..) // example: image file sunrise.jpg would use the caption // file sunrise.jpg.txt with the default captionext // // .imag { border-style : solid; // border-color: blue; // border-width : 1px;} // .thumb { border-style : solid; // border-color: #999999; // border-width : 2px;} // A:link { color: #999999; // text-decoration : none; } // A:visited { color: #999999; // text-decoration : none; } // A:hover { color:blue; } // any of these classses can be adjusted to your needs // // USAGE: // to browse through the images use the back and forward images // click on one of the thumbnails // or use one of the pagelinks to go directly to another set of images // clicking on the large image will give you the full image ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //---Variables--- $imgperpage = 10; $imgperrow = 5; $pgperrow = 10; $currentdir = getcwd (); $typelist = array("jpg","jpeg","gif","png","JPG"); $imagelist = array(); $title = "the showroom"; $stylesheet = "imagebrowser.css" ; $home = "$PHP_SELF"; $caption = ""; $captionext = "txt"; //--- ind is put to zero when the script is first called uppon--- if(!isset($_GET['ind'])) $_GET['ind'] = 0; $index = $_GET['ind']; //---the following code iterates through the directory and puts any image found in the imagelist array--- $dp=opendir($currentdir); while ( false != ( $file=readdir($dp) ) ) { if (is_file($file) && $file!="." && $file!=".."){ $extention = explode(".",$file); $extfield = count($extention)-1; $extention = $extention[$extfield]; if( in_array($extention,$typelist) ){ array_push ($imagelist,$file); } } } ?> <?= $title ?>
= 0) {?> [ prev ] [ next ]
= ($j*$imgperpage) && ($index < (($j+1) * $imgperpage)) ) { for($i=($j*$imgperpage);$i<(($j+1) * $imgperpage);$i++) { if(($i%$imgperrow == 0) && ($i > 0)) { ?>

0)) { ?>
[page ]
[ home ]