Interprocedural Optimization Options

Option Description
-ip Enables interprocedural optimizations for single file compilation.
-ip_no_inlining Disables inlining that would result from the -ip interprocedural optimization, but has no effect on other interprocedural optimizations.
-ipo Enables interprocedural optimizations across files.
-ipo_c Generates a multifile object file that can be used in further link steps.
-ipo_obj Forces the compiler to create real object files when used with -ipo.
-ipo_S Generates a multifile assemblable file named ipo_out.asm that can be used in further link steps.
-inline_debug_info Preserve the source position of inlined code instead of assigning the call-site source position to inlined code.
-nolib_inline Disables inline expansion of standard library functions.