a root at or very near the initial t. c job = 2 means a continuation call to the solver was just c made, and rchek is to check for a root in the c relevant part of the step last taken. c job = 3 means a successful step was just taken, and rchek c is to look for a root in the interval of the step. c g0 = array of length ng, containing the value of g at t = t0. c g0 is input for job .ge. 2 and on output in all cases. c g1,gx = arrays of length ng for work space. c irt = completion flag.. c irt = 0 means no root was found. c irt = -1 means job = 1 and a root was found too near to t. c irt = 1 means a legitimate root was found (job = 2 or 3). c on return, t0 is the root location, and y is the c corresponding solution vector. c t0 = value of t at one endpoint of interval of interest. only c roots beyond t0 in the direction of integration are sought. c t0 is input if job .ge. 2, and output in all cases. c t0 is updated by rchek, whether a root is found or not. c tlast = last value of t returned by the solver (input only). c toutc = copy of tout (input only). c irfnd = input flag showing whether the last step taken had a root. c irfnd = 1 if it did, = 0 if not. c itaskc = copy of itask (input only). c ngc = copy of ng (input only). c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c irt = 0 do 10 i = 1,ngc 10 jroot(i) = 0 hming = (dabs(tn) + dabs(h))*uround*100.0d0 c go to (100, 200, 300), job c c evaluate g at initial t, and check for zero values. ------------------ 100 continue t0 = tn call g (neq, t0, y, ngc, g0) nge = 1 zroot = .false. do 110 i = 1,ngc 110 if (dabs(g0(i)) .le. 0.0d0) zroot = .true. if (.not. zroot) go to 190 c g has a zero at t. look at g at t + (small increment). -------------- temp1 = dsign(hming,h) t0 = t0 + temp1 temp2 = temp1/h do 120 i = 1,n 120 y(i) = y(i) + temp2*yh(i,2) call g (neq, t0, y, ngc, g0) nge = nge + 1 zroot = .false. do 130 i = 1,ngc 130 if (dabs(g0(i)) .le. 0.0d0) zroot = .true. if (.not. zroot) go to 190 c g has a zero at t and also close to t. take error return. ----------- irt = -1 return c 190 continue return c c 200 continue if (irfnd .eq. 0) go to 260 c if a root was found on the previous step, evaluate g0 = g(t0). ------- call intdy (t0, 0, yh, nyh, y, iflag) call g (neq, t0, y, ngc, g0) nge = nge + 1 zroot = .false. do 210 i = 1,ngc 210 if (dabs(g0(i)) .le. 0.0d0) zroot = .true. if (.not. zroot) go to 260 c g has a zero at t0. look at g at t + (small increment). ------------- temp1 = dsign(hming,h) t0 = t0 + temp1 if ((t0 - tn)*h .lt. 0.0d0) go to 230 temp2 = temp1/h do 220 i = 1,n 220 y(i) = y(i) + temp2*yh(i,2) go to 240 230 call intdy (t0, 0, yh, nyh, y, iflag) 240 call g (neq, t0, y, ngc, g0) nge = nge + 1 zroot = .false. do 250 i = 1,ngc if (dabs(g0(i)) .gt. 0.0d0) go to 250 jroot(i) = 1 zroot = .true. 250 continue if (.not. zroot) go to 260 c g has a zero at t0 and also close to t0. return root. --------------- irt = 1 return c here, g0 does not have a root c g0 has no zero components. proceed to check relevant interval. ------ 260 if (tn .eq. tlast) go to 390 c 300 continue c set t1 to tn or toutc, whichever comes first, and get g at t1. ------- if (itaskc.eq.2 .or. itaskc.eq.3 .or. itaskc.eq.5) go to 310 if ((toutc - tn)*h .ge. 0.0d0) go to 310 t1 = toutc if ((t1 - t0)*h .le. 0.0d0) go to 390 call intdy (t1, 0, yh, nyh, y, iflag) go to 330 310 t1 = tn do 320 i = 1,n 320 y(i) = yh(i,1) 330 call g (neq, t1, y, ngc, g1) nge = nge + 1 c call roots to search for root in interval from t0 to t1. ------------- jflag = 0 350 continue call roots (ngc, hming, jflag, t0, t1, g0, g1, gx, x, jroot) if (jflag .gt. 1) go to 360 call intdy (x, 0, yh, nyh, y, iflag) call g (neq, x, y, ngc, gx) nge = nge + 1 go to 350 360 t0 = x call dcopy (ngc, gx, 1, g0, 1) if (jflag .eq. 4) go to 390 c found a root. interpolate to x and return. -------------------------- call intdy (x, 0, yh, nyh, y, iflag) irt = 1 return c 390 continue return c----------------------- end of subroutine rchek ----------------------- end