Unpack Operators for Fvec Operators

Selects and interleaves the lower, double-precision floating-point values from A and B.

F64vec2 R = unpack_low(F64vec2 A, F64vec2 B);
Corresponding intrinsic: _mm_unpacklo_pd(a, b)

Selects and interleaves the higher, double-precision floating-point values from A and B.

F64vec2 R = unpack_high(F64vec2 A, F64vec2 B);
Corresponding intrinsic: _mm_unpackhi_pd(a, b)

Selects and interleaves the lower two, single-precision floating-point values from A and B.

F32vec4 R = unpack_low(F32vec4 A, F32vec4 B);
Corresponding intrinsic: _mm_unpacklo_ps(a, b)

Selects and interleaves the higher two, single-precision floating-point values from A and B.

F32vec4 R = unpack_high(F32vec4 A, F32vec4 B);
Corresponding intrinsic: _mm_unpackhi_ps(a, b)