Suppressing Warning Messages or Enabling Remarks

Use the -w or -Wn option to suppress warning messages or to enable remarks during the preprocessing and compilation phases. You can enter the option with one of the following arguments:

Option Description
-w0 Display only errors (same as -w)
-w1 Display warnings and errors (DEFAULT)
-w2 Display remarks, warnings, and errors

For some compilations, you might not want warnings for known and benign characteristics, such as the K&R C constructs in your code. For example, the following command compiles newprog.cpp and displays compiler errors, but not warnings:

prompt>icpc -W0 newprog.cpp

Use the -ww, -we, or -wd option to indicate specific diagnostics.

Option Description
-wwL1[L2,...,Ln] Changes the severity of diagnostics L1 through Ln to warning.
-weL1[L2,...,Ln] Changes the severity of diagnostics L1 through Ln to error.
-wdL1[L2,...,Ln] Disables diagnostics L1 through Ln.


/* test.c */


int main()


   int x=0;


If you compile test.c (above) using the -Wall option (enable all warnings), the compiler will emit warning #177:

prompt>icc -Wall test.c

remark #177: variable 'x' was declared but never referenced

To disable warning #177, use the -wd option:

prompt>icc -Wall -wd177 test.c

Likewise, using the -we option will result in a compile-time error:

prompt>icc -Wall -we177 test.c

error #177: variable 'x' was declared but never referenced

compilation aborted for test.c