Creating a Multifile IPO Executable Using a Project Makefile

Most applications use a make file or something similar to call a linker such as ld(1). This is done automatically when you compile and link with ifc. Therefore, when -ipo must result in a separate linking step, you must use the linker driver xild instead, as follows:

prompt> xild -ipo <LINK_commandline>



enables additional IPO diagnostic output (optional)


is your linker command line

Use the xild syntax when you use a makefile instead of step 2 in the example Creating a Multifile IPO Executable. The following example places the multifile IPO executable in filename:

prompt>xild -ofilename a.o b.o c.o

The -ipo option can reorder object files and linker arguments on the command line. Therefore, if your program relies on a precise order of arguments on the command line, -ipo can affect the behavior of your program.