      C Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      C Numeric Constants
  0B prefix
      C Numeric Constants
      C Numeric Constants
  0X prefix
      C Numeric Constants
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  0x2 mask
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  0x2 mask:  general-purpose registers
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  0x42 mask
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  0x42 mask:  floating-point registers
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  0x5 mask
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  0xffff:  define
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Register Names
  1-bit predicate registers
  1-bit predicate registers:  represents
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      C Numeric Constants
  128-bit aligned containers
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  16-byte boundaries
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  2-bit:  assembler marks
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  32-bit Instruction Set Architecture
  41-bit bundle slots
      Explicit Bundling
  41-bit instruction
  5-bit template
  64-bit binary
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  64-bit processor
  64-bit range
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  64-bit register
      Register Names
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Data Allocation Statements
      Using Section Directives
  A’s previous
      Using Section Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  About This Document
      About This Document
  absence:  rely
      Absolute Sections
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  absolute constant
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  absolute expression
      Absolute Sections
  absolute expression:  contain
  absolute expression:  relocatable expression contains
  absolute expressions
      Absolute Sections
  absolute integer expression
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Rotating Register Directives
      Symbol Size Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  absolute integer expression:  Represents
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Rotating Register Directives
      Symbol Size Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  absolute pathname
      Include File Directive
  Absolute Sections
      Absolute Sections
  Absolute Sections:  define
      Absolute Sections
  Absolute Sections:  Represents
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  Absolute Sections:  See
      Absolute Sections
      Preprocessor Support
      Symbol Types
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  add loc0
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  add r1
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  Add immediate
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  add instruction refers
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  add instruction refers:  tmp
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  add1 r5
      Assignment Statements
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  addition:  omitting
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  additional assoc-section operand
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Preprocessor Support
  addl r1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  addl instruction
      Link-relocation Operators
  addl r14
      Instruction Statements
      Absolute Sections
      Instruction Statements
  address:  bundle
      Instruction Statements
  address:  relocatable symbol
  addresses created
      Link-relocation Operators
  addressing modes
  adds r1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  adds stops
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  adds stops:  avoid dependency violations
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  adjust:  location counter
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  advances:  location counter
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Register Stack Directive
      Section Return Directive
  affect:  byte
      Byte Order Specification Directives
  affect:  instructions
      Byte Order Specification Directives
  affect:  names
      Register Stack Directive
      Label Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  affected records
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  ahead:  incorporate
  aignment boundary
      Data Allocation Statements
      Alias Declaration Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  alias symbol,"alias
      Alias Declaration Directives
  Alias Declaration Directives
      Alias Declaration Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  alias directive
      Alias Declaration Directives
  alias directive declares
      Alias Declaration Directives
  alias directive declares:  alias
      Alias Declaration Directives
  Alias Name
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  Alias Name:  Defining
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  Alias Name:  Example Defining
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  alias register
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  alias rotating register
      Rotating Register Directives
  alias rotating register names
      Rotating Register Directives
  alias rotating register names:  alias directive declares
      Alias Declaration Directives
  alias rotating register names:  define
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  alias rotating register names:  Represents
      Rotating Register Directives
  alias rotating register names:  secalias directive declares
      Alias Declaration Directives
      About This Document
      Data Allocation
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  align expression
  align directive
  align string
  align string:  assembler inserts padding
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
  align string:  location counter
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  aligned automatically
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Data Allocation Statements
  alignment attribute
  alignment attributes
      Common Symbol Declarations
  alignment attributes:  local
      Common Symbol Declarations
  alignment boundaries
  alignment boundary
  alignment boundary:  specifies
  alignment directive
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  alignment operand
      Common Symbol Declarations
  All-predicate register
      Register Names
  All predicates
      Predicate Registers
  All registers
      Register Names
  All rotating registers
      Register Names
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  alloc r1
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  alloc instruction
      Register Stack Directive
  alloc instruction redefine
      Register Stack Directive
  alloc instruction redefine:  description
      Register Stack Directive
  alloc instruction redefine:  mappings
      Register Stack Directive
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
  allocate initialized
      About This Document
      Data Allocation
  allocate initialized memory
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  allocated storage
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Register Stack Directive
  allocating:  register stack frame consisting
      Register Stack Directive
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Symbol Size Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  allocation mnemonic
  allocation mnemonics
      Data Allocation Statements
  allocation statements
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  allocation statements add
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Symbol Names
  alphabetical list defines
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  alphabetical list defines:  following
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Names
  alternate floating-point register names map
      Using Rotating Register directives
  alternate floating-point register names map:  floating-point
      Using Rotating Register directives
  Alternate names
      General Registers
  Alternate names:  input registers
      General Registers
  Alternate names:  local registers
      General Registers
  Alternate names:  output registers
      General Registers
  alternate predicate register names map
      Using Rotating Register directives
  alternate predicate register names map:  predicate registers
      Using Rotating Register directives
  alternate register
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  alternate register names
      Register Stack Directive
  alternate register names specified
      Register Stack Directive
  alternate register names specified:  define
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  alternate register names specified:  prevent referencing
      Register Stack Directive
  alternate register names specified:  Specifies
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
  alternative branch register
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  Always precede
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Entry Annotation
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  annotation affects
      Memory Offset Annotation
  annotation affects:  instruction
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  Annotations describes
      About This Document
  Annotations describes:  assembler annotations
      About This Document
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      String Constants
      Assignment Statements
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Instruction Groups
      Instruction Statements
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  appear:  separate
      Instruction Groups
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Register Names
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Explicit Bundling
      Application Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Register Names
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Application Registers
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Application Registers
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Application Registers
      Application Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Application Registers
      Application Registers
      Application Registers
      Application Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Application Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  ar.pfs register
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Application Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Application Registers
      Application Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Application Registers
      Register Names
      Application Registers
      Register Names
      Register Names
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Rotating Register Directives
  arbitrary method
      Memory Offset Annotation
  arbitrary method:  distinguishing
      Memory Offset Annotation
  arbitrary method:  use
      Rotating Register Directives
  architecturally undefined behavior
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Related Documentation
  Argument registers
      Floating-point Registers
  Arithmetic shift
  Arithmetic shift:  Precedence
      Data Allocation Statements
  Array:  ASCII characters
      Data Allocation Statements
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  ASCII character
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  ASCII characters
      Data Allocation Statements
  ASCII characters:  Array
      Data Allocation Statements
  ASCII Value
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  assembled instruction
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Entry Annotation
      Explicit Bundling
      File Name Override Directive
      Implicit Bundling
      Instruction Statements
      Name Spaces
      Numeric Constants
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Preprocessor Support
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Section Stack Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Symbol Type Directive
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  assembler allocates storage
      Common Symbol Declarations
  assembler allows
  assembler annotations
      About This Document
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  assembler annotations:  Annotations describes
      About This Document
  assembler assigns names
  assembler assigns names:  symbol
  assembler automatically aligns sections containing bundles
  assembler automatically creates
      Predefined Section Directives
      Symbol Type Directive
  assembler automatically creates:  platforms
      Predefined Section Directives
  assembler automatically creates:  symbol
      Symbol Type Directive
  assembler bundles
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  assembler bundles instructions automatically
      Implicit Bundling
  assembler creates
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Symbol Type Directive
  assembler creates:  function symbol
      Symbol Type Directive
  assembler defines
      Common Symbol Declarations
  assembler defines:  symbol
      Common Symbol Declarations
  assembler determines
      Register Names
  assembler determines:  register
      Register Names
  assembler directives
  assembler directives:  describe
  assembler directives:  subset
  assembler evaluates
  assembler exports
      Alias Declaration Directives
  assembler exports:  name
      Alias Declaration Directives
  assembler generates
      Predefined Section Directives
  assembler generates errors
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  assembler identifies
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  assembler identifies:  associated
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  assembler ignores
      Procedure Directives
  assembler ignores comments
  assembler ignores underscores
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  assembler initializes
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  assembler initializes:  reserved
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  assembler inserts padding
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
  assembler inserts padding:  align
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
  assembler instruction
  assembler instructions
  assembler instructions:  assembler
  assembler interprets
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
  assembler interprets stack unwind directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  assembler interprets stack unwind directives:  label
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
  assembler issues
      Rotating Register Directives
  assembler issues:  warning
      Rotating Register Directives
  assembler maintains
      Section Stack Directives
  assembler maintains:  separate location counter
  assembler marks
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  assembler marks:  2-bit
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  assembler merges
      Common Symbol Declarations
  Assembler modes
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  assembler performs
      Include File Directive
  assembler performs:  platform-dependent search
      Include File Directive
  assembler produces
      Explicit Bundling
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  assembler produces:  diagnostic
      Explicit Bundling
  assembler produces:  error
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
  assembler produces:  frgr_mem descriptor
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  assembler produces:  gr_mem descriptor
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  assembler provides predefined alternate register names
      Register Stack Directive
  assembler provides predefined alternate register names:  input
      Register Stack Directive
  assembler provides predefined symbolic constants
      Symbol Names
  assembler pseudo-ops
  assembler puts
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  assembler reads
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  assembler recognizes
      Preprocessor Support
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  assembler recognizes:  flags listed
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  assembler searches
      Explicit Bundling
  assembler selects
      Explicit Bundling
  assembler substitutes
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  assembler substitutes:  missing operand
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  assembler switches
      Section Definition Directive
  assembler switches:  previously-defined
      Section Definition Directive
  assembler translates
  assembler translates:  assembler instructions
  assembler translates:  default causes
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  assembler translates:  enables
  assembler translates:  forces
      Name Spaces
  assembler translates:  label forces
      Implicit Bundling
  assembler translates:  notifies
      Entry Annotation
  assembler translates:  org statements enable
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      About This Document
  assembly-language operators
  assembly-language program consists
  assembly-language program consists:  series
  assembly-language programming
  assembly-language source file
      Symbol Scope Declaration
  assembly-language statements
  assembly-language statements:  language specifications
      About This Document
  assembly-language statements:  types
      Symbol Type Directive
  assembly-time:  based
      Symbol Type Directive
  assembly label
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  assembly language
      Alias Declaration Directives
  assembly language directives
      About This Document
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  Assembly Language Directives lists
      About This Document
  Assembly Language Directives lists:  assembly language directives
      About This Document
  Assembly Language Directives lists:  Assembly Language Directives lists
      About This Document
  assembly language pseudo-ops
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  assembly language pseudo-ops:  Opcode lists
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Assembly Modes
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  assembly operators
  assembly writer
  assembly writer:  output object file
  assembly writer:  write
      Register Names
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Symbol Values
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  assigned:  largest size
      Common Symbol Declarations
  assigned:  tmp
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  assigned:  weak symbol scope
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Assignment Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Equate Statements
      Procedure Directives
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  Assignment Statement illustrates
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  assignment statements
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Register Names
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  Assignment statements enable
      Assignment Statements
  Assignment statements enable:  programmer
      Assignment Statements
  Assignment statements enable:  See
      Register Names
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  Assignment statements enable:  types
      Assignment Statements
      Absolute Sections
      Section Definition Directive
  assigns flags
      Section Definition Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  associated label
      Entry Annotation
  associated label:  Represents
      Entry Annotation
  Associated Section Name Flag
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  associated symbol
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  associated symbol:  assembler identifies
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Predefined Section Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Section Stack Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Absolute Sections
      Predefined Section Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  attributes:  following
  attributes:  specify
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  attributes:  x
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  Auto-template Selection
      Explicit Bundling
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  automatic alignment
      Data Allocation Statements
  automatic alignment:  disable
      Data Allocation Statements
  automatic mode
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  automatic selection
  automatic selection:  template
      Explicit Bundling
  automatically aligns
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  automatically assigned
      Procedure Directives
  automatically performed
  avoid dependency violations
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  avoid dependency violations:  adds stops
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  avoiding false
      Memory Offset Annotation
  avoiding false:  useful
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Section Definition Directive
      Absolute Sections
      Predefined Section Directives
  B’s previous
      Using Section Directives
      Branch Registers
      Register Names
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Branch Registers
      Register Names
  Backing store
      Application Registers
  Backing store pointer
      Application Registers
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      String Constants
  backslash:  insert
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      String Constants
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Explicit Bundling
      Symbol Type Directive
  based:  assembly-time
      Symbol Type Directive
  based:  stops
      Explicit Bundling
      C Numeric Constants
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  beginning:  reserved block
