Error Messages

These messages report syntactic or semantic misuse of Fortran. The compiler always displays error messages. Errors suppress object code for the module containing the error and prevent linking, but they make it possible for the parsing to continue to scan for any other errors. Some representative error messages are:

line exceeds 132 characters

unbalanced parenthesis

incomplete string

Suppressing or Enabling Error Messages

The error conditions are reported in the various stages of the compilation and at different levels of detail as explained below. For various groups of error messages, see Lists of Error Messages.


Enables/disables issuing of errors rather than warnings for features that are non-standard Fortran.


Suppresses compiler output to standard error, stderr. When -q is specified in conjunction with -bd, then only fatal error messages are output to stderr by the binder tool provided with the Intel® Fortran Compiler.


Generates extra information needed to produce a list of current variables in a diagnostic report. For more details on -d{n}, see Selecting a Postmortem Report, -d{n}.

Diagnostic reports are generated by the following:

  • input-output errors

  • an invalid reference to a pointer or an allocatable array (if
    option selected)

  • subscripts out of bounds (if -CB option selected)

  • an invalid array argument to an intrinsic procedure (if -CS option selected)

  • use of unassigned variables (if -CU option selected)

  • argument mismatch (if -CV option selected)

  • invalid assigned labels

  • a call to the abort routine

  • certain mathematical errors reported by intrinsic procedures

  • hardware detected errors:

Fatal Errors

These messages indicate environmental problems. Fatal error conditions stop translation, assembly, and linking. If a fatal error ends compilation, the compiler displays a termination message on standard error output. Some representative fatal error messages are:

Disk is full, no space to write object file

Incorrect number of intrinsic arguments

Too many segments, object format cannot support this many segments