Miscellaneous Intrinsics


Except for _enable() and _disable() ,these functions have not been implemented for Itanium(TM) instructions.

Intrinsic Description

void *_alloca(int)

Allocates the buffers.

int _setjmp(jmp_buf)*

A fast version of setjmp(), which bypasses the termination handling. Saves the callee-save registers, stack pointer and return address.


Returns the exception code.


Returns the exception information.


an be invoked only by termination handlers. Returns TRUE if the termination handler is invoked as a result of a premature exit of the corresponding try-finally region.

void _enable()

Enables the interrupt.

void _disable()

Disables the interrupt.

int _bswap(int)

Intrinsic that maps to the IA-32 instruction BSWAP (swap bytes). Convert little/big endian 32 bit argument to big/little endian form

int _in_byte(int)

Intrinsic that maps to the IA-32 instruction IN. Transfer data byte from port specified by argument.

int _in_dword(int)

Intrinsic that maps to the IA-32 instruction IN. Transfer double word from port specified by argument.

int _in_word(int)

Intrinsic that maps to the IA-32 instruction IN. Transfer word from port specified by argument.

int _inp(int)

Same as _in_byte

int _inpd(int)

Same as _in_dword

int _inpw(int)

Same as _in_word

int _out_byte(int, int)

Intrinsic that maps to the IA-32 instruction OUT. Transfer data byte in second argument to port specified by first argument.

int _out_dword(int, int)

Intrinsic that maps to the IA-32 instruction OUT. Transfer double word in second argument to port specified by first argument.

int _out_word(int, int)

Intrinsic that maps to the IA-32 instruction OUT. Transfer word in second argument to port specified by first argument.

int _outp(int, int)

Same as _out_byte

int _outpd(int, int)

Same as _out_dword

int _outpw(int, int)

Same as _out_word

* Implemented as a library function call.