Selecting the Intel® C++ Compiler Using Makefile

A consequence of installing the Intel® C++ Compiler in the Microsoft* IDE is that exported makefiles from Microsoft Visual C++* contain references to xiclx.exe, where x is the version of the IDE in use, requiring modification prior to compilation. A more flexible makefile environment would facilitate not having to modify makefiles each time a switch is made between the Intel C++ Compiler and Microsoft Visual C++ compiler.

Makefile Utility

To implement this more flexible environment, the Makefile Utility is included with the Intel C++ Compiler. The Makefile Utility provides users with the ability to switch between the Intel C++ Compiler and the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler without requiring changes to their makefiles. This utility modifies the registry, so exported makefiles only call cl.exe (CPP = cl).

The makefile utility can be run only during installation of the Intel compiler. If you have not already run it, run an update installation. Select "Custom Install", then check "Makefile Utility". The utility requires no further steps after installation.

Running Makefiles from the Command Line

Makefiles use the PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB environment variables (Control Panel>System in Windows* NT*, Windows 2000 and Windows XP*, or autoexec.bat in Windows 9x) while the IDE uses the values set in Tools>Options>Directories (see the image to the right).

During installation on Windows NT systems, you are prompted to automatically update your environment variable PATH. If you choose not to automatically update your PATH or you are installing on Windows 9x systems, you must set your PATH to include c:\program files\intel\iselect\bin.