Using -ip witn -Qoption Specifiers

You can adjust the Intel® Fortran Compiler's optimization for a particular application by experimenting with memory and interprocedural optimizations.

Enter the -Qoption option with the applicable keywords to select particular inline expansions and loop optimizations. The option must be entered with a -ip or -ipo specification, as follows:


See Passing Options to Other Tools (-Qoption,tool,opts) for details about -Qoption.

-Qoption Specifiers

If you specify -ip or -ipo without any -Qoption qualification, the compiler

You can refine interprocedural optimizations by using the following -Qoption specifiers. To have an effect, the -Qoption option must be entered with either -ip or -ipo also specified, as in this example:

-ip -Qoption,f,ip_specifier

where ip_specifier is one of the -Qoption specifiers described in the table that follows.


Disables the passing of arguments in registers. By default, external functions can pass arguments in registers when called locally. Normally, only static functions can pass arguments in registers, provided the address of the function is not taken and the function does not use a variable number of arguments.


Sets the valid number of intermediate language statements for a function that is expanded in line. The number n is a positive integer. The number of intermediate language statements usually exceeds the actual number of source language statements. The default is set to the maximum number of 200.


Sets the maximum increase in the total_stats. The number of intermediate language statements for each function that is expanded in line. The number n is a positive integer. By default, each function can increase to a maximum of 5000 statements.


Indicates that the source file contains the main program and does not contain functions that are referenced by external functions. If you do not specify this option, the compiler retains an original copy of each expanded in-line function.

The following command activates procedural and interprocedural optimizations on source.f and sets the maximum increase in the number of intermediate language statements to five for each function:

prompt>ifc -ip -Qoptionf,-ip_ninl_max_stats=5 source.f