The ABC Particle Physics Simulator The ABC program simulates particle physics. The user first defines objects and particles via the command line or script files (*.s), and then generates random particle events. ABC swims the particles through the objects, applying physical processes (e.g. energy loss, decay) at each step. The user can then display the events or save detector object data to standard output. Code installation: From the directory /Students/ambrose/abc on, retrieve all *.c, *.h, and *.s files, as well as this file (abc.README) and the Makefile: abc.c - Main program abc.h - Header file abc.s - Script file (default) abc_com.c - Command routine abc_dec.c - Particle decay abc_drw.c - Display routine (drawing package) abc_gen.c - Generator routine abc_los.c - Energy loss abc_mag.c - Magnetic field routine abc_mlt.c - Multiple scattering abc_uti.c - Utility routines Compiling and running: Compile the routine with Makefile by simply typing "make". The only special libraries that are needed deal with the graphics. The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library, as well as the MesaGL libraries, must be linked to with the statement: -L/usr/localn32/lib -lglut -lMesaGLU -lMesaGL -lXmu -lXext -lX11 -lm Run the program by typing "abc". By default, the script file abc.s will load the example script (example.s). This call should be commented out (using a "#" at the last line of abc.s) if other scripts are desired. Unfortunately, I have only tested the program on Also, when running ABC on the einstein terminal, the mouse function (for zooming in views) does not work correctly, but views can be adjusted by scaling and moving. - Dave Ambrose (4/21/97)