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Using Section Directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
  behaviour:  rotf Directive illustrate
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Procedure Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  bf function,line
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Binary constants
      C Numeric Constants
  binary digits
      C Numeric Constants
  binary radix
      MASM Numeric Constants
  binary radix:  specifies
      MASM Numeric Constants
  binding:  called
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  bit-mask operand specifies
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Other Registers
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  bits:  number
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  bitwise-logic calculations
  Bitwise exclusive OR
  Bitwise inclusive OR
  Bitwise Logic Operations
  bitwise OR
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  bitwise OR:  ND
      Procedure Directives
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  block:  reserves
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  block:  size
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  bold text
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  boundaries:  bundle
  boundaries:  instruction
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  boundary:  Indicates
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Explicit Bundling
      Notation Conventions
      Register Names
      Explicit Bundling
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  branch instruction
  branch instruction:  multiway bundle
  branch predict
  branch predict instruction
  branch predict instruction:  mnemonic
  branch prediction instructions
      Symbol Types
  Branch Registers
      Branch Registers
      Register Names
      Register Names by Type
  Branch Registers:  Move
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Instruction Groups
      Symbol Names
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  break bundles
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  break.b imm21
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  break.f imm21
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  break.i imm21
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  break.m imm21
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Symbol Names
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Common Symbol Declarations
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Predefined Section Directives
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  built-in symbols
      Preprocessor Support
  built-in symbols:  following
      Preprocessor Support
      Explicit Bundling
      Implicit Bundling
      Instruction Statements
      Symbol Types
  bundle boundary
      Instruction Statements
  bundle boundary:  location counter
      Instruction Statements
  bundle containing
  bundle contains
  Bundle Format
  Bundle Format:  address
      Instruction Statements
  Bundle Format:  boundaries
  Bundle Format:  end
      Symbol Types
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  Bundling:  responsible
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  Byte-order specification directive
      Miscellaneous Directives
  byte arrays
  Byte Order Specification Directives
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Data Allocation Statements
  Byte Order Specification Directives:  affect
      Byte Order Specification Directives
  Byte Order Specification Directives:  specify
      Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      C Numeric Constants
      C Numeric Constants
  C Indicates
      Radix Indicator Directive
  C numeric constants
      C Numeric Constants
      Numeric Constants
  C’s previous
      Using Section Directives
      Link-relocation Operators
  calculates:  gp-relative offset
      Link-relocation Operators
  calculates:  offset
      Link-relocation Operators
  calculates:  plabel descriptor
      Link-relocation Operators
  calculations occur
  called:  binding
  called:  state
  calling 1-800-548-4725
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Directive Statements
      Instruction Statements
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Predefined Section Directives
      Register Names
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  case-sensitive identifiers
      Symbol Names
      About This Document
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Types
  cause:  instruction
      Symbol Types
  cause:  product
      Byte Order Specification Directives
  changed:  specifications
  changed:  trademarks
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Label Statements
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Radix Indicator Directive
      String Specification Directive
      Symbol Types
  chapter describes
      Data Allocation
      Miscellaneous Directives
  chapter describes:  Itanium™ architecture assembly language directives associated
  chapter describes:  Itanium™ architecture assembly language statements
      Data Allocation
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      C Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  character escapes
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      String Constants
  character escapes defined
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      String Constants
  Character Types
  character usage
      C Numeric Constants
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Section Stack Directives
      String Constants
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  characters enclosed
      String Constants
  characters enclosed:  represent numeric constants
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  chk.s.i r2,target25
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  chk.s.m r2,target25
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Notation Conventions
      Common Symbol Declarations
  Class test
      Symbol Names
      Name Spaces
  classes:  names
      Name Spaces
  closing brace
      Explicit Bundling
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  cmp.crel.ctype p1,p2
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  cmp4.crel.ctype p1,p2
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  cmpxchgsz.sem.ldhint r1
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  Code Sequence
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Using Section Directives
  Code Sequence Using
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Link-relocation Operators
  COFF format
      Link-relocation Operators
      Predefined Section Directives
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  COFF32 format
      Common Symbol Declarations
  COFF32 format:  corresponds
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      C Numeric Constants
  combination:  digits
      C Numeric Constants
  combination:  symbols
      Link-relocation Operators
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  COMDAT Section Flag Characters
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  COMDAT sections
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Instruction Statements
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Predefined Section Directives
  command-line option
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Directive Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Predefined Section Directives
      String Specification Directive
  comment:  insert
  comment:  separate
      Assignment Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Directive Statements
      Equate Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      Predefined Section Directives
  Common Character Escapes
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      String Constants
  Common Character Escapes:  list
      String Constants
  Common Object File Format
  Common symbol declaration directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  Common Symbol Declarations
      Common Symbol Declarations
  Common Symbol Directive
      Common Symbol Declarations
  Common symbols
      Common Symbol Declarations
  commonly-used sections
      Predefined Section Directives
      Application Registers
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
  completer mnemonics
      Instruction Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Name Spaces
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  computer output
      Notation Conventions
  conditional execution
  conditional execution:  instruction
  Conditions:  Sale
  conflicting instructions
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  conflicts:  responsibility whatsoever
      Name Spaces
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Entry Annotation
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  consecutive locations
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  consecutive prologue regions
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      C Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Procedure Directives
  constant assigned
      Symbol Types
  constant style
      Radix Indicator Directive
  constants define
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Link-relocation Operators
      Assignment Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Equate Statements
      Instruction Groups
  contain design defects
  contain letters
  contain relocatable symbols
  contain relocatable symbols:  absolute expression
  containing text
      Instruction Groups
      Link-relocation Operators
      Register Names by Type
  content:  register X
      Include File Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  contents:  include
      Include File Directive
  contiguous array
  contiguous array:  memory locations
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
  continues:  refer
      Equate Statements
  continues:  reference
      Assignment Statements
  Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Register Names
      Register Names by Type
  Control Registers:  execution
  Control Registers:  register
  convenience:  programmer
  Convert integer
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Convert integer:  float unsigned
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  copied register
      Rotating Register Directives
  copied register:  documents
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Name Spaces
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  corresponding 64 predicate registers
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  corresponding relocation
      Link-relocation Operators
  corresponding relocation:  create
      Link-relocation Operators
  corresponding relocation:  slots
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  corresponds:  COFF32
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  corresponds:  predicate register
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Application Registers
      Indirect-register Files
  CR:  use
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Register Names
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Control Registers
      Register Names
      Control Registers
      Register Names
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  create:  corresponding relocation
      Link-relocation Operators
  create:  function
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  create:  linkage
      Link-relocation Operators
  create:  unwentry directive
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Symbol Type Directive
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Explicit Bundling
  Cross-section Data Allocation Statements:  See
      Explicit Bundling
      Preprocessor Support
  Current characterized errata
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  currently accessed
  currently executing
  currently executing:  store local variables
  currently mapped
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  currently mapped:  r33
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  currently mapped:  r40
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  currently r33
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  currently r36
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  currently r40
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  currently supported
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Data Allocation Statements
  data-allocation statements
  Data-allocation statements data1
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  data-object size
      Data Allocation Statements
  Data Allocation
      Data Allocation
  Data Allocation describes
      About This Document
  Data Allocation describes:  statements
      About This Document
  Data Allocation Mnemonics
  Data allocation mnenonics specify
  Data allocation mnenonics specify:  types
  Data Allocation Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Symbol Size Directive
  Data allocation statements allocate
      Data Allocation Statements
  Data allocation statements allocate:  See
      Symbol Size Directive
  Data Allocation tatements
      Data Allocation Statements
  Data Allocation tatements:  See
  Data alocation statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  Data breakpoint registers
      Indirect-register Files
  Data object mnemonics
      Data Allocation Statements
  Data objects
      Data Allocation Statements
  Data translation registers
      Indirect-register Files
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  data1 expression
      Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  data16 statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  data2 expression
      Data Allocation Statements
  data2 statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Data Allocation Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  data4 expression
      Data Allocation Statements
  data4 statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Data Allocation Statements
  data4.ua L1
      Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  data8 expression
      Data Allocation Statements
  data8 statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Data Allocation Statements
  dataop operands
      Data Allocation Statements
      Indirect-register Files
      Link-relocation Operators
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Decimal integer constants
      C Numeric Constants
  decimal radix
      MASM Numeric Constants
  decimal radix:  specifies
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Common Symbol Declarations
  declaration overrides
      Common Symbol Declarations
  declaration overrides:  local
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Common Symbol Declarations
  Declarations describes
      About This Document
  Declarations describes:  directives
      About This Document
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Declare aliases
  Declare aliases:  labels
  Declare symbol scopes
  Declare symbols
      About This Document
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
  Declare symbols:  symbol
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Declare symbols:  syntax
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Declare symbols:  undefined symbol
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  declared global
      Assignment Statements
  declared global:  instructions belong
      Control Registers
      Entry Annotation
      Explicit Bundling
      File Name Override Directive
      Implicit Bundling
      Instruction Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Numeric Constants
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Symbol Type Directive
      Using Section Directives
  default byte
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  default causes
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  default causes:  assembler
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  default file
      File Name Override Directive
  default file:  override
      File Name Override Directive
  default flags
      Predefined Section Directives
  default register mappings defined
      Register Stack Directive
  default register mappings defined:  regstk directive replaces
      Register Stack Directive
  default size attribute
      Symbol Size Directive
  default size attribute:  implicitly specify
      Symbol Size Directive
  default symbol size
      Symbol Size Directive
      Absolute Sections
      Assignment Statements
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Equate Statements
      Predefined Section Directives
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Procedure Directives
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  define 2-bit
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  define 2-bit:  0xffff
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  define 2-bit:  absolute
      Absolute Sections
  define 2-bit:  alias
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  define 2-bit:  alternate register
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  define 2-bit:  subset
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  define 2-bit:  symbol
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Equate Statements
      Procedure Directives
      Assignment Statements
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Equate Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Name Spaces
      Predefined Section Directives
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Procedure Directives
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Rotating Register Directives
      Section Stack Directives
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Symbol Values
  defined symbol x
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  defined symbols
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  defined symbols:  search
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  defined twice
      Name Spaces
  defined twice:  symbols
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Absolute Sections
      Assignment Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Equate Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  defines application
  defines application:  register
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
  defines application:  symbol
      Assignment Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Equate Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Rotating Register Directives
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Section Definition Directive
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  defining:  Alias Name
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  defining:  Stacked Register
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Name Spaces
  Definition:  finding
  Definition:  searching
  Definition:  symbol
  Definition:  symbol supersedes
      Common Symbol Declarations
  dep.z r1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  dependency violations
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Memory Offset Annotation
  Dependency violations occur
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  Dependency violations result
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Instruction Statements
  depending:  instruction
      Instruction Statements
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Section Stack Directives
  depth:  limit
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Section Stack Directives
  describe:  assembler directives
      About This Document
      Link-relocation Operators
  describes:  Itanium™ architecture assembly language directives associated
  describes:  link-relocation operators
      Link-relocation Operators
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Instruction Statements
      Register Stack Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  description:  alloc instruction
      Register Stack Directive
  description:  instructions
      Entry Annotation
      Instruction Statements
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  destination operands
      Instruction Statements
  destination operands:  Represents
      Instruction Statements
  destination operands:  specifies
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Instruction Statements
      Instruction Groups
      Register Stack Directive
      Register Names
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  details:  Runtime Architecture Guide
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  detect invalid specifications
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Directive Statements
      Register Stack Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Related Documentation
      Explicit Bundling
  diagnostic:  assembler produces
      Explicit Bundling
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Common Symbol Declarations
      C Numeric Constants
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  digits:  combination
      C Numeric Constants
  digits:  sequence
      C Numeric Constants
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Directive Statements
      Explicit Bundling
      File Name Override Directive
      Include File Directive
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Predefined Section Directives
      Preprocessor Support
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Register Stack Directive
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Return Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Symbol Type Directive
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  directive creates
      Predefined Section Directives
      Section Definition Directive
  directive defines
      Section Definition Directive
  directive mnemonic
      Directive Statements
  directive mnemonic:  Represents
      Directive Statements
  Directive Mnemonics
      Directive Statements
      Predefined Section Directives
  Directive Name
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  directive refers
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  directive selects
      Explicit Bundling
  directive selects:  mlx template
      Explicit Bundling
