Default Libraries and Tools

For the libraries provided with Intel® Fortran Compiler, see IA-32 compiler libraries list and Itanium(TM) compiler libraries list.

The default tools are summarized in the table below.



Provided with Intel Fortran Compiler

IA-32 Assembler

Linux Assembler, as


Itanium(TM) Assembler

Intel® Itanium(TM) Assembler





You can specify alternate to default tools and locations for preprocessing, compilation, assembly, and linking.


By default, the compiler generates an object file directly without calling the assembler. However, if you need to use specific assembly input files and then link them with the rest of your project, you can use an assembler for these files.

IA-32 Applications

For 32-bit applications, Linux supplies its own assembler, as. For Itanium-based applications, to compile to assembly files and then use an assembler to produce executables, use the Itanium assembler, ias.

Itanium-based Applications

If you need to assemble specific input files and link them to the rest of your project object files, produce object files using Intel® Itanium(TM) assembler with ias command. For example, if you want to link some specific input file to the Fortran project object file, do the following:

1. Issue command using -S option to generate assembly code file, file.s.

prompt>efc -S -c file.f

2. To assemble the file.s file, call Itanium(TM) assembler with this command:

prompt>ias -Nso -p32 -o file.o file.s

where the following assembler options are used:

-Nso suppresses sign-on message

-p32 enables defining 32-bit elements as relocatable data elements. Kept for backward compatibility

-ofile  indicates the output object file name

The above command generates an object file which you can link with the Fortan object file of the whole project.


The compiler calls the system linker, ld(1), to produce an executable file from object files. The linker searches the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to find available libraries.