One of the design goals of RNPL is to provide uniform and automatic
access to I/O facilities to aid the user in examining the results of
computations. As discussed in section 2.3, there
is currently one pre-defined
attribute: out_gf. If the special
parameter fout is set, then every rmod time steps, output
is generated for every grid function for which output has been
enabled via out_gf. Output is to .hdf files: one
file for each selected grid function is created, and each file
consists of a sequence of dumps labelled with the actual output
time. These files can then be post-processed with a variety
of software, including the Explorer module,
ReadHDF_GFT0 available via anonymous ftp from in /pub/explorer/modules.
The interface to the lower level .hdf routines is also directly accessible from C or Fortran codes which have not been generated using RNPL and is described in The RNPL User's Guide.