  directive separates
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  directive sets
      Section Definition Directive
  directive statements
      Directive Statements
  directive statements:  follow
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  Directive/Section Name
      Predefined Section Directives
      About This Document
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Directive Statements
      Implicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Name Spaces
      Predefined Section Directives
      Procedure Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Symbol Types
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Using Section Directives
  directives define
      Predefined Section Directives
  directives enable
      Rotating Register Directives
  directives enable:  following
      Rotating Register Directives
  directives listed
      Explicit Bundling
  directives listed:  Declarations describes
      About This Document
  directives listed:  Multiple usage
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  directives listed:  Program Structure describes
      About This Document
      Data Allocation Statements
  disable automatic alignment
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  disable automatic alignment:  automatic alignment
      Data Allocation Statements
  disjointed blocks
      Procedure Directives
  distinguish:  italicized
      Explicit Bundling
      Memory Offset Annotation
  distinguishing:  arbitrary method
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  DLL loader binds executable load modules
  DLL loader search
  document contains
      About This Document
  document describes
  document describes:  programming conventions
      About This Document
      Related Documentation
  documents:  Copies
  documents:  following
      Related Documentation
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Data Allocation Statements
  Double quote
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Indirect-register Files
  during:  link
  dynamic-link library
      Instruction Groups
      Register Names
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      C Numeric Constants
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  ef function,line,code-size
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  ef directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  ef directives define
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
      Symbol Size Directive
      Notation Conventions
  element:  Indicates
      Notation Conventions
      About This Document
      Link-relocation Operators
      Predefined Section Directives
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  ELF format
      Link-relocation Operators
      Predefined Section Directives
  ELF formats
      Link-relocation Operators
  ELF object file formats
      Absolute Sections
  eliminate dependency violations
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  enables:  assembler
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Instruction Statements
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Explicit Bundling
      Explicit Bundling
      Explicit Bundling
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  end:  bundle
  end:  explicit bundle
      Explicit Bundling
  end:  function
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Procedure Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  endp directive
      Procedure Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  endp directive marks
      Procedure Directives
  endp directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  endp directives combine
      Procedure Directives
      Notation Conventions
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  Entry Annotation
      Entry Annotation
  Epilog counter 66
      Application Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  epression operand
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
  equate statements
      Equate Statements
      Register Names
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  Equate statements enable
      Equate Statements
  Equate statements enable:  programmer
      Equate Statements
  Equate Statements sections
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  Equate Statements sections:  types
      Equate Statements
      Symbol Types
      About This Document
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Equivalent Machine Instruction
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Equivalent Machine Instruction:  instruction mnemonics
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
  error:  assembler produces
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
  Escape Character
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Memory Offset Annotation
  Example Code Sequence Using
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  Example Defining
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  Example Defining:  Alias Name
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  Example Defining:  Stacked Register
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  Example Using
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Using Rotating Register directives
  Example Using:  Memory Offset Annotation illustrates
      Memory Offset Annotation
  Example Using:  Predicate Vector Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  examples illustrate
      Name Spaces
  examples illustrate:  following
      Name Spaces
      Link-relocation Operators
  Exchange comparison
      Application Registers
  executable sections
  executable sections:  NOP pattern
      Instruction Groups
  execute:  processor
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  execution unit processes
  execution unit processes:  control
  execution unit processes:  type
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  existing:  predicate relationships defined
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  existing:  relations
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
      Explicit Bundling
  explicit-bundling mode
      Explicit Bundling
  explicit-template directives
      Explicit Bundling
  explicit bundle
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Explicit Bundling
  explicit bundle:  end
      Explicit Bundling
  explicit bundle:  shows
      Explicit Bundling
  Explicit Bundling
      Explicit Bundling
  explicit mode
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  explicit register
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  explicit register names
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  explicit selection
  explicit selection:  template
  Explicit Template Selection
      Explicit Bundling
  Explicit Template Selection Directives
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Explicit Bundling
  explicitly assemble bundles
      Explicit Bundling
  explicitly define stops
      Instruction Groups
  explicitly select
      Explicit Bundling
  explicitly select:  specific template
      Explicit Bundling
  explicitly specify
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
  explicitly specify:  size attribute
      Symbol Size Directive
  explicitly specify:  symbol’s
      Symbol Type Directive
      C Numeric Constants
      Link-relocation Operators
      Assignment Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Equate Statements
      Notation Conventions
      Rotating Register Directives
      Symbol Types
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  expression assigned
      Symbol Values
  expression assigned:  symbolic constant
      Symbol Values
  expression defines
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  expression defines:  separate
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  expression operand
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  expression operand specifies
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  expression operand specifies:  size
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  Expression Type
      Data Allocation Statements
      Absolute Sections
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Symbol Names
  expressions reference
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  expressions reference:  location counter
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  expressions separated
      Data Allocation Statements
      Alias Declaration Directives
  External interrupt registers
      Control Registers
  external symbol
      Alias Declaration Directives
  external symbol:  reference
      Alias Declaration Directives
  external symbol:  reference
      Alias Declaration Directives
  extr r1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  extr.u r1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Floating-point Registers
      Register Names
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Floating-point Registers
      Register Names
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Instruction Statements
      Floating-point Registers
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  false:  instruction
      Instruction Statements
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Symbol Names
  fclass Condition Predefined Operand Names
      Symbol Names
  fclass Conditions
      Symbol Names
  fclass Conditions:  predefined constant representing
      Instruction Statements
  fclass.m.fctype p1,p2
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  fclass.m.unc p4
      Instruction Statements
  fclass.nm.fctype p1,p2
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  fcmp.fcrel.fctype.sf p1,p2
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  February 2001
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Include File Directive
      Notation Conventions
      Preprocessor Support
  filename Current filename
      Preprocessor Support
  filename Identifies
      Preprocessor Support
  filepath Current file
      Preprocessor Support
  finding:  definition
  finds dependency violations
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  First Characters
  First Operand
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Explicit Bundling
      General Registers
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  fixed frame size
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  fixed relation
  fixed starting
      Absolute Sections
      Section Definition Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  flag attributes
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  flag character
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  Flag Characters
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  Flag Characters:  specify
  Flag Characters:  Use
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Absolute Sections
      Predefined Section Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  flags listed
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  flags listed:  assembler recognizes
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  flags operand
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  flags operand specifies
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  float unsigned
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  float unsigned:  Convert integer
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Data Allocation Statements
      Explicit Bundling
      Data Allocation Statements
      Numeric Constants
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Rotating Register Directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      C Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Floating-point add
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  floating-point constant contains
      C Numeric Constants
  floating-point constant contains:  following
      C Numeric Constants
  Floating-point constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Floating-point constants consist
      C Numeric Constants
  Floating-point Registers
      Floating-point Registers
      Register Names
      Register Names by Type
      Rotating Register Directives
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
  floating-point registers x
      Using Rotating Register directives
  floating-point registers x:  0x42 mask
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  floating-point registers x:  rotf
      Rotating Register Directives
  Floating-point status register
      Application Registers
  Floating-point status register:  alternate floating-point register names map
      Using Rotating Register directives
  fma.pc.sf f1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  fmerge.ns f1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  fmerge.s f1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  fms.pc.sf f1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Assignment Statements
      C Numeric Constants
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Directive Statements
      Entry Annotation
      Equate Statements
      File Name Override Directive
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Include File Directive
      Instruction Groups
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Name Spaces
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Preprocessor Support
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Register Names by Type
      Register Stack Directive
      Related Documentation
      Rotating Register Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      String Specification Directive
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Symbol Types
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  following:  alphabetical list defines
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  following:  attributes
  following:  built-in symbols
      Preprocessor Support
  following:  directive
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  following:  directives enable
      Rotating Register Directives
  following:  documents
      Related Documentation
  following:  examples illustrate
      Name Spaces
  following:  floating-point constant contains
      C Numeric Constants
  following:  formal grammar summarizes
      C Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  following:  format
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Common Symbol Declarations
      File Name Override Directive
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Include File Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Preprocessor Support
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      String Specification Directive
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  following:  formats
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  following:  forms
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  following:  frame directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  following:  instruction
      Instruction Groups
  following:  Itanium™ architecture registers
      Register Names by Type
  following:  predicate registers
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  following:  region header directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  following:  registers
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  following:  sections
  following:  sections detail
  following:  syntax
      Assignment Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Directive Statements
      Entry Annotation
      Equate Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  following:  tables list
      Symbol Names
  follows 1_000_000
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Label Statements
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Name Spaces
  forces:  assembler
      Name Spaces
  Form feed
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  formal grammar summarizes
      C Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  formal grammar summarizes:  following
      C Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Common Symbol Declarations
      File Name Override Directive
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Include File Directive
      Link-relocation Operators
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Predefined Section Directives
      Preprocessor Support
      Procedure Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      String Specification Directive
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  format:  following
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Common Symbol Declarations
      File Name Override Directive
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Include File Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Preprocessor Support
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      String Specification Directive
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  format:  illustrates
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  formats:  following
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  forms:  following
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      C Numeric Constants
      C Numeric Constants
  frame directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  frame directives:  following
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Floating-point Registers
      Floating-point Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  frgr_mem descriptor
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  frgr_mem descriptor:  assembler produces
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Entry Annotation
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedure Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Symbol Type Directive
      Symbol Types
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  function declared
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  function declared:  point
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  function defined
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  function descriptor
      Link-relocation Operators
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
  function entries
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  Function names
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Type Directive
  function symbol
      Symbol Type Directive
  function symbol:  assembler creates
      Symbol Type Directive
  function symbol:  create
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  function symbol:  end
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  function symbol:  point
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  function symbol:  Represents
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  function’s actual
      About This Document
      Section Definition Directive
  functionality.The annotations
  General-purpose 64-bit registers
      Register Names
  general-purpose register
      Register Names
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  general-purpose registers
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  general-purpose registers:  0x2 mask
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  General Registers
      General Registers
      Register Names by Type
      Rotating Register Directives
  Generally, functions
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Link-relocation Operators
  Generates:  Relocation For
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Rotating Register Directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
  generation corresponds
      Rotating Register Directives
  generation older
      Rotating Register Directives
  generation older:  q
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Rotating Register Directives
  generations defined
      Rotating Register Directives
  generations defined:  number
      Rotating Register Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Name Spaces
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  global name,name
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
  global directive
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
  global label
      Label Statements
  global labels
      Entry Annotation
  Global pointer
      General Registers
  global r5#//declares label r5
      Name Spaces
  global scope
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
  Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
  global symbol
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
  Global symbols
      Data Allocation Statements
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
  Global symbols:  linkage editor
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      General Registers
  gp-relative offset
      Link-relocation Operators
  gp-relative offset:  calculates
      Link-relocation Operators
      Instruction Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  gr-location operand
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  gr_gr imask
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  gr_mem descriptor
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  gr_mem descriptor:  assembler produces
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  gr_mem spill_imask
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  grsave saves
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  grsave saves:  rp
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  guarantee alignment
  guarantee alignment:  requests
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  guidelines:  prologue regions
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  handlerdata directive
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      MASM Numeric Constants
      C Numeric Constants
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Hexadecimal constants
      C Numeric Constants
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  highest consideration
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  holds:  symbol definition
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  IAS ignores
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
      Indirect-register Files
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      String Specification Directive
  ident directive
      String Specification Directive
