Intel® Debugger for Linux 

Release Notes for Version 7.3.1


Debbuger Environment and configuration scripts
Special Features
New enhancements and bug fixes
Known problems and restrictions
Legal Notices


The Intel® Debugger (idb) is a fully symbolic debugger for the Linux platform. Key features allow you to:

The debugger supports the debugging of programs written in C, C++, Fortran, and Fortran 90.  The debugger allows evaluation of expressions using the syntax of the source programming language.

For full information about the the debugger, please refer to the following manual:

Intel® Debugger Manual



Debugger Environment and configuration scripts

The following applies when the debugger is packaged with Intel® compiler versions 8.x or later:

The environment variable, PATH, can be set to the location of installed binaries.  Debugger configuration scripts are generated during the installation of Intel® Debugger (idb). They contain the appropriate values of PATH and MANPATH.
The environment for Intel® Debugger (idb) can be set up by sourcing the scripts (.csh):

source <install-dir-path>/bin/ (.csh)

Special Features

Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Optional Gdb-like user interface

Debugging massively parallel processing (MPP) applications


Graphical User Interface (GUI)

A pre-release of the GUI is now available.  Just use the -gui flag when invoking the debugger from the Linux command line.

Optional Gdb-like user interface

Users that prefer the gdb command line interface have the option of switching on the gdb-like interface.  The gdb command set and debugger output are supported as described in the manual. To activate gdb mode, use either run the -gdb invocation command line option, or set the debugger variable $cmdset to gdb after starting the debugger, e. g.:

(idb) set $cmdset="gdb"

Debugging massively parallel processing (MPP) applications

On Itanium and Pentium processors, debugging MPP applications compiled with mpich are supported as described in the manual (Chapter 19).  Support is of beta-level quality for this release. 


New Enhancements and Bug Fixes

All platforms:

Debugging multi-threaded applications
Improved gdb compatibility

Debugging multi-threaded applications

Multi-threaded applications no longer need to be linked statically (using the flag -static).

Improved GDB compatibility

The debugger provides greater command-line and debugger output compatibility with GDB.

Known problems and restrictions

All platforms:

Debugging multi-threaded applications
Debugging multi-process applications, including programs that fork


Debugging optimized code




Function Breakpoints

Running on Enterprise Linux 3.0

Running on Itanium (not Itanium 2) based systems


Debugging functions in shared libraries

Running on Redhat 8.0 & 9.0

Debugging multi-threaded applications

When debugging multi-threaded applications, probing mutexes and condition variables is not yet supported.  Also, the pthread command is not supported on this platform.

Debugging multi-process applications, including programs that fork

Debugging multi-process applications is not yet supported.   This includes debugging the child process of an application that calls fork.


Snapshots are not yet supported as described in the manual.

Debugging optimized code

Debugging optimized code is not yet fully supported. The debugger may not be able to see some function names, parameters, variables, or the contents of the parameters and variables when code is compiled with optimizations turned on.


Watchpoints that are created to detect read access don’t trigger as documented in the manual.  Watchpoints that are created to detect write access don’t trigger when a value identical to the original has been written.  These restrictions are due to a limitation in the Linux operating system


This version of the debugger provides a pre-release of the GUI.  As such, a series of issues are noted below.

Function Breakpoints

On Itanium® processors, debugger breakpoints set in functions (via the stop in command) may not halt user program execution at the first statement.  This is due to insufficient information regarding the function prolog.  As a work around, use stop at to set a breakpoint on the desired statement.

Running on Enterprise Linux 3.0

The debugger does not support Enterprise Linux 3.0 on Itanium® processors.

Running on Itanium® (not Itanium® 2) based systems

This version of the debugger may contain instructions inside the executable binary which are not supported by the Itanium® processor and the operating system has to emulate their behavior. But some out-of-date Linux kernels don't support this in the Illegal Operation Fault handler. The kernel needs to be upgraded in case of the IDB crash with the " Illegal Instruction " message (SIGILL signal).
(Look at the "Intel® Itanium® Architecture Software Developers Manual " for details)

Debugging functions in shared libraries

On Pentium® processors, stepping into functions that are in shared libraries doesn’t always show the correct stack trace when executing a where command.  In these cases, executing a return will not cause execution to return to the correct place. The work around is to set a breakpoint on the desired return location (e.g. “<file>”:<line>), then issue the cont command.

Running on RedHat 8.0 & 9.0

On Pentium® processors, running RedHat 8.0 or 9.0, the compatibility C++ libraries should be installed in order for the debugger to function (compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.110).

Legal Notices

Copyright © 2003 Intel Corporation, portions © 2001 Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P.
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This Intel® Debugger Release Note as well as the software described in it is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of the license. The information in this release note is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Intel Corporation. Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document or any software that may be provided in association with this document. Except as permitted by such license, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of Intel Corporation. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.

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