A reminder that the term projects are due on Monday; if I'm not in my office, please leave them in my mailbox in the phys/astro main office. PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO SLIDE THEM UNDER MY OFFICE DOOR, OR LEAVE THEM OUTSIDE MY OFFICE. This means that you'll have to get things in before the end of office hours on Monday (i.e. 4:30 to be safe, 5:30 if you want to take a chance that I'll actually be in the office between 4:30 and 5:30, which I can't guarantee).
It is my practice to retain all term projects which are submitted to me; if you are interested in feedback about your project, you can come see me after the final.
Feel free to contact me via e-mail or office visit at any time before the test should you have questions/concerns regarding the course.
h = tmax / (2**olevel)not
h = tmax / (2**olevel + 1)Special apologies to those of you who have already completed the question, but the modification should be easy to make, and, when implemented, will have the added advantage that the convergence behaviour of the independent residual evaluation will be improved.
The on-line version of the homework handout (PS) has been updated to reflect the change.
set size 0.760,1.0as per the Linear Systems handout. This command dates from an old version of gnuplot which was used in previous years, and on different machines. With the version currently installed on the lnx machines, the command to produce a unit-aspect-ratio (i.e. square) plot is
set size squarePlease use this command instead. The on-line materials have been updated accordingly.
Please e-mail me IMMEDIATELY if you encounter further difficulties of this sort
<your-definition-here>is "meta notation"; you are to replace the whole thing (including the "meta-chars" < and > with a procedure body). E.g.
mysum := proc(a,b) <your-definition-here> end;would become
mysum := proc(a,b) a + b end;When you have implemented `type/binarynumeric`, the type procedure should work as indicated in the assignment. The procedure definition for `type/binarynumeric` is separate from that of lreduce but, of course, should be defined in the same maple source file.
To avoid further confusion, Problem (2.1) is simply to be deleted from the Homework Assignment.
The fix is to supply an additonal argument to plot specifying the y-range, as in
> plot(sin(x), x=0..2*Pi, y=-1.2..1.2);
You will have to figure out an appropriate y-range for the case under consideration.
Thanks to Kristen and Tyron for bringing this to my attention.
The reason for this is that physics is running Version 2 of ssh, which uses a different authentication mechanism than Version 1, which we discussed in class, and which you are using to complete Homework 1.
However, you can force ssh on physics to use the Version 1 protocol via the -1 option, as in
physics% ssh -1 physicsThanks to Michael Bayer for bringing this to my attention.
mbayer ccameronRefer to Tuesday's message for additional information.
csamendt emmerton psandhu joRefer to Tuesday's message for additional information.
borthwic jcheng coppin scsiszar aadutton rferdman mhinse heajang jkalirai jknight mkurylow pletourn rmar jmckay asajina jjsidhu psih dtsang ttsui kvirk gwong zibinIf you wish, and if your account appears in the above list, you should now be able to ssh into the lnx machines from a remote host via any one of
ssh userid@lnx1.physics.ubc.ca ssh userid@lnx2.physics.ubc.ca ssh userid@lnx3.physics.ubc.cawhere userid is to be replaced with your own user id.
You can also log in directly to one of the three consoles in the Computer Lab per se, but if you wish to do so, you should read the notes HERE first.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your password should be the same as it is on physics.ubc.ca.
Contact me immediately if you have problems logging in.
Tuesday, September 4, 10:00-11:30 AM, Hennings 304If you have any questions about the course, feel free to contact me (Matt Choptuik) via e-mail, phone (822-2412), or in person (Hennings 403).