UBC Physics & Astronomy Graduate Open House

March 21-22, 2014

Information for participants

[Potential SupervisorsAccommodations | Links | Can't Make It Mar 21-22? | Details]

Your primary contact for this event is Matt Choptuik 

E-mail:    matt@phas.ubc.ca
Cell:        778-323-4887
Office:     604-822-2412

Primary event location: Room 318 of the Hennings building (main Physics & Astronomy building)


  1. Getting to the Hennings Building from the campus bus loops:  There is currently major construction in the vicinity of Hennings which makes getting to it from the bus loops a bit more tricky than usual.  Click HERE for a map that shows schematics of recommended routes.  Note that the route from the North Loop (where the 99 bus, for example, terminates), goes through the Student Union Building. Once inside Hennings, and assuming that you have entered from East Mall, take the stairs to the 3rd floor (the ground floor is the 1st), turn left, take a few steps, turn right, and 318 is at the far end of the (long) corridor.

  2. Be sure to save all boarding passes to submit with your reimbursement claim.

  3. Transport to and from the airport: The most straightforward option here is to use a cab, but particularly with the Canada Line Skytrain and dependent on where you want to go when you arrive, public transport (Translink) may also be a good option.  The Translink main site is HERE, and includes a trip planner. 

  4. On Friday we have scheduled time---11:45 AM-12:30 PM and 1:30 PM-5:00 PM---for you to meet prospective supervisors.  A current list of those researchers who will be available for visits can be found HERE.

    If you are interested in having us help you put together a schedule of visits, please contact Angela Liu, (aliu@phas.ubc.ca) and CC me.  Otherwise, you can proceed on a more informal basis, by dropping in on the various labs and offices during the times we have scheduled for that. Note, however, that some prospective supervisors would like you to e-mail them in advance, indicating that you would like to meet with them.

  5. Tour sign up: There will be guided tours of the BC Cancer Agency, AMPEL (Advanced Materials  and Process Engineering Laboratory) and TRIUMF (Canada's national lab for particle and nuclear physics).  Please register your interest in taking any/all of these using this Doodle poll.  You will still be able to take the tours if you don't sign up, but participation in the poll will be greatly appreciated so that we know what numbers to expect.  (Note that the poll is anonymous so that particpants' names are known only to the poll administrator.)

Preliminary Schedule of Activities

Friday, March 21

Hennings 318
Hennings 318
Welcome, Introductions and Research Presentations
Campus tour (meetings with profs, free time)
Hennings 318
Lunch with grad students
1330-1700 Various
Free time (meetings with profs, lab tours)
Hennings 318 (assembly at 1330)
BCCA tour (Maral Goshan)
Hennings 318 (assembly)
AMPEL Tour (Doug Bonn)
Hennings 318 (assembly)
Leave for dinner --- PLEASE be at Hennings 318 for a 5:00 PM sharp departure.
The Teahouse in Stanley Park
Bowling, Commodore Lanes
Night out with local grad students

Welcomes & Research Presentations: Friday March 21, 0830-1130

Coffee and light breakfast

Departmental & Grad Program Welcomes
Gary Hinshaw
Welcome by Graduate Students
Sandra Meyers & Carlos Uribe
Condensed Matter Theory
Philip Stamp
Applied Physics
Chris Waltham
Experimental Particle & Subatomic Physics
Janis McKenna
Coffee Break

Astronomy & Astrophysics
Mark Halpern
Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Kirk Madison
High Energy Theory, String Theory & Gravity
Joanna Karczmarek
Medical Physics Stefan Reinsberg
Condensed Matter Experiment
Doug Bonn
Condensed Matter Experiment
Jenny Hoffmann
Biophysics Steve Plotkin

Saturday March 22

Hennings 318 (assembly)
Assemble for TRIUMF tour. Enter Hennings through East Mall door; other building doors will be locked. Also note that there will be no coffee/breakfast service.
Hennings 318 (assembly)
Lunch at One More Sushi

End of organized activities



Can't Make It to the Open House?

If you are unable to make it to the open house we still encourage you to come check out the department, UBC and Vancouver. 

The same basic ground rules apply for individual visits as for open-house visits:
To arrange an individual visit, send a message to Matt with your preferred visit dates.  It is recommended that you plan for a full day at UBC. We would arrange for to speak with prospective supervisors during that day, take a campus tour with a graduate student, and, dependent on your interests and availability of guides, for a tour of TRIUMF and/or AMPEL. 

