Overview of Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 Intrinsics

This book describes the C++ language-level features supporting the Pentium® 4 processor Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 in the Intel® C++ Compiler, which are divided into two categories:


The Pentium 4 processor Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 intrinsics are defined only for IA-32 platforms, not Itanium(TM)-based platforms. Pentium 4 processor Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 operate on 128 bit quantities–2 64-bit double precision floating point values. The Itanium processor does not support parallel double precision computation, so Pentium 4 processor Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 are not implemented on Itanium-based systems.

For more details, refer to the Pentium® 4 processor Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 External Architecture Specification (EAS) and other Pentium 4 processor manuals available for download from the developer.intel.com web site. You should be familiar with the hardware features provided by the Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 when writing programs with the intrinsics. The following are three important issues to keep in mind:

The Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 intrinsics prototypes can be found in the emmintrin.h header file.