Conversion Intrinsics

The prototypes for these intrinsics are in the ia64intrin.h header file.

Intrinsic Description
__int64 _m_to_int64(__m64 a) Convert a of type __m64 to type __int64. Translates to nop since both types reside in the same register on Itanium-based systems.
__m64 _m_from_int64(__int64 a) Convert a of type __int64 to type __m64. Translates to nop since both types reside in the same register on Itanium-based systems.
__int64 __round_double_to_int64(double d) Convert its double precision argument to a signed integer.
unsigned __int64 __getf_exp(double d) Map the getf.exp instruction and return the 16-bit exponent and the sign of its operand.