Specifying Assembly Files

You can use the -Sfile option to generate an assembly file and specify an alternate name for this assembly file .

IA-32 compiler:

prompt>ifc -Sfile.asm x.f90

Itanium compiler:

prompt>efc -Sfile.s x.f90

In the above example, -S tells the compiler to generate an assembly file and assign to it the name file.asm / file.s rather than the default x..

If the file name is not specified, the option -S tells compiler to:


The -S option does not stop the compiler upon generating and saving the assembly files. Without the -S option, the compiler proceeds to generating object files without saving the assembly files.

Producing Assembly Files with Annotations and Comments

Options -fcode-asm and  -fsource-asm produce annotations in assembly files as follows:

In addition, the options -fverbose-asm and  -fnoverbose-asm enable and disable, respectively, inserting comments containing compiler version and options used in the assembly file.