  Ident string directive
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  Ident string specification directive
      Miscellaneous Directives
  identical contents
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Name Spaces
      Notation Conventions
      Section Definition Directive
  identifier:  length
  identifier:  value
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  identifiers referring
      Memory Offset Annotation
  identifies:  memory region
      Memory Offset Annotation
  IEEE double-precision floating
      Data Allocation Statements
  IEEE extended
      Data Allocation Statements
  IEEE single-precision floating
      Data Allocation Statements
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Name Spaces
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Return Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Using Section Directives
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  illustrates:  format
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  illustrates:  weak scope declaration
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Link-relocation Operators
      Link-relocation Operators
  imask descriptor
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Explicit Bundling
      Link-relocation Operators
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  immediate instruction
      Explicit Bundling
  immediate instructions
      Link-relocation Operators
  immediate location
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  immediate mask
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Register Stack Directive
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  implicit-bundling mode
      Implicit Bundling
  Implicit Bundling
      Implicit Bundling
  implicit operands
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  implicitly generated
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
  implicitly specify
      Symbol Size Directive
  implicitly specify:  default size attribute
      Symbol Size Directive
  implied alignment boundary
      Data Allocation Statements
      Label Statements
  implied alignment boundary:  location counter
      Data Allocation Statements
      Label Statements
  implied warranty
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  imported:  pointers
  improve readability
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  improve readability:  numeric constant
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      General Registers
      Register Names
      Register Stack Directive
      General Registers
      Register Names
      Include File Directive
      Name Spaces
  Include File Directive
      Include File Directive
  Include File Directive:  contents
      Include File Directive
  incompatibilities arising
  incorporate:  ahead
      Rotating Register Directives
  incrementing:  index
      Rotating Register Directives
  increments appropriately
      Register Names
      Rotating Register Directives
  index:  incrementing
      Rotating Register Directives
  indicated offset relative
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  indicated offset relative:  set
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Notation Conventions
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Symbol Types
  Indicates optional items
      Notation Conventions
  Indicates optional items:  boundary
  Indicates optional items:  element
      Notation Conventions
  Indicates optional items:  MASM
      Radix Indicator Directive
  Indicates optional items:  placeholder
      Notation Conventions
  Indicates optional items:  primary unat
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  Indicates optional items:  text
      Notation Conventions
  Indirect-register Files
      Indirect-register Files
      Register Names by Type
  Indirect file registers
      Register Names
  individually bracketed
      Procedure Directives
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Names
  inins-1 represent r32
      Register Stack Directive
      Data Allocation Statements
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Notation Conventions
      Register Stack Directive
  input registers
      General Registers
      Register Stack Directive
  input registers:  Alternate names
      General Registers
  input registers:  assembler provides predefined alternate register names
      Register Stack Directive
  input registers:  length
      Register Stack Directive
  ins:  r31+ins
      Register Stack Directive
      Register Stack Directive
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      String Constants
  insert:  backslash
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      String Constants
  insert:  comment
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Explicit Bundling
      Instruction Groups
      Preprocessor Support
  inserted anywhere
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  insertion:  point
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Explicit Bundling
  inserts:  instruction
      Explicit Bundling
      Explicit Bundling
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  instance:  Select
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Rotating Register Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Explicit Bundling
      Instruction Groups
      Instruction Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Symbol Types
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  instruction aliasing
  Instruction breakpoint registers
      Indirect-register Files
  instruction brp.ret.sptk.imp b0,L
  instruction bundling
      Symbol Types
  Instruction Description
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  instruction executes normally
  Instruction Groups
      Instruction Groups
  instruction mnemonic
      Instruction Statements
  instruction mnemonic suffixes
  instruction mnemonic suffixes:  Represents
      Instruction Statements
  instruction mnemonics
  instruction mnemonics:  equivalent
  instruction operands
      Rotating Register Directives
  instruction operates on 64-bit
      Explicit Bundling
  Instruction pointer
      Other Registers
      Register Names
  Instruction Set
  Instruction Set Reference
      Related Documentation
  instruction slot
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  instruction slot:  location
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  Instruction Statements
      Instruction Statements
  instruction syntax
      Instruction Statements
  instruction tag
      Symbol Types
  instruction tag:  label
  Instruction tags
      Explicit Bundling
      Symbol Names
  Instruction translation registers
      Indirect-register Files
  instruction types
      Explicit Bundling
  instruction types:  annotation affects
      Memory Offset Annotation
  instruction types:  boundaries
  instruction types:  cause
      Symbol Types
  instruction types:  conditional execution
  instruction types:  depending
      Instruction Statements
  instruction types:  false
  instruction types:  follow
      Instruction Groups
  instruction types:  inserts
      Explicit Bundling
  instruction types:  interprets
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  instruction types:  refers
      Symbol Types
  instruction types:  sequence
      Explicit Bundling
      About This Document
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Explicit Bundling
      Instruction Groups
      Instruction Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Name Spaces
      Procedure Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Symbol Names
  instructions belong
  instructions belong:  declared
  instructions brp.pp
  instructions marked
  Instructions subsequent
      Using Rotating Register directives
  Instructions subsequent:  affect
      Byte Order Specification Directives
  Instructions subsequent:  description
      Link-relocation Operators
  instructs:  linker
      Link-relocation Operators
      C Numeric Constants
      Data Allocation Statements
      Explicit Bundling
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
      C Numeric Constants
  integer constant specifying
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  Integer constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  integer instruction
      Explicit Bundling
  integer instruction:  Represents
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  Intel's Terms
  Intel Architecture-32
  Intel assumes
  Intel Corporation
  Intel disclaims
  Intel literature
  Intel processors associated
  Intel products
  Intel reserves
  Intel’s:  name
  Intel® Itanium™ Architecture Assembly Language Reference Guide
  Intel® Itanium™ Architecture Software Developer's Manual
      Instruction Statements
      Related Documentation
  Intel® Itanium™ Architecture Software Developer's Manual:  Refer
      Instruction Statements
  Intel® Itanium™ Architecture Software Developer’s Manual
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Explicit Bundling
      Instruction Groups
      Register Stack Directive
  Intel® Itanium™ Architecture Software Developer’s Manual:  Refer
      Explicit Bundling
      Instruction Groups
      Register Stack Directive
  Intel® Itanium™ Assembler
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  interprets:  instruction
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Control Registers
  Interruption frame
      Control Registers
  Interruption hash
      Control Registers
  Interruption immediat
      Control Registers
  Interruption instruction pointe
      Control Registers
  Interruption instruction previous
      Control Registers
  Interruption instruction translation register
      Control Registers
  Interruption processor status register
      Control Registers
  Interruption status register
      Control Registers
  Interruption vector
      Control Registers
      Application Registers
      Control Registers
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Other Registers
      Register Names
      Link-relocation Operators
  italicized:  distinguish
  Itanium architecture
      About This Document
      Name Spaces
  Itanium architecture assembly language
      Name Spaces
  Itanium architecture instructions
      Instruction Groups
  Itanium architecture provides
      Register Stack Directive
  Itanium architecture provides:  mechanism
      Register Stack Directive
  Itanium architecture psuedo operations
      About This Document
  Itanium architecture psuedo operations:  Pseudo-ops lists
      About This Document
  Itanium architecture registers
      About This Document
  Itanium architecture registers:  Type lists
      About This Document
  Itanium processor
  Itanium Processor Programmer's Guide
      Related Documentation
  Itanium™ architecture
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Itanium™ architecture assembly language directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Miscellaneous Directives
  Itanium™ architecture assembly language directives associated
  Itanium™ architecture assembly language directives associated:  chapter describes
  Itanium™ architecture assembly language directives associated:  describes
  Itanium™ architecture assembly language directives associated:  Table Assembly Language Directives summarizes
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  Itanium™ architecture assembly language statements
      Data Allocation
  Itanium™ architecture assembly language statements:  chapter describes
      Data Allocation
  Itanium™ architecture instructions
  Itanium™ architecture registers
      Register Names by Type
  Itanium™ architecture registers:  following
      Register Names by Type
  Itanium™ Assembly Language
      Notation Conventions
  items enclosed
      Notation Conventions
  items enclosed:  placeholder
      Notation Conventions
  items enclosed:  separates
      Notation Conventions
      Rotating Register Directives
  iteration:  software-pipelined loop
      Rotating Register Directives
      Indirect-register Files
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  Keeps track
  Kernel registers
      Application Registers
      Notation Conventions
      Instruction Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Assignment Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Data Allocation Statements
      Entry Annotation
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Name Spaces
      Procedure Directives
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Symbol Types
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  label defines
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  label defines:  symbol
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  label forces
      Implicit Bundling
  label forces:  assembler
      Implicit Bundling
  label named foo
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
  label named r5
      Name Spaces
  label refers
      Symbol Types
  Label Statements
      Label Statements
  Label Statements:  assembler interprets
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
  Label Statements:  instruction tag
  Label Statements:  Unlike
      Symbol Types
  Label Statements:  value
      Label Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Entry Annotation
      Explicit Bundling
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Type Directive
  Labels:  Declare aliases
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      String Constants
  language specific
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  language specifications
      About This Document
  language specifications:  assembly-language
      About This Document
  largest aligned object
  largest instance
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  largest instance:  Select
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  largest size
      Common Symbol Declarations
  largest size:  assigned
      Common Symbol Declarations
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  lcomm name,size,alignment
      Common Symbol Declarations
  lcomm directive
      Common Symbol Declarations
  least-significant byte
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Data Allocation Statements
  length:  identifier
  length:  input
  length:  string
      Data Allocation Statements
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Section Stack Directives
  levels:  precedence
  liability whatsoever
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Section Stack Directives
  limit:  depth
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Section Stack Directives
  limit:  place
      Preprocessor Support
  line_number Specifies
      Preprocessor Support
  line_number Specifies:  source
      Preprocessor Support
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Symbol Values
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  link-relocation entries
  link-relocation operators
      About This Document
      Link-relocation Operators
  Link-relocation Operators lists
      About This Document
  Link-relocation Operators lists:  describes
      Link-relocation Operators
  Link-relocation Operators lists:  link-relocation operators
      About This Document
  Link-relocation Operators lists:  Link-relocation Operators lists
      About This Document
  link-time relocation
  link-time relocation:  during
  link-time relocation:  subject
  link-time relocation:  subject
      Link-relocation Operators
  linkage editor
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  linkage editor:  create
      Link-relocation Operators
  linkage editor:  global symbols
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
  linkage editor:  weak symbols
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Absolute Sections
      Link-relocation Operators
  linker binds relocatable object modules
  linker combines sections
      Predefined Section Directives
  linker creates
      Predefined Section Directives
  linker merges
      Common Symbol Declarations
  linker merges:  instructs
      Link-relocation Operators
  listed alphabetically
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      About This Document
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Data Allocation Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Predefined Section Directives
      Register Names
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      String Constants
      Symbol Type Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  lists mnemonics converted
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  lists pseudo-ops
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  lists pseudo-ops:  Common Character Escapes
      String Constants
  lists pseudo-ops:  predefined
      Predefined Section Directives
  lists pseudo-ops:  Section Flag Characters
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  lists pseudo-ops:  Section Types
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  lists pseudo-ops:  See Table 4-1
      Symbol Type Directive
  lists pseudo-ops:  See Table Section Flag Characters
      Section Stack Directives
  lists pseudo-ops:  See Table Section Types
      Section Definition Directive
  lists pseudo-ops:  See Table SectionTypes
      Section Stack Directives
  lists pseudo-ops:  stack unwind directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  lists pseudo-ops:  Table Section Flag Characters
      Section Definition Directive
      Predefined Section Directives
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  ln directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  ln stores
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Register Stack Directive
      General Registers
      Register Names
      Register Stack Directive
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  loc0 maps
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  loc0 maps:  subsequent add instruction refers
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      General Registers
      Register Names
      Common Symbol Declarations
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Register Stack Directive
      Symbol Names
  local name,name
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
  Local Common Symbol Directive
      Common Symbol Declarations
  local defined symbol
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  local directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
  local host
  local host:  termination convention
  local register
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  local registers
      General Registers
      Register Stack Directive
  local registers:  Alternate names
      General Registers
  local scope
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
  local scopes
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Symbol Scope Declaration
  local symbol
      Predefined Section Directives
  local symbol scopes
      Symbol Names
  Local symbols
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Symbol Names
  Local symbols:  alignment attributes
      Common Symbol Declarations
  Local symbols:  declaration overrides
      Common Symbol Declarations
  Local symbols:  size
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Register Stack Directive
  locals:  r31+ins+locals
      Register Stack Directive
      Include File Directive
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Symbol Types
      Symbol Values
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  location counter
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  location counter advances
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  location counter advances:  location relative
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  location counter points
  location counter points:  adjust
  location counter points:  advances
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  location counter points:  align
  location counter points:  bundle boundary
      Instruction Statements
  location counter points:  expressions reference
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  location counter points:  implied alignment boundary
      Data Allocation Statements
      Label Statements
  location counter points:  moving
  location counter points:  refer
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  location default
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  location relative
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  location relative:  location counter advances
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  location specified
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  location specified:  instruction slot
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  location specified:  previous stack frame
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  location specified:  Refers
      Symbol Types
  location specified:  symbol refers
      Symbol Values
  location specified:  tag refers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  loclocals-1 represent r32+ins
      Register Stack Directive
  logical relationship
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  Loop counter
      Application Registers
  loop execution
  loop iteration
      Rotating Register Directives
  loop iteration:  Pipelining
  loop iteration:  various instructions
      Notation Conventions
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  lsb directive switches
      Byte Order Specification Directives
  lsb directives
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Data Allocation Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
  ltoff operator
      Link-relocation Operators
      Link-relocation Operators
  Machine Instruction Mnemonics
  Machine instruction mnemonics specify
  macro assembler
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Section Definition Directive
  Makes A’s previously
      Using Section Directives
  Makes A’s previously:  newly-defined
      Section Definition Directive
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  mapped:  r36
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Explicit Bundling
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Register Stack Directive
  mappings:  alloc instruction redefine
