Cosmological Research with IRIS Explorer

The Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts use IRIS Explorer to explore the origin and evolution of the universe. This is a version of an existing User Story (External) on the IRIS Explorer Web site.

Ue-Li Pen, Ph.D., a theoretical cosmologist with The Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., is exploring the origin and evolution of the universe with extremely large-scale computer simulations. In his office and laboratory in the Center, which is operated jointly by the Smithsonian Institution and the Harvard College Observatory, he and his associates perform research into all areas of astrophysics.

Pen specializes in the origin and the structure of the universe, particularly on how objects within the universe form, as opposed to how the universe itself was formed. As he explains it, such basic research furthers scientific understanding into traditional questions such as Why do the stars exist? Why do galaxies exist? and Where did we come from?

Pen has chosen IRIS Explorer running on a DEC 3000 workstation as his visualisation tool of choice.

"In our work, we create three-dimensional simulations of gas dynamics and N-body systems", Pen says. "An N-body system - a system of collisionless particles - is what we believe the so-called dark (in the sense that one doesn't really see it directly) matter of the universe is made of. And since they're 3D simulations, we need some fairly fancy and sophisticated software."

Fancy and sophisticated enough to handle the team's large datasets -typically about a 1283 curvilinear lattice. They are created when he and his team write code, run it on another machine, then process the resulting datasets through IRIS Explorer.

The size of the boxes they simulate is described as being about 100 megaparsecs. The smallest dataset is estimated to be about 10 megabytes. "It's as though we're looking through a telescope that can see 350 million light years", Pen says.

Pen's main use for IRIS Explorer, of course, is to help understand how the universe evolved.

Using modules such as IsosurfaceLat and Contour, the Harvard research team has created a huge spaceship that it can move at enormous speed - much faster than the speed of light. "We can actually whizz into deep space and walk around as though we're space travelers", he says. "The evolution of the universe is fairly difficult to measure using telescopes. But using IRIS Explorer is like having a telescope in our universe simulation. We can virtually fly out into outer space and examine things."

For work like this, visualisation software must be an interactive tool - and "interactive" is a key term, Pen says. He believes that researchers must be able to manipulate the data they're looking at. At times, they may want to see a large area, and at other times, just a small piece of it. They also need to be able to change their viewpoint easily.

His current area of study concerns the core sizes of clusters of galaxies. He states that what are sometimes referred to as "clusters of galaxies" are actually collections of hundreds of galaxies. These clusters have a core size to them, but the exact size was unknown until the team ran core simulations with the software. "Being able to calculate their size with IRIS Explorer is quite an event", he says.

With the 3D visualisation software, another interesting task the team can do with the data is what they call "numerical experimentation." This involves controlled experiments that change the physics of the universe, and then the results can be observed on the computer screen.

According to Pen, the capability for numerical experimentation did not exist with any other package he has investigated. While many packages offer plotting, they simply allow users to statically create a given projection of a given dataset. But that's all.

Another difficulty with other visualisation software is that they may not be able to simulate the volume that goes with looking at 350 million light years of data.

Accuracy is, of course, an extremely important element in scientific and engineering studies such as these. IRIS Explorer includes modules built on sophisticated algorithms from NAG numerical libraries, known for accuracy and reliability. The use of these libraries can save a developer time and effort in implementing fundamental algorithms and allows concentration on other aspects of the visualisation process. Users can be confident that all modules have been used in a very wide range of other applications. In addition, the libraries provide ready-made reference for documentation purposes, key to assessing the accuracy and applicability of the module.

"There is a whole zoo of visualisation packages out there, and I have tried many of them, from the very popular to the less well known. The decisive factors for us were the affordability of IRIS Explorer, and its ease of use. It is powerful yet basic, not dedicated to any particular type of research."

The Center for Astrophysics team disseminates its information widely. Their work and visualisations are frequently presented in papers and at conferences on cosmology, at various astronomical institutes and at the American Astronomical Society.

IRIS Explorer accelerates the speed of the team's work, and it makes it easy for them to show their work and its results to non-experts. "Without IRIS Explorer, it would be very hard to describe what we do", Pen says.

Last modified: Tue Nov 12 13:02:16 1996
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