Compatibility Options

The compatibility options let you specify how to make your source files and data files compatible with older Fortran versions or other operating systems, such as big endian unformatted data files, OpenVMS* systems run-time behavior, and Microsoft* Fortran PowerStation.

See Also

Data Options

Language Options

Descriptions of Compatibility Options


Default: Off

Alternate syntax: -onetrip

Specifies that the compiler should execute DO loops at least once. See also -[no]f66.

-assume [no]bscc

Default: -assume nobscc

Alternate syntax: -nbs is the same as -assume bscc

Tells the compiler to treat the backslash character (\) as a C-style control (escape) character in character literals. The default, -assume nobscc ("assume no BackSlashControlCharacters"), tells the compiler to treat the backslash character as a normal character instead of a control character in character literals.

This option is useful when transferring programs from non-UNIX* environments, such as OpenVMS*.


Default: None.

Specifies the format of unformatted files containing numeric data. Possible values are:

See Supported Native and Nonnative Numeric Formats.


Default: -nof77rtl

Specifies the use of FORTRAN 77 run-time behavior. If you use the default value (-nof77rtl), Intel Fortran run-time behavior is used.

Specifying this option controls control the following run-time behavior:

-fpscomp all and -fpscomp none

Default: -fpscomp libs

Specifies that all the -fpscomp options for compatibility with Microsoft* Fortran PowerStation should be used. The default value specifies that the PowerStation portability library should be passed to the linker.

-fpscomp none specifies that no options for Fortran PowerStation compatibility should be used.

-fpscomp [no]filesfromcmd

Default: -fpscomp nofilesfromcmd

Specifies Microsoft* Fortran PowerStation behavior when the OPEN statement file specifier is blank. This option looks in the command-line arguments for unspecified filenames on an OPEN(. . . FILE=' ', . . .) and prompts for filenames at the terminal console.

-fpscomp [no]general

Default: -fpscomp nogeneral

Specifies that Microsoft* Fortran PowerStation semantics should be used where differences exist between Intel Fortran and PowerStation.

-fpscomp [no]ioformat

Default: -fpscomp noioformat

Specifies Microsoft* Fortran PowerStation semantic conventions and record formats for list-directed formatted I/O and unformatted I/O.

-fpscomp [no]libs

Default: -fpscomp libs

Specifies that the PowerStation portability library should be passed to the linker.

-fpscomp [no]logicals

Default: -fpscomp nologicals

Specifies that Microsoft* Fortran PowerStation representation of LOGICAL values will be used.


Default: Off

Produces profile data with 32-bit counters. The default is to produce profile data with 64-bit counters to handle large numbers of events.

This option allows compatibility with earlier compilers.


Default: Off

Causes the run-time system to behave like HP Fortran on OpenVMS Alpha systems and VAX* systems (VAX FORTRAN*) in the following ways: