cxInWdgtStrSet - set the value of a string input parameter and widget


#include <cx/UI.h>

void cxInWdgtStrSet (char *portname, char * str)


subroutine cxInWdgtStrSet (portname, str)
character*(*) portname, str


Name of the parameter port whose widget is being altered.
String value assigned to port.


cxInWdgtStrSet is an IRIS Explorer Widget Library call used within modules to set the value of a parameter and its associated widget from a string.

An IRIS Explorer parameter data structure and widget are always associated with an input port of type parameter.

cxInWdgtStrSet alters the state of the parameter-widget pair associated with the input parameter port named in the first argument.

The second argument to cxInWdgtStrSet is a string which, in C, must be NULL terminated.

This call is primarily used to set the value of text widgets and file browsers. The call may be used to set the value of numeric widgets, but the string passed in as the second argument must be convertible to a long or double precision number by the C library call scanf.

Within the calling module, the parameter value associated with the port is changed immediately (synchronously with the call). The parameter value is transmitted to the IRIS Explorer Map Editