Intel® Fortran Compiler for Linux* Systems User's Guide, Volume I: Building Applications
    Disclaimer and Legal Information
    About the Intel Fortran Compiler
    How to Use This Document
    Getting Started
    Building Applications
    Compiler Options
    Debugging Using idb
    Data and I/O
       Data Representation
       Converting Unformatted Data
          Converting Unformatted Data Overview
          Supported Native and Nonnative Numeric Formats
          Limitations of Numeric Conversion
          Methods of Specifying the Data Format
             Methods of Specifying the Data Format: Overview
             Environment Variable FORT_CONVERTn Method
             Environment Variable FORT_CONVERT.ext or FORT_CONVERT_ext Method
             Environment Variable F_UFMTENDIAN Method
             OPEN Statement CONVERT Method
             OPTIONS Statement Method
             Compiler Option -convert Method
          Porting Nonnative Data
       Fortran I/O
    Programming with Mixed Languages
    Error Handling
    Using Libraries
    Reference Information