
Multiplication Operators

The multiplication operators can only accept and return data types from the I[s|u]16vec4 or I[s|u]16vec8 classes, as shown in the following example.

Syntax Usage for Multiplication Operators

/* Explicitly convert B to Is16vec4 */

Is16vec4 A,C;

Iu32vec2 B;

C = A * C;

C = A * (Is16vec4)B;

/* Return nearest common ancestor type, I16vec4 */

Is16vec4 A;

Iu16vec4 B;

I16vec4 C;

C = A + B;

/* The mul_high and mul_add functions take Is16vec4 data only */

Is16vec4 A,B,C,D;

C = mul_high(A,B);

D = mul_add(A,B);

Multiplication Operators with Corresponding Intrinsics

Symbols Syntax Usage Intrinsic
* *= R = A * B
R *= A
mul_high N/A R = mul_high(A, B) _mm_mulhi_pi16
mul_add N/A R = mul_high(A, B) _mm_madd_pi16

The multiplication return operators always return the nearest common ancestor as listed in the table that follows. The two operands must be 16 bits in size, otherwise you must explicitly indicate typecasting.

Multiplication Operator Overloading

R Mul A B
I16vec4 R * I[s|u]16vec4 A I[s|u]16vec4 B
I16vec8 R * I[s|u]16vec8 A I[s|u]16vec8 B
Is16vec4 R mul_add Is16vec4 A Is16vec4 B
Is16vec8 mul_add Is16vec8 A Is16vec8 B
Is32vec2 R mul_high Is16vec4 A Is16vec4 B
Is32vec4 R mul_high s16vec8 A Is16vec8 B

The following table shows the return values and data type assignments for operands of the multiplication operators with assignment. All operands must be 16 bytes in size. If the operands are not the right size, you must use an explicit typecast.

Multiplication with Assignment

Return Value (R) Left Side (R) Mul Right Side (A)
I[x]16vec8 I[x]16vec8 *= I[s|u]16vec8 A;
I[x]16vec4 I[x]16vec4 *= I[s|u]16vec4 A;