String Equation

The equation statement (==) that equates a symbol to a value or a register, can also equate a symbol to a string. For example:

save_file_name == @filename

source_file == "my_file.s"

You cannot forward-reference a string equation statement.

.secalias Directive

The .secalias directive defines an alias for a section name. .secalias does for section names what .alias does for symbol names. See Aliasing section for more information.

Within the input file you reference the section by the section name. In the output file the section is referenced with its alias. Typical use of this directive is to identify a section with a name that is not a legal assembly identifier.


You must define the section before you use .secalias to alias it.


.secalias section_name, "output-section_name"



Is the name of the section in the input file.


Is the name of the section in the output file.


This example shows the use of the .secalias directive to alias a section name.

. . .

sec1, "ax", "progbits"

. . .

sec1, "sec++"


. . .

sec1, 5