      Register Stack Directive
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  Mask illustrates
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  Mask illustrates:  predicate vector annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  Mask illustrates:  selectively
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  Mask illustrates:  uses
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Numeric Constants
      Radix Indicator Directive
      MASM Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  MASM numeric
      MASM Numeric Constants
  MASM numeric constant
      Radix Indicator Directive
  MASM numeric constant:  select
      Radix Indicator Directive
  MASM Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  MASM Numeric Constants:  radix indicators
      MASM Numeric Constants
  MASM Numeric Constants:  rules
      MASM Numeric Constants
  MASM Radix Indicators
      MASM Numeric Constants
  MASM Radix Indicators:  Indicates
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Control Registers
  matching template
      Explicit Bundling
  matching template:  selects
      Explicit Bundling
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Symbol Names
      Register Stack Directive
  mechanism:  Itanium architecture provides
      Register Stack Directive
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  mem.offset off_val,base_ind
      Memory Offset Annotation
  mem.offset 0,BAR_STACK_INDEX
      Memory Offset Annotation
  mem.offset 0,FOO_STACK_INDEX
      Memory Offset Annotation
  mem.offset 16,FOO_STACK_INDEX
      Memory Offset Annotation
  mem.offset 8,FOO_STACK_INDEX
      Memory Offset Annotation
  mem.offset annotation
      Memory Offset Annotation
  mem.offset provides hints
      Memory Offset Annotation
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Explicit Bundling
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Symbol Types
      Symbol Values
      Explicit Bundling
  memory-integer-integer:  mii directive selects
      Explicit Bundling
  memory format
      Data Allocation Statements
  memory instruction
      Explicit Bundling
  memory location
      Symbol Values
  memory locations
      Name Spaces
  memory locations:  contiguous array
  memory locations:  refer
      Name Spaces
  Memory Offset Annotation
      Memory Offset Annotation
  Memory Offset Annotation illustrates
      Memory Offset Annotation
  Memory Offset Annotation illustrates:  Example Using
      Memory Offset Annotation
  memory operations
      Memory Offset Annotation
  memory region
      Memory Offset Annotation
  memory region:  identifies
      Memory Offset Annotation
  memory region:  relative offset
      Memory Offset Annotation
  memory regions
      Memory Offset Annotation
  memory stack
  merge absolute sections
      Absolute Sections
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Radix Indicator Directive
  Microsoft Macro Assembly language
      Numeric Constants
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  mii directive selects
      Explicit Bundling
  mii directive selects:  memory-integer-integer
      Explicit Bundling
  Miscellaneous Directives
      Miscellaneous Directives
  Miscellaneous Directives describes directives
      About This Document
  missing operand
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  missing operand:  assembler substitutes
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  Missing Operands
      About This Document
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  Missing Operands lists pseudo-ops
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Symbol Names
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  mlx template
      Explicit Bundling
  mlx template:  directive selects
      Explicit Bundling
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  mmi template
      Explicit Bundling
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
  mnemonic:  branch predict instruction
      Instruction Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Name Spaces
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  mode:  revert
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  mode:  Set
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  modify architectural
  most-significant byte
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  mov b1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  mov pr
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  mov r1
      Entry Annotation
  mov r5
  mov.i ar3
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  mov.i r1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  mov.m ar3
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  mov.m r1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Move immediate
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Move immediate:  branch
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Move immediate:  location counter
  movl instruction moves
  movl r1
  movl r4
      Name Spaces
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  msb directive switches
      Byte Order Specification Directives
  msb directive switches:  MSB
      Byte Order Specification Directives
  msb directive switches:  msb directive switches
      Byte Order Specification Directives
  Multiple statements
  Multiple usage
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  Multiple usage:  directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  multiway branch bundle
  Multiway branch bundles contain
  multiway bundle
  multiway bundle:  branch instruction
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  mutual exclusion
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  mux Bytes Operation Predefined Type Operand Names
      Symbol Names
  mux Bytes Operation Type
      Symbol Names
  mux instructions
      Symbol Names
      Section Definition Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
  Name Forms
      Register Names
  Name operands
      Procedure Directives
  Name Override Directive
      File Name Override Directive
  Name Spaces
      Name Spaces
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Symbol Type Directive
  Named application registers
      Register Names
  named sections
      Alias Declaration Directives
      File Name Override Directive
      Name Spaces
      Predefined Section Directives
      Register Names
      Register Names by Type
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Type Directive
  names:  affect
      Register Stack Directive
  names:  assembler exports
      Alias Declaration Directives
  names:  classes
      Name Spaces
  names:  Intel’s
  names:  source file
      File Name Override Directive
      Name Spaces
      Symbol Names
  NaT test
      Symbol Names
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  ND:  Bitwise
  nearest preceding alloc instruction
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Common Symbol Declarations
  necessarily based
      Symbol Names
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  negate absolute
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Rotating Register Directives
      Symbol Names
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Absolute Sections
  newest instance
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  newest instance:  Select
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Data Allocation Statements
  newly-aligned bundle
      Instruction Statements
      Section Definition Directive
  newly-created:  refers
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Definition Directive
  newly-defined:  makes
      Section Definition Directive
      Predefined Section Directives
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  non-executable sections
  non-executable sections:  zeros
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  NOP pattern
  NOP pattern:  executable sections
  nop.b imm21
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  nop.f imm21
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  nop.i imm21
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  nop.m imm21
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Symbol Names
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Symbol Names
      Notation Conventions
  Notation Conventions
      About This Document
      Notation Conventions
      Entry Annotation
  notifies:  assembler
      Entry Annotation
      Symbol Type Directive
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  null terminated string
      String Specification Directive
  null terminator
      Data Allocation Statements
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Rotating Register Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  number:  bits
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  number:  generations defined
      Rotating Register Directives
  number:  phases
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  number:  prologues
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  number:  rotating
      Rotating Register Directives
  number:  sections
  numeric constant
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Radix Indicator Directive
  numeric constant contains integer
      Numeric Constants
  numeric constant style
      Radix Indicator Directive
  numeric constant style:  improve readability
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  numeric constant style:  radix directive selects
      Radix Indicator Directive
  numeric constant style:  represent
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  Numeric Constants
      C Numeric Constants
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Numeric Constants
  Numeric constants contain integers
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Link-relocation Operators
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Symbol Type Directive
      Symbol Types
      Symbol Values
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  object-file symbol
  object defined
      Data Allocation Statements
  object file
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Predefined Section Directives
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Symbol Type Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  object file format
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  object file symbol
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Scope Declaration
  object file symbol:  Portions
  object mnemonics
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      About This Document
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation
      Data Allocation Statements
  objects assembled
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Explicit Bundling
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Octal constants
      C Numeric Constants
      Memory Offset Annotation
  official plabel descriptor
      Link-relocation Operators
  official plabel descriptor:  symbol sym
      Link-relocation Operators
      Link-relocation Operators
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  offset:  calculates
      Link-relocation Operators
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Instruction Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  omitting:  addition
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Section Stack Directives
      Using Section Directives
  onto stack
      Using Section Directives
  onto stack:  Pushes
      Using Section Directives
  onto stack:  stack
      Section Stack Directives
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Opcode lists
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Opcode lists:  assembly language pseudo-ops
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Absolute Sections
      Name Spaces
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  operand specifies
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  operand specifies:  section’s
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  operand values
      Symbol Names
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Directive Statements
      Instruction Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedure Directives
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Register Stack Directive
      Symbol Names
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  operands:  predefined symbolic constant names
      Symbol Names
  operands:  subsequent
      Register Stack Directive
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  operating:  specifies
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Equate Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Name Spaces
  operator precedence
  operator precedence:  Table 2-8 lists
  Operator Symbol
      Predefined Section Directives
      Absolute Sections
      C Numeric Constants
      Directive Statements
  optional completers
  optional completers appear
  optional exponent
      C Numeric Constants
  optional fourth operand
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  optional mask
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  optional mask:  Represents
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  optional operand
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  optional sign
      C Numeric Constants
      Instruction Statements
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  optionally signed sequence
      C Numeric Constants
  Order Number
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  org directive
  org expression
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  org statements
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  org statements enable
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  org statements enable:  assembler
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  org statements reserve uninitialized
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Instruction Groups
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  Other Registers
      Other Registers
      Register Names by Type
      General Registers
      Register Names
      Register Stack Directive
      General Registers
      Register Names
  outouts-1 represent r32+ins+locs
      Register Stack Directive
  output executable
      Link-relocation Operators
  output object file
      Assignment Statements
      File Name Override Directive
      String Specification Directive
      Symbol Types
  output object file:  assembly
  output register
      Register Stack Directive
  output registers
      General Registers
      Register Stack Directive
  output registers:  Alternate names
      General Registers
      Register Stack Directive
  outs:  r31+ins+locals+outs
      Register Stack Directive
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  overhead:  switching
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Absolute Sections
      File Name Override Directive
  Override default file names
  Override default file names:  default file
      File Name Override Directive
      Instruction Statements
      Predicate Registers
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Register Names
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  p0-p15:  Values
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Instruction Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Predicate Registers
      Register Names
      Instruction Statements
      Control Registers
  page 2-10
      MASM Numeric Constants
  pairs:  reduce
      Instruction Groups
      Absolute Sections
      Instruction Statements
  partially-filled bundle
      Implicit Bundling
  partially-filled bundle:  terminate
      Implicit Bundling
  pass parameters
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  pattern:  preserved registers
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  Performance monitor
      Indirect-register Files
  performs:  specific
      Symbol Names
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  phases:  number
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  pipeline variable
      Rotating Register Directives
  pipelined variable
      Rotating Register Directives
  pipelined variable:  represents
      Rotating Register Directives
  Pipelining:  loop
      Indirect-register Files
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Symbol Type Directive
  plabel descriptor
      Link-relocation Operators
  PLabel descriptor contains
  PLabel descriptor contains:  calculates
      Link-relocation Operators
      Explicit Bundling
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Scope Declaration
  Place stack unwind directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  Place stack unwind directives:  limit
      Notation Conventions
  placeholder:  Indicates
      Notation Conventions
  placeholder:  items
      Notation Conventions
  platform-dependent search
      Include File Directive
  platform-dependent search:  assembler performs
      Include File Directive
  platform dependent
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Predefined Section Directives
  platforms:  assembler automatically creates
      Predefined Section Directives
      Link-relocation Operators
      Link-relocation Operators
      Indirect-register Files
      Register Names
      Indirect-register Files
      Entry Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Procedure Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  point:  function
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  point:  function declared
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  point:  insertion
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  pointers:  imported
  pop previously-defined sections
      Section Stack Directives
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Using Section Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Using Section Directives
  popsection directive pops
      Section Stack Directives
  popsection directive pops:  previously-pushed
      Section Stack Directives
  popsection directives
      Section Stack Directives
  Portions:  object file
      Instruction Statements
      Symbol Names
      Instruction Statements
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Symbol Names
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Predicate Registers
      Register Names
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  pr register
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  pr register contents
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Predicate Registers
      Register Names
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Name Spaces
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  precedence:  Arithmetic
  precedence:  level
      Explicit Bundling
  preceding alloc instruction
      Register Stack Directive
  precision floating
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  pred.rel provides
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  pred.vector val
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  pred.vector 0x9
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  pred.vector annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  pred.vector explicitly specifies
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  pred.vector explicitly specifies:  predicate register contents
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Predefined Section Directives
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  predefined assembly-language
  predefined assembly-language names
  predefined constant representing
      Instruction Statements
  predefined constant representing:  fclass
      Instruction Statements
  predefined constants
      Symbol Names
  predefined names
      Register Names
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Type Directive
  Predefined register names
      Register Names
  predefined registers
      Register Names
  Predefined Section Directives
      Predefined Section Directives
  predefined symbol
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  Predefined Symbol Name
      Symbol Type Directive
  Predefined Symbol Name:  Type
      Symbol Type Directive
  predefined symbolic constant names
      Symbol Names
  predefined symbolic constant names:  operands
      Symbol Names
  predefined symbols listed
      Symbol Type Directive
  predefined symbols listed:  lists
      Predefined Section Directives
  predefined symbols listed:  Refers
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  predicate predict
  predicate register
      Instruction Statements
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  predicate register contents
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  predicate register contents:  pred.vector explicitly specifies
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  predicate register file
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  predicate register file:  subset
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  predicate register symbol
      Instruction Statements
  predicate register symbol:  corresponds
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  predicate register symbol:  Represents
      Instruction Statements
  predicate registers
      Predicate Registers
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Register Names
      Register Names by Type
      Rotating Register Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Using Rotating Register directives
  predicate registers contain
      Rotating Register Directives
  predicate registers contain:  subset
      Rotating Register Directives
  predicate registers q
      Using Rotating Register directives
  predicate registers q:  alternate predicate register names map
      Using Rotating Register directives
  predicate registers q:  following
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  predicate registers q:  rotp
      Rotating Register Directives
  predicate registers q:  sets
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  predicate registers q:  values
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  Predicate Relationship Annotation
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  predicate relationships defined
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  predicate relationships defined:  existing
