Compilation Problem Isolator
Product Release Notes


The Compilation Problem Isolator (CPI) helps pinpoint compile-time problems in C and C++ programs which will not compile because of a syntax error, compiler bug, etc. CPI reduces the size of test cases by removing all source code lines within a file that do not contribute to the error.

Using the Compilation Problem Isolator

Invoke CPI from the command line with the following syntax:

icpi myfile

where myfile is your original source file. CPI will create an output file with the name of the original file and an extension of .tsf.orig_ext, where orig_ext is the extension of the original file (usually .c or .cpp). For example, the command

icpi prog.cpp

will create an output file called prog.tsf.cpp

You can get the command-line options by typing

icpi -?

The output of the icpi -? command is listed below:

======================Compilation Problem Isolator Help======================


The option keywords are not case sensitive.

-LOGFILE=<logfile_path> (logfile contains completion log)
[-ERRORMATCH=<matching_criteria_file_path>] (default is ErrorMatch.txt)
[-ERRORMATCH=<matching_error_text>] (icpi will look for this error text only. If "^.*" is at the beginning of the matching_error_text, icpi will ignore the text before the error_text.
[-SAVESTEP=] (saves the intermedium files into filename.tsf.cpp.x) For example:

[-VERBOSE] (prints out all the details)
[-LINKERR] (will look for link time errors)

[-BUILD or -B] (prints out the build date information)
[-VERSION or -V] (prints out the version information)
[-HELP or -?] (displays this message)


     icpi -compiler="icc -O3 -ipo" -errormatch="^.*couldn't match parameter" -verbose bob.cpp


source_file.tsf.suffix: the isolated code
source_file.CECR_errfile: the results of the last run of the compiler logfile_path

The ErrorMatch.txt file

If a text file called ErrorMatch.txt file is found in the current working directory, CPI will look for strings specified in this file. You can also specify the name of the file using the -ERRORMATCH command-line option. There is an example of ErrorMatch.txt in the doc directory of the Intel C/C++ Compiler. Below is another example of the contents of ErrorMatch.txt.

CPI by default will only look for compile-time issues. To look for errors that arise during linking, use the /linkerr option.


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