Conversion Operations for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2

Each conversion intrinsic takes one data type and performs a conversion to a different type. Some conversions such as _mm_cvtpd_ps result in a loss of precision. The rounding mode used in such cases is determined by the value in the MXCSR register. The default rounding mode is round-to-nearest. Note that the rounding mode used by the C and C++ languages when performing a type conversion is to truncate. The _mm_cvttpd_epi32 and _mm_cvttsd_si32 intrinsics use the truncate rounding mode regardless of the mode specified by the MXCSR register.

The conversion-operation intrinsics for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 are listed in the following table followed by detailed descriptions.

The prototypes for Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 intrinsics are in the emmintrin.h header file.

_mm_cvtpd_ps CVTPD2PS __m128 (__m128d a)
_mm_cvtps_pd CVTPS2PD __m128d (__m128 a)
_mm_cvtepi32_pd CVTDQ2PD __m128d (__m128i a)
_mm_cvtpd_epi32 CVTPD2DQ __m128i (__m128d a)
_mm_cvtsd_si32 CVTSD2SI int (__m128d a)
_mm_cvtsd_ss CVTSD2SS __m128 (__m128 a, __m128d b)
_mm_cvtsi32_sd CVTSI2SD __m128d (__m128d a, int b)
_mm_cvtss_sd CVTSS2SD __m128d (__m128d a, __m128 b)
_mm_cvttpd_epi32 CVTTPD2DQ __m128i (__m128d a)
_mm_cvttsd_si32 CVTTSD2SI int (__m128d a)
_mm_cvtpd_pi32 CVTPD2PI __m64 (__m128d a)
_mm_cvttpd_pi32 CVTTPD2PI __m64 (__m128d a)
_mm_cvtpi32_pd CVTPI2PD __m128d (__m64 a)
_mm_cvtsd_f64 None double (__m128d a)

__m128 _mm_cvtpd_ps(__m128d a)

Converts the two DP FP values of a to SP FP values.
r0 := (float) a0
r1 := (float) a1
r2 := 0.0 ; r3 := 0.0

__m128d _mm_cvtps_pd(__m128 a)

Converts the lower two SP FP values of a to DP FP values.
r0 := (double) a0
r1 := (double) a1

__m128d _mm_cvtepi32_pd(__m128i a)

Converts the lower two signed 32-bit integer values of a to DP FP values.
r0 := (double) a0
r1 := (double) a1

__m128i _mm_cvtpd_epi32(__m128d a)

Converts the two DP FP values of a to 32-bit signed integer values.
r0 := (int) a0
r1 := (int) a1
r2 := 0x0 ; r3 := 0x0

int _mm_cvtsd_si32(__m128d a)

Converts the lower DP FP value of a to a 32-bit signed integer value.
r := (int) a0

__m128 _mm_cvtsd_ss(__m128 a, __m128d b)

Converts the lower DP FP value of b to an SP FP value. The upper SP FP values in a are passed through.
r0 := (float) b0
r1 := a1; r2 := a2 ; r3 := a3

__m128d _mm_cvtsi32_sd(__m128d a, int b)

Converts the signed integer value in b to a DP FP value. The upper DP FP value in a is passed through.
r0 := (double) b
r1 := a1

__m128d _mm_cvtss_sd(__m128d a, __m128 b)

Converts the lower SP FP value of b to a DP FP value. The upper value DP FP value in a is passed through.
r0 := (double) b0
r1 := a1

__m128i _mm_cvttpd_epi32(__m128d a)

Converts the two DP FP values of a to 32-bit signed integers using truncate.
r0 := (int) a0
r1 := (int) a1
r2 := 0x0 ; r3 := 0x0

int _mm_cvttsd_si32(__m128d a)

Converts the lower DP FP value of a to a 32-bit signed integer using truncate.
r := (int) a0

__m64 _mm_cvtpd_pi32(__m128d a)

Converts the two DP FP values of a to 32-bit signed integer values.
r0 := (int) a0
r1 := (int) a1

__m64 _mm_cvttpd_pi32(__m128d a)

Converts the two DP FP values of a to 32-bit signed integer values using truncate.
r0 := (int) a0
r1 := (int) a1

__m128d _mm_cvtpi32_pd(__m64 a)

Converts the two 32-bit signed integer values of a to DP FP values.
r0 := (double) a0
r1 := (double) a1

_mm_cvtsd_f64(__m128d a)

This intrinsic extracts a double precision floating point value from the first vector element of an __m128d. It does so in the most effecient manner possible in the context used. This intrinsic does not map to any specific SSE2 instruction.