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  Predicate Vector Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  Predicate Vector Annotation:  Example Using
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  Predicate Vector Annotation:  Mask illustrates
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Predicate Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Miscellaneous Directives
      Preprocessor Support
  Preprocessor Support
      Preprocessor Support
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  preserved branch registers
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  preserved branch registers:  save.b directive refers
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  preserved floating-point registers
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  preserved floating-point registers:  save.gf directives refer
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  preserved registers
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  preserved registers:  pattern
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  preserved saved register
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  preserved saved register:  save.gf directives refer
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  preserved saved register:  specifies
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  prevent referencing
      Register Stack Directive
  prevent referencing:  alternate register names
      Register Stack Directive
      Implicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Register Stack Directive
      Using Section Directives
  previous alias names associated
      Rotating Register Directives
  previous directive
      Section Return Directive
  Previous frame
      Application Registers
  previous generation
      Using Rotating Register directives
  previous generations
      Rotating Register Directives
  previous header
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  previous numeric
      Radix Indicator Directive
  previous numeric:  pushes
      Radix Indicator Directive
  previous stack frame
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  previous stack frame:  location
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  previous stack pointer
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  previous style
      Radix Indicator Directive
  previous style:  restores
      Radix Indicator Directive
  previous style:  return
      Implicit Bundling
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Implicit Bundling
      Predefined Section Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Return Directive
  previously-defined register
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
  previously-defined register:  assembler switches
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
  previously-pushed:  popsection directive pops
      Section Stack Directives
  primary unat
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  primary unat:  indicates
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedure Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  proc bar
      Memory Offset Annotation
  proc directive
      Procedure Directives
  proc directive declares
      Procedure Directives
  proc directive declares:  symbol
      Procedure Directives
  proc directive marks
      Procedure Directives
  proc foo
      Directive Statements
      Memory Offset Annotation
  Procedure declaration directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  Procedure Directives
      Procedure Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  Procedure Directives:  See
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  Procedure Format
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  Procedure Label
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Symbol Type Directive
  Procedure Label:  see
      Symbol Type Directive
  Procedures contain prologue
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  Procedures Used
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  Procedures Used:  Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  processes assembly
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  Processor-status registers
      Register Names
  Processor identification register
      Indirect-register Files
  Processor status register
      Other Registers
  Processor status register:  execute
  produce executable
  product descriptions
  product descriptions:  cause
  profound knowledge ofItanium architecture
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Predefined Section Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  Program Elements Overview
  Program Elements Overview describes
      About This Document
  Program Structure
  Program Structure describes
      About This Document
  Program Structure describes:  directives
      About This Document
  Program Structure“
      String Specification Directive
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Explicit Bundling
      Instruction Groups
      Rotating Register Directives
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  programmer:  Assignment statements enable
      Assignment Statements
  programmer:  convenience
  programmer:  Equate statements enable
      Equate Statements
  programming conventions
  programming conventions:  document describes
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  prologue directive
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  prologue directive introduces
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  prologue directive introduces:  prologue region
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  prologue header previous header
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  prologue region
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  prologue region:  prologue directive introduces
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  prologue regions
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  prologue regions:  guidelines
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  prologues:  number
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  proper stack unwind
      Name Spaces
      Link-relocation Operators
      Symbol Types
  pseeudo-ops:  tables
      Instruction Statements
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  Pseudo-op Mnemonics
  Pseudo-op mnemonics represent assembler instructions
      About This Document
      Instruction Statements
      Name Spaces
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  Pseudo-ops Listed
      About This Document
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Pseudo-ops Listed:  Itanium architecture psuedo operations
      About This Document
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Other Registers
      Other Registers
      Register Names
      Other Registers
      Register Names
  published specifications
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Using Section Directives
  Pushes:  onto
      Using Section Directives
  Pushes:  previous numeric
      Radix Indicator Directive
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Section Stack Directives
      Using Section Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  pushsection directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  pushsection directive pushes
      Section Stack Directives
  pushsection section-name,"flags","type
      Section Stack Directives
  pushssection directives
      Absolute Sections
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Predefined Section Directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
  q:  generation
      Using Rotating Register directives
  q:  subsequent instructions refer
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Symbol Names
      Instruction Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  qualifying predicate
  Quiet NaN
      Symbol Names
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      String Constants
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      General Registers
      Register Names
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      General Registers
      Instruction Statements
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      General Registers
      General Registers
      Register Names
      Register Stack Directive
      Entry Annotation
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Register Names
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      General Registers
      Register Stack Directive
  r31+ins:  ins
      Register Stack Directive
      Register Stack Directive
  r31+ins+locals:  locals
      Register Stack Directive
      Register Stack Directive
  r31+ins+locals+outs:  outs
      Register Stack Directive
      General Registers
      Register Stack Directive
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  r33:  currently mapped
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  r36:  mapped
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  r40:  currently mapped
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Name Spaces
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  r5 label
      Name Spaces
  r5 label:  r5#//moves
      Name Spaces
      Name Spaces
  r5#//moves:  r5 label
      Name Spaces
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      General Registers
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix-indicator operand
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix consist
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Radix constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  radix directive
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix directive selects
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix directive selects:  numeric constant style
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix indicator
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Radix Indicator Directive
  Radix Indicator Directive
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Miscellaneous Directives
      Radix Indicator Directive
  Radix Indicator Suffix
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Radix Indicator Suffix:  specify
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix indicators
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix indicators:  MASM numeric
      MASM Numeric Constants
  radix onto
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix onto:  radix stack
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix remain
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix stack
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix stack:  radix onto
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix stack:  specifies
      Radix Indicator Directive
  radix stack:  specify
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  Read-only object
      Predefined Section Directives
  Read-write initialized
      Predefined Section Directives
  Read-write uninitialized
      Predefined Section Directives
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  real10 expression
      Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  real16 expression
      Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  real4 expression
      Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  real8 expression
      Data Allocation Statements
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Rotating Register Directives
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Symbol Names
      Preprocessor Support
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  records:  summarizes
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Assignment Statements
  redefine:  register
      Assignment Statements
  redefine:  symbol
      Assignment Statements
      Assignment Statements
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Radix Indicator Directive
  reduce:  pairs
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Equate Statements
      Explicit Bundling
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Instruction Groups
      Instruction Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Name Spaces
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Register Stack Directive
      Symbol Types
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  refer:  continues
      Equate Statements
  refer:  Intel® Itanium™ Architecture Software Developer's Manual
      Instruction Statements
  refer:  Intel® Itanium™ Architecture Software Developer’s Manual
      Explicit Bundling
      Instruction Groups
      Register Stack Directive
  refer:  location counter
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  refer:  memory locations
      Name Spaces
  refer:  registers defined
      Name Spaces
  refer:  Software Conventions
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Section Definition Directive
      Symbol Scope Declaration
  reference input
      Register Stack Directive
  reference input:  continues
      Assignment Statements
  reference input:  external
      Alias Declaration Directives
  reference input:  external symbol
      Alias Declaration Directives
  reference input:  symbol
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Link-relocation Operators
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Symbol Size Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  References:  symbols
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Equate Statements
      Rotating Register Directives
  referencing:  register
      Equate Statements
  referencing:  subscript-like notation
      Rotating Register Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Section Definition Directive
      Symbol Types
      Symbol Values
  refers:  instruction
      Symbol Types
  refers:  location
      Symbol Types
  refers:  newly-created
      Section Definition Directive
  refers:  predefined
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  region header directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  region header directives:  following
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  Region registers
      Indirect-register Files
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Application Registers
      Assignment Statements
      Branch Registers
      Control Registers
      Equate Statements
      Floating-point Registers
      General Registers
      Indirect-register Files
      Name Spaces
      Other Registers
      Predicate Registers
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Register Names
      Rotating Register Directives
  register assignment
      Assignment Statements
      Register Names
  Register assignment statements
      Assignment Statements
  register enclosed
      Register Names
  register equate
      Equate Statements
  register equate statements
      Equate Statements
  register file
      Register Names
      Rotating Register Directives
  register file consist
      Register Names
  register file consist:  register file
      Register Names
  register file consist:  register file consist
      Register Names
  Register Form
      Register Names
  register frame
      Register Stack Directive
  register names
      About This Document
      Application Registers
      Branch Registers
      Control Registers
      Floating-point Registers
      General Registers
      Indirect-register Files
      Instruction Statements
      Other Registers
      Register Names
      Register Names by Type
      Rotating Register Directives
  register names consist
      Name Spaces
  register names defined
      Register Stack Directive
  Register Number
      Application Registers
      Control Registers
      Register Names
  register r1
  register r36
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  register r4
      Name Spaces
  register renaming
      Register Stack Directive
  register rotation
  register stack configuration
  Register Stack Directive
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Miscellaneous Directives
      Register Stack Directive
  Register Stack Directive:  See
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
  register stack frame
      Register Stack Directive
  register stack frame consisting
      Register Stack Directive
  register stack frame consisting:  allocating
      Register Stack Directive
  Register Type
      Register Names
  register X
  register X:  content
  register X+1
  register X+1:  assembler determines
      Register Names
  register X+1:  control
  register X+1:  defines
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
  register X+1:  redefine
      Assignment Statements
  register X+1:  referencing
      Equate Statements
  register X+1:  Represents
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Rotating Register Directives
      Application Registers
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Floating-point Registers
      General Registers
      Indirect-register Files
      Name Spaces
      Register Names
      Register Names by Type
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Using Rotating Register directives
  registers appear
      Register Names
  Registers assigned
      Register Names
  registers defined
      Name Spaces
  registers defined:  refer
      Name Spaces
  registers implied
      Rotating Register Directives
  registers r1
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  registers r32
      Register Stack Directive
  registers r32:  following
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  registers r32:  regstk directive refer
      Register Stack Directive
  registers r32:  set
  registers r32:  Software renaming
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Register Stack Directive
  regstk 4,4,2,0
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  regstk 8,1,3,0
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  regstk ins
      Register Stack Directive
  regstk directive
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  regstk directive refer
      Register Stack Directive
  regstk directive refer:  registers
      Register Stack Directive
  regstk directive replaces
      Register Stack Directive
  regstk directive replaces:  default register mappings defined
      Register Stack Directive
  Related Documentation
      Related Documentation
  relating:  sale and/or
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  relations:  existing
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
      Link-relocation Operators
  relative offset
      Memory Offset Annotation
  relative offset:  memory region
      Memory Offset Annotation
  relative pathname
      Include File Directive
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  relocatable expression
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  relocatable expression contains
  relocatable expression contains:  absolute expression
  relocatable expression contains:  relocatable symbol
  relocatable expression expr
      Link-relocation Operators
  Relocatable Expressions
  relocatable integer expression
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  relocatable symbol
  relocatable symbol defined
  relocatable symbol defined:  address
  relocatable symbol defined:  relocatable expression contains
  relocatable symbols defined
      Link-relocation Operators
      Link-relocation Operators
  Relocation For
      Link-relocation Operators
  Relocation For:  Generates
      Link-relocation Operators
  rely:  absence
  Remaining Characters
      Assignment Statements
      Byte Order Specification Directives
  remove branches
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  represent numeric constants
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  represent numeric constants:  characters
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  represent numeric constants:  numeric constant
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      C Numeric Constants
      Instruction Groups
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  represented syntactically
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Assignment Statements
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Directive Statements
      Entry Annotation
      Equate Statements
      File Name Override Directive
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Instruction Statements
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Procedure Directives
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      String Specification Directive
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Symbol Types
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  Represents:  1-bit
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  Represents:  absolute
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  Represents:  absolute integer expression
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Rotating Register Directives
      Symbol Size Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  Represents:  alias rotating register
      Rotating Register Directives
  Represents:  associated label
      Entry Annotation
  Represents:  destination
      Instruction Statements
  Represents:  directive mnemonic
      Directive Statements
  Represents:  function
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  Represents:  instruction mnemonic
      Instruction Statements
  Represents:  integer
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  Represents:  optional mask
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  Represents:  pipelined variable
      Rotating Register Directives
  Represents:  predicate register symbol
      Instruction Statements
  Represents:  register
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Rotating Register Directives
  Represents:  string
      String Specification Directive
  Represents:  string constant
      Alias Declaration Directives
  Represents:  string constant composed
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Represents:  string constant specifying
      File Name Override Directive
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Represents:  symbol
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Assignment Statements
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Equate Statements