Also indicate whether you would like to be billeted with a grad, and, if possible, supply a list of professors with whom you would like to meet and/or the areas of research which are of particular interest to you.  You may also want to stay an additional day so that you have a chance to see some of Vancouver. If you wish to be billeted, we will make every attempt to make sure that the grad student can accommodate you for the duration of your stay (two or three nights total).


Should you have any questions that aren't answered here, send e-mail to Matt.

  1. Organized activities will commence at 8:30 AM March 21 in Hennings 318 and will conclude after lunch on March 22 (roughly 3:00 PM).   Ideally, you should plan your travel so that you can be on the UBC campus for this time period, and you may want to extend your stay, either prior to or following the open house, so that you can see more of Vancouver. 

  2. As stated in your offer letter we will reimburse up to $500 (Canadian) of the travel expenses related to your attendance at the event.  Reimbursement will be done after you return home from the open house, as described below.

  3. Given the limited amount of time until the open house, the most urgent matter for you to deal with is purchase of tickets for air travel to Vancouver International (YVR). We ask that you book and pay for the tickets yourself: again, we will reimburse you (up to a maximum of $500) after you return home.  Once you have booked your travel, please send the full details, including airline(s), flight numbers, and arrival and departure times to Matt Choptuik (matt@phas.ubc.ca)

  4. The second most urgent matter is arranging for accommodation. Should you wish, we willl arrange for you to stay with a local graduate student.  This will minimize overall travel costs as well as give you a chance to interact informally with someone who has first-hand knowledge of the UBC PHAS grad experience.  In the past, almost all of our open house attendees have asked to be billeted with a grad student, and we encourage you to do the same. If you want to be billeted, send e-mail to gsc@phas.ubc.ca with your request.

    If you don't want to be billeted, see ABOVE for some on- and off-campus options. We would ask that you make your own reservations in this case. 

  5. We will do our best to provide most your meals free of charge during the open house: this will include a light breakfast Friday morning at UBC, dinner at a nice restaurant Friday evening and lunch on both Friday and Saturday.

  6. We will provide some transit tickets to facilitate your local travel.

  7. Once you have booked your travel and have made arrangements for accommodations, we can start helping you set up a schedule of meetings with prospective research supervisors and other professors with whom you might want to speak.  A list of professors who will be available on Friday will be maintained here.  Since getting our busy faculty members organized is always a bit like herding cats, keep checking the list, since it will lengthen, probably right up to the day before the festivities begin!

    You are also encouraged to peruse the links available via the list of researchers in the department.  Note that this list includes postdocs, research associates and emeritus (retired) professors, so in terms of possible supervisors, you will generally want to be looking at the Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors. Also note that the individual web pages accessible through the summary page will usually tell you whether or not the faculty member is accepting new students.

    When you have decided on some professors that you would like to meet with, send an e-mail with your list to Angela Liu. Your list can include names of people who are of interest to you, and who are accepting students, but who have not yet provided their availability on Friday afternoon.  We will do our best to arrange meetings wherever possible.

  8. On Friday morning before lunch there will be a guided tour of the UBC campus led by a PHAS grad student, and which you will be free to join.

  9. On Friday afternoon there will be a guided tour of the Advanced Materials and Processs Engineering Laboratory (AMPEL). Assembly will be at 3:30 PM in Henn 318 for those who wish to participate.
  10. On Saturday morning there will be a guided tour of TRIUMF (Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics). Assembly will be at 9:45 AM in Henn 318 for those who wish to participate.

  11. REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURE:  Once you have returned home from the open house, simply send us (via regular mail) your travel receipts including:

    1. A copy of your airline tickets. A copy of an e-ticket is fine, but ensure that it clearly shows how much you paid for the ticket.
    2. Your boarding passes (this is important, so be careful to save them).
    3. Receipts for accommodations, if applicable.
    4. Receipts for local transportation.  In particular, should you use the transit system to get from the airport to your billet/UBC and vice versa, save your transit tickets if they were not supplied to you.
    5. Receipts should be mailed to

      Oliva dela Cruz Cordero
      Graduate Coordinator
      Dept of Physics and Astronomy
      University of British Columbia
      6224 Agricultural Road
      Vancouver BC CANADA
      V6T 1Z1