Rules for Operators

To use operators with the Ivec classes you must use one of the following three syntax conventions:

[ Ivec_Class ] R = [ Ivec_Class ] A [ operator ][ Ivec_Class ] B

Example 1: I64vec1 R = I64vec1 A & I64vec1 B;

[ Ivec_Class ] R =[ operator ] ([ Ivec_Class ] A,[ Ivec_Class ] B)

Example 2: I64vec1 R = andnot(I64vec1 A, I64vec1 B);

[ Ivec_Class ] R [ operator ]= [ Ivec_Class ] A

Example 3: I64vec1 R &= I64vec1 A;

[ operator ]an operator (for example, &, |, or ^ )

[ Ivec_Class ] an Ivec class

R, A, B variables declared using the pertinent Ivec classes

The table that follows shows automatic and explicit sign and size typecasting. "Explicit" means that it is illegal to mix different types without an explicit typecasting. "Automatic" means that you can mix types freely and the compiler will do the typecasting for you.

Summary of Rules Major Operators

Operators Sign Typecasting Size Typecasting Other Typecasting Requirements
Assignment N/A N/A N/A
Logical Automatic Automatic
(to left)
Explicit typecasting is required for different types used in non-logical expressions on the right side of the assignment.
Addition and Subtraction Automatic Explicit N/A
Multiplication Automatic Explicit N/A
Shift Automatic Explicit Casting Required to ensure arithmetic shift.
Compare Automatic Explicit Explicit casting is required for signed classes for the less-than or greater-than operations.
Conditional Select Automatic Explicit Explicit casting is required for signed classes for less-than or greater-than operations.

Data Declaration and Initialization

The following table shows literal examples of constructor declarations and data type initialization for all class sizes. All values are initialized with the most significant element on the left and the least significant to the right.

Declaration and Initialization Data Types for Ivec Classes

Operation Class Syntax
Declaration M128 I128vec1 A; Iu8vec16 A;
Declaration M64 I64vec1 A; Iu8vec16 A;
__m128 Initialization M128 I128vec1 A(__m128 m); Iu16vec8(__m128 m);
__m64 Initialization M64 I64vec1 A(__m64 m);Iu8vec8 A(__m64 m);
__int64 Initialization M64 I64vec1 A = __int64 m; Iu8vec8 A =__int64 m;
int i Initialization M64 I64vec1 A = int i; Iu8vec8 A = int i;
int initialization I32vec2 I32vec2 A(int A1, int A0);
Is32vec2 A(signed int A1, signed int A0);
Iu32vec2 A(unsigned int A1, unsigned int A0);
int Initialization I32vec4 I32vec4 A(short A3, short A2, short A1, short A0);
Is32vec4 A(signed short A3, ..., signed short A0);
Iu32vec4 A(unsigned short A3, ..., unsigned short A0);
short int
I16vec4 I16vec4 A(short A3, short A2, short A1, short A0);
Is16vec4 A(signed short A3, ..., signed short A0);
Iu16vec4 A(unsigned short A3, ..., unsigned short A0);
short int
I16vec8 I16vec8 A(short A7, short A6, ..., short A1, short A0);
Is16vec8 A(signed A7, ..., signed short A0);
Iu16vec8 A(unsigned short A7, ..., unsigned short A0);
I8vec8 I8vec8 A(char A7, char A6, ..., char A1, char A0);
Is8vec8 A(signed char A7, ..., signed char A0);
Iu8vec8 A(unsigned char A7, ..., unsigned char A0);
I8vec16 I8vec16 A(char A15, ..., char A0);
Is8vec16 A(signed char A15, ..., signed char A0);
Iu8vec16 A(unsigned char A15, ..., unsigned char A0);