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Represents:  user-defined
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  requests:  guarantee alignment
  Requires function symbol
      Link-relocation Operators
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Notation Conventions
      Symbol Names
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  reserved block
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  reserved block:  assembler initializes
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  reserved block:  beginning
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  reserves:  block
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  Reserving uniniatialized
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  resolve symbol references
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Symbol Values
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  resolved based
  resolving:  symbolic reference
  resource register
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  respective owners
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Using Rotating Register directives
  responsibility whatsoever
  responsibility whatsoever:  conflicts
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  responsible:  bundling
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  restore directive
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Radix Indicator Directive
  restores:  previous style
      Radix Indicator Directive
  ret suffix
      General Registers
      General Registers
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Implicit Bundling
  Return pointer
      Branch Registers
  Return pointer:  previous
      Implicit Bundling
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Names
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  revert:  mode
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Predefined Section Directives
      Rotating Register Directives
  Rotating predicates
      Predicate Registers
  rotating register
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  rotating register directive
      Register Names
  Rotating Register Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Miscellaneous Directives
      Register Names
      Rotating Register Directives
  Rotating Register Directives sections
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Register Names
  rotating register region
      Rotating Register Directives
  rotating register region:  subsequent changes
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  rotating registers
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  rotating registers declared
      Rotating Register Directives
  rotating registers declared:  number
      Rotating Register Directives
  rotating registers declared:  subset
      Rotating Register Directives
      Register Stack Directive
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Rotating Register Directives
  rotf x
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotf Directive
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotf directive declares alternate floating-point register names
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotf Directive illustrate
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotf Directive illustrate:  behaviour
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotf Directive illustrates
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotf directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotf directives:  floating-point registers
      Rotating Register Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Rotating Register Directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotp Directive
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotp directive declares alternate rotating predicate register names
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotp Directive illustrates
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotp directive refer
      Using Rotating Register directives
  rotp directives cancel
      Rotating Register Directives
  rotp directives cancel:  predicate registers
      Rotating Register Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Rotating Register Directives
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  rotr directive
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  rotr directive defines
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  rotr directive exceeds
      Rotating Register Directives
  rotr directive maps
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  rotx directives assign alternate names
      Rotating Register Directives
  rotx directives define
      Rotating Register Directives
  rovide additional
      Related Documentation
      Branch Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  rp:  grsave saves
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Indirect-register Files
      Application Registers
  RSE NaT collection register
      Application Registers
      MASM Numeric Constants
  rules:  MASM numeric constants
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Runtime Architecture Guide
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Related Documentation
  Runtime Architecture Guide describes stack unwind elements
  Runtime Architecture Guide describes stack unwind elements:  details
  sale and/or
  sale and/or:  Conditions
  sale and/or:  relating
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.b directive refers
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  save.b directive refers:  preserved branch registers
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.g 0x1
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.g 0x4
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.g directive
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.g directive describes
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.g directive describes:  subsequent store instruction
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.g Directive illustrates
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.gf 0x2
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.gf directive
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.gf directive describes
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.gf directive describes:  subsequent store instruction
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.gf Directive illustrates
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  save.gf directives refer
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  save.gf directives refer:  preserved
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  save.gf directives refer:  preserved floating-point registers
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  save.x Directives
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  savepsp rp
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  savesp rp
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Predefined Section Directives
  sbss sections
      Common Symbol Declarations
  sbss sections:  undefined symbols declared
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Names
  scope-restricted indicators
      Symbol Names
  scope region
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  scope restricted symbols
      Symbol Names
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Predefined Section Directives
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  search:  defined symbols
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  searching:  definition
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  secalias section-name,"alias
      Alias Declaration Directives
  secalias directive
      Alias Declaration Directives
  secalias directive declares
      Alias Declaration Directives
  secalias directive declares:  alias
      Alias Declaration Directives
  Second Operand
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Link-relocation Operators
      Section Definition Directive
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  Section contains
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  Section contains executable instructions
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  Section contains thread local storage
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Section Definition Directive
      Section Definition Directive
  Section Directives
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Using Section Directives
  Section Flag Characters
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Section Flag Characters:  list
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Section Flags
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Section location counters
  Section names
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Type Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Section Return Directive
      Section Return Directive
  Section Stack Directives
      Section Stack Directives
  Section Type Operands
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Section Types
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Section Types:  list
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  section’s:  operand specifies
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      About This Document
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation
      Name Spaces
      Predefined Section Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  sections detail
  sections detail:  following
  sections detail:  following
  sections detail:  number
  sections detail:  separate output sections
      Predefined Section Directives
      Absolute Sections
      Assignment Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Equate Statements
      Explicit Bundling
      Instruction Statements
      Predefined Section Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Register Names
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
  See Appendix
  See Associated Section Name Flag
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  See Chapter
      Byte Order Specification Directives
  See Instruction Set Architecture
  See Pseudo-ops
  See Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  See Tabl
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  See Table 2-6
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Radix Indicator Directive
  See Table 4-1
      Symbol Type Directive
  See Table 4-1:  list
      Symbol Type Directive
  See Table Section Flag Characters
      Section Stack Directives
  See Table Section Flag Characters:  list
      Section Stack Directives
  See Table Section Types
      Section Definition Directive
  See Table Section Types:  list
      Section Definition Directive
  See Table SectionTypes
      Section Stack Directives
  See Table SectionTypes:  list
      Section Stack Directives
  See Windows NT
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  See Windows NT:  Absolute
      Absolute Sections
  See Windows NT:  Assignment Statements
      Register Names
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  See Windows NT:  Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Explicit Bundling
  See Windows NT:  Data Allocation
  See Windows NT:  Data Allocation Statements
      Symbol Size Directive
  See Windows NT:  Procedure Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  See Windows NT:  Procedure Label
      Symbol Type Directive
  See Windows NT:  Register Stack Directive
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
  See Windows NT:  Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  See Windows NT:  Symbol Scope Declaration
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Symbol Names
  See Windows NT:  Symbol Type Directive
      Predefined Section Directives
      Link-relocation Operators
      Link-relocation Operators
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Select the.mlx directive
      Explicit Bundling
  Select the.mlx directive:  instance
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Select the.mlx directive:  largest instance
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Select the.mlx directive:  MASM numeric constant
      Radix Indicator Directive
  Select the.mlx directive:  newest instance
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Explicit Bundling
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  selectively:  mask
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Explicit Bundling
  selects:  matching template
      Explicit Bundling
  semantics:  stack unwind directives
      Instruction Groups
  semi colon
      Name Spaces
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Directive Statements
      Explicit Bundling
      Instruction Groups
      Name Spaces
  separate elements
  separate location counter
  separate location counter:  assembler maintains
  separate output sections
      Predefined Section Directives
  separate output sections:  appear
      Instruction Groups
  separate output sections:  comment
  separate output sections:  expression defines
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  separate output sections:  sections
      Predefined Section Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Notation Conventions
  separates:  items
      Notation Conventions
      C Numeric Constants
      Explicit Bundling
      String Constants
  sequence shows
      Procedure Directives
  sequence shows:  digits
      C Numeric Constants
  sequence shows:  instruction types
      Explicit Bundling
  sequence shows:  String constants consist
      String Constants
  sequence shows:  symbols
  series:  assembly-language program consists
  series:  statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Data Allocation Statements
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Preprocessor Support
      Section Definition Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  sets:  indicated offset relative
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  sets:  mode
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  sets:  predicate registers
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  sets:  registers
  sets:  size attribute
      Data Allocation Statements
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  shared object file
      Link-relocation Operators
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
  Shift Left
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Name Spaces
      Register Names
      Explicit Bundling
  shows:  explicit bundle
      Explicit Bundling
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Names
      Instruction Statements
      Symbol Names
  Sign test
      Symbol Names
  Signaling NaN
      Symbol Names
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Notation Conventions
  Single quote
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Symbol Size Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  size name,size
      Symbol Size Directive
  size attribute
      Data Allocation Statements
      Symbol Size Directive
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  size attribute:  explicitly specify
      Symbol Size Directive
  size attribute:  sets
      Data Allocation Statements
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  size directive
      Symbol Size Directive
  size directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  size directives:  block
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  size directives:  expression operand specifies
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  size directives:  local
      Common Symbol Declarations
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  skip expression
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Explicit Bundling
      Instruction Statements
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  slots:  corresponding
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Symbol Names
  software-pipelined loop
      Rotating Register Directives
  software-pipelined loop:  iteration
      Rotating Register Directives
  Software Conventions
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Related Documentation
  Software Conventions:  Refer
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
  software pipelining
  Software renaming
  Software renaming:  registers
      Preprocessor Support
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  source file
      Equate Statements
      File Name Override Directive
      Include File Directive
  source file:  name
      File Name Override Directive
  source file:  throughout
      Equate Statements
  source operands
      Instruction Statements
  source operands:  line_number Specifies
      Preprocessor Support
  source operands:  Specifies
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
      Instruction Statements
      General Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Name Spaces
  Special Characters
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Procedure Directives
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  Specific Section Flag Operands
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  specific template
      Explicit Bundling
  specific template:  explicitly select
      Explicit Bundling
  specific template:  performs
  specification directive
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  specifications:  changes
      Absolute Sections
      Instruction Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Section Stack Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  specified alignment boundary
  specified characterise
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  specified filename
      Include File Directive
  specified general-purpose register
      Register Names
      Assignment Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Equate Statements
      Include File Directive
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Rotating Register Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Symbol Type Directive
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  Specifies:  alignment boundary
  Specifies:  alternate register
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
  Specifies:  binary radix
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Specifies:  decimal radix
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Specifies:  destination
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  Specifies:  operating
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  Specifies:  preserved saved register
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  Specifies:  radix
      Radix Indicator Directive
  Specifies:  source
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  Specifies:  string constant
      Include File Directive
  Specifies:  symbol
      Symbol Type Directive
      Data Allocation Statements
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  specify double-quotes
      String Constants
  specify intra-bundle instruction stops
      Explicit Bundling
  Specify symbol sizes
  Specify symbol types
  Specify symbol types:  attributes
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Specify symbol types:  byte
      Data Allocation Statements
  Specify symbol types:  flag
  Specify symbol types:  radix
      MASM Numeric Constants
  Specify symbol types:  radix indicator
      Radix Indicator Directive
  Speculation check
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  spill directive
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Radix Indicator Directive
      Section Return Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Using Section Directives
  stack engine
  stack frame
      Register Stack Directive
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  Stack pointer
      General Registers
      Memory Offset Annotation
  Stack pointer:  Suppose r3 contains
      Memory Offset Annotation
  stack unwind
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  stack unwind directive
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  stack unwind directive operands listed
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  stack unwind directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  stack unwind directives listed
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
  Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines:  lists
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines:  onto
      Section Stack Directives
  Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines:  Procedures Used
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines:  See
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines:  semantics
      General Registers
  stacked register
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  stacked register:  Defining
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  stacked register:  Example Defining
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  stacked registers
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Preprocessor Support
  standard:  use
  starred object
      Absolute Sections
      Instruction Statements
      Symbol Types
  state:  calling
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      About This Document
      Link-relocation Operators
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  statements separated
  statements separated:  Data Allocation describes
      About This Document
  statements separated:  series
  statically contiguous
      Instruction Groups
  statically contiguous instructions
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
      Explicit Bundling
      Instruction Groups
  Stops:  based
      Explicit Bundling
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  store instructions
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  store local variables
  store local variables:  currently executing
  store” pointer
      Application Registers
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Notation Conventions
      String Specification Directive
  String constant
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Data Allocation Statements
      Include File Directive
      String Constants
  string constant composed
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  string constant composed:  Represents
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  string constant containing
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  string constant specifying
      File Name Override Directive
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  string constant specifying:  Represents
      File Name Override Directive
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  string constant specifying:  Represents
      Alias Declaration Directives
  string constant specifying:  Specifies
      Include File Directive
  String Constants
      String Constants
  String constants consist
      String Constants
  String constants consist:  sequence
      String Constants
  String constants contain
  String Specification Directive
      String Specification Directive
  String Specification Directive:  Length
      Data Allocation Statements
  String Specification Directive:  Represents
      String Specification Directive
      Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      About This Document
      Notation Conventions
  subject:  link-time
  subject:  link-time relocation
  subscript-like notation
      Rotating Register Directives
  subscript-like notation:  referencing
      Rotating Register Directives
      Register Stack Directive
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  subsequent add instruction
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  subsequent add instruction refers
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  subsequent add instruction refers:  loc0
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  subsequent branch instruction
  subsequent changes
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  subsequent changes:  rotating register
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  subsequent instructions
      Explicit Bundling
      Register Stack Directive
  subsequent instructions refer
      Using Rotating Register directives
  subsequent instructions refer:  q
      Using Rotating Register directives
  subsequent store instruction
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  subsequent store instruction:  operands
      Register Stack Directive
  subsequent store instruction:  save.g directive describes
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
  subsequent store instruction:  save.gf directive describes
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Rotating Register Directives
  subset:  assembler directives
  subset:  define
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  subset:  predicate register file
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  subset:  predicate registers contain
      Rotating Register Directives
  subset:  rotating registers
      Rotating Register Directives
      Notation Conventions
  Substitute Value
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Symbol Names
  summarizes:  records
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Absolute Sections
      Common Symbol Declarations
  Suppose r3 contains
      Memory Offset Annotation
  Suppose r3 contains:  stack pointer
      Memory Offset Annotation
  sustaining applications
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Predefined Section Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  switching:  overhead
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Assignment Statements
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Data Allocation Statements
      Equate Statements
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Name Spaces
      Notation Conventions
      Procedure Directives
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Symbol Types
      Symbol Values
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  symbol assignment
      Assignment Statements
  Symbol assignment statements
      Assignment Statements
  symbol declaration
  symbol declaration directive
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  symbol declarations
      Common Symbol Declarations
  symbol declarations enable
      Common Symbol Declarations
  symbol definition
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  symbol definition:  holds
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  symbol equate
      Equate Statements
  symbol equate statements
      Equate Statements
  symbol identifies
      Symbol Values
  symbol identifies:  value
      Symbol Values
  symbol names
      Symbol Names
  symbol names:  Syntactic representation
  symbol names:  types
      Symbol Names
  symbol namespace
      Name Spaces
  symbol namespaces
      Name Spaces
  symbol previously defined
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  symbol refers
      Symbol Values
  symbol refers:  location
      Symbol Values
  symbol represents
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
  symbol scope attribute
      Symbol Scope Declaration
  Symbol Scope Declaration
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Scope Declaration
  Symbol scope declaration directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  Symbol scope declaration directives:  See
      Data Allocation Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Symbol Names
  Symbol scopes
      Symbol Scope Declaration
  Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Size Directive
  symbol supersedes
      Common Symbol Declarations
  symbol supersedes:  definition
      Common Symbol Declarations
  symbol sym
      Link-relocation Operators
  symbol sym:  official plabel descriptor
      Link-relocation Operators
  Symbol Type Directive
      Predefined Section Directives
      Symbol Type Directive
  Symbol Type Directive:  See
      Predefined Section Directives
  symbol types
      Predefined Section Directives
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Type Directive
      Symbol Types
  Symbol Values
      Symbol Values
  Symbol visible
  Symbol visible:  assembler assigns names
  Symbol visible:  assembler automatically creates
      Symbol Type Directive
  Symbol visible:  assembler defines
      Common Symbol Declarations
  Symbol visible:  declare
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Symbol visible:  define
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Equate Statements
      Procedure Directives
  Symbol visible:  defines
      Assignment Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Equate Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  Symbol visible:  definition
  Symbol visible:  label defines
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  Symbol visible:  proc directive declares
      Procedure Directives
  Symbol visible:  redefine
      Assignment Statements
  Symbol visible:  reference
      Symbol Scope Declaration
  Symbol visible:  Represents
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Assignment Statements
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Equate Statements
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Symbol visible:  Specifies
      Symbol Type Directive
  Symbol visible:  type
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Symbol Type Directive
  symbol’s:  explicitly specify
      Symbol Type Directive
  symbolic constant
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Symbol Types
      Symbol Values
  symbolic constant:  expression assigned
      Symbol Values
  Symbolic constants
      Name Spaces
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Type Directive
  symbolic debug
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  symbolic debug directive
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  Symbolic debug directive Windows NT
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  Symbolic Debug Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  symbolic language closely resembling
  symbolic names
  symbolic reference
  symbolic reference:  resolving
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Name Spaces
      Procedure Directives
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Symbols defined
      Assignment Statements
  Symbols defined:  combination
  Symbols defined:  defined
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
  Symbols defined:  References
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Local Scope Declaration Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Symbols defined:  sequence
  syntactic elements
      Name Spaces
  Syntactic representation
  Syntactic representation:  symbol names
      Assignment Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Directive Statements
      Entry Annotation
      Equate Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Notation Conventions
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Syntax for the .save.x Directives
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  syntax descriptions
      Notation Conventions
  syntax descriptions:  declare
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  syntax descriptions:  following
      Assignment Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Directive Statements
      Entry Annotation
      Equate Statements
      Instruction Statements
      Label Statements
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  System Architecture
      Related Documentation
      Instruction Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  Table 2-8 lists
  Table 2-8 lists:  operator precedence
  Table Assembly Language Directives summarizes
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  Table Assembly Language Directives summarizes:  Itanium™ architecture assembly language directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  Table COMDAT Section Flag Characters
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Table Data Allocation Statements summarizes
      Data Allocation Statements
  Table Explicit Template Selection Directives
      Explicit Bundling
  Table Predefined Section Directives
      Predefined Section Directives
  Table Pseudo-ops
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  Table Section Flag Characters
      Section Definition Directive
  Table Section Flag Characters lists
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  Table Section Flag Characters lists:  list
      Section Definition Directive
  Table Section Flag Characters lists:  valid flag characters
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  Table Section Types
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Register Names by Type
  tables list
      Symbol Names
  tables list:  following
      Symbol Names
  tables list:  pseeudo-ops
      Instruction Statements
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  tag operand
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  tag refers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  tag refers:  location
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  tbit.trel.ctype p1,p2
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
      Explicit Bundling
  Template Selection
      Explicit Bundling
  Template Selection:  automatic selection
  Template Selection:  explicit selection
  templates consist
      Explicit Bundling
  Temporary symbols
      Symbol Names
      Implicit Bundling
  terminate:  partially-filled bundle
      Implicit Bundling
  terminated statically
      Instruction Groups
      Name Spaces
  termination convention
  termination convention:  local host
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Notation Conventions
      Predefined Section Directives
      Using Section Directives
  text appears
      Notation Conventions
  text appears:  Indicates
      Notation Conventions
  text’s previous
      Using Section Directives
  the.endp directive
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  the.unwentry directive
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  These annotations
  These conventions
  These directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      Section Stack Directives
  These flags represent link-time selection criteria
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  These headers
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
  These names
      Name Spaces
  These registers
      Register Stack Directive
  These renamable registers map
      Register Stack Directive
  These statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
  These statements allocate unaligned
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  These symbolic constants
      Symbol Names
  These symbols
      Equate Statements
      Global Scope Declaration Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Third-party brands
  Third Operand
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Equate Statements
  throughout:  source file
      Equate Statements
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  tmp:  add instruction refers
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
  tmp:  assigned
      Rotating Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Stacked Registers in Assignment and Equate Statements
      Pseudo-ops with Missing Operands
  trademarks:  Changes
  translates assembly language
  translation register
      Control Registers
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Operands
      MASM Numeric Constants
      Absolute Sections
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
      Explicit Bundling
      Register Names by Type
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Type Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  Type lists
      About This Document
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  Type lists:  assembly-language statements
  Type lists:  assignment statements
      Assignment Statements
  Type lists:  Data allocation mnenonics specify
  Type lists:  equate statements
      Equate Statements
  Type lists:  execution unit processes
  Type lists:  Itanium architecture registers
      About This Document
  Type lists:  Predefined Symbol Name
      Symbol Type Directive
  Type lists:  symbol
      Alias Declaration Directives
  Type lists:  symbol names
      Symbol Names
  types The
      Section Stack Directives
  typically CR
  ua completer
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  Unary negation
  Undefined symbol
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Undefined symbol:  declare
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  undefined symbols
      Symbol Type Directive
  undefined symbols declared
      Common Symbol Declarations
  undefined symbols declared:  sbss sections
      Common Symbol Declarations
      Characters in Numeric Constants
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  Uninitialized Space Allocation
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  uniquely identifies
      About This Document
      Data Allocation
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  UNIX:  Weak Scope Declaration
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  UNIX:  weak scope declaration format
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Symbol Types
  Unlike:  label
      Symbol Types
      Name Spaces
      Symbol Names
      Symbol Names
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
  unwentry directive
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  unwentry directive:  create
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Symbol Types
  unwind record
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  unwind records
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  upper limit
      Instruction Groups
      Notation Conventions
      Link-relocation Operators
      Predefined Section Directives
  Use automatic mode
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  Use explicit mode
      Dependency Violations and Assembly Modes
  Use tags
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      Memory Offset Annotation
  useful:  avoiding false
      Memory Offset Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  User-defined registers
      Register Names
  user-defined symbolic constant
      Symbol Names
  user-defined symbolic constant:  Represents
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  User mask psr.um
      Other Registers
  User NaT collection register
      Application Registers
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Rotating Register Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  uses standard arithmetic notation
  uses standard arithmetic notation:  arbitrary
      Rotating Register Directives
  uses standard arithmetic notation:  CR
  uses standard arithmetic notation:  flag
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  uses standard arithmetic notation:  mask
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  uses standard arithmetic notation:  standard
  uses standard arithmetic notation:  yield
      Using Rotating Register directives
  Using Rotating Register directives
      Using Rotating Register directives
  Using Section Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Return Directive
      Section Stack Directives
      Using Section Directives
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Alias Declaration Directives
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  valid expression types listed
      Data Allocation Statements
  valid flag characters
      Section Definition Directive
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  valid flag characters:  Table Section Flag Characters lists
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
  valid identifier
      Section Stack Directives
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
  valid string expression
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
      Assignment Statements
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Equate Statements
      Label Statements
      Link-relocation Operators
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
      Predicate Vector Annotation
      Symbol Values
  values listed
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Data Allocation Statements
  values listed:  identifier
      Assignment Statements
      Equate Statements
  values listed:  label
      Label Statements
  values listed:  p0-p15
      Predicate Vector Annotation
  values listed:  predicate registers
      Predicate Relationship Annotation
  values listed:  symbol identifies
      Symbol Values
      Rotating Register Directives
  various instructions
  various instructions:  loop
  Version Version History Date
  vertical bar
      Notation Conventions
  vertical tab
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Stack Unwind Directives
      Stack Unwind Directives Usage Guidelines
  Virtual register allocation directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Register Stack Directive
  visible register
  visiting Intel's website
      Related Documentation
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Predefined Section Directives
      Rotating Register Directives
  warning:  assembler issues
      Rotating Register Directives
  warranties relating
  warranties relating:  fitness
      Memory Offset Annotation
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Symbol Scope Declaration
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak identifier1
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak name1,name2
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak directive assigns
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak scope
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Weak Scope Declaration
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak scope declaration format
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak scope declaration format:  illustrates
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak scope declaration format:  UNIX
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak scope declaration format:  UNIX
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak scope declaration format:  Windows NT
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak symbol
  weak symbol scope
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  weak symbol scope:  assigned
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Weak symbols
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Weak symbols:  linkage editor
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  Windows NT
      Common Symbol Declarations
      List of Assembly Language Directives
      Procedure Label (PLabel)
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Symbol Size Directive
      Symbol Type Directive
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Windows NT (COFF32) Specific Section Flag Operands
      Windows NT (COFF32) Symbolic Debug Directives
  Windows NT:  Weak Scope Declaration
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  World Wide Web
  wrap-around fashion
  write:  assembly
      Section Flags and Section Type Operands
      Using Rotating Register directives
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
  x:  attributes
      Weak Scope Declaration Directive
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Procedures Used for Stack Unwind Directives
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  xdata1 section,expression
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  xdata2 section,expression
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  xdata4 section,expression
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  xdata8 section,expression
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Byte Order Specification Directives
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      Characters in Numeric Constants
  xma.l f1
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      Pseudo-ops Listed by Opcode
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  xstring section,"string
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      List of Assembly Language Directives
  xstringz section,"string
      Cross-section Data Allocation Statements
      C Numeric Constants
  yield:  uses standard arithmetic notation
      Symbol Names
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  zero index
      Rotating Register Directives
      Uninitialized Space Allocation
  zeros:  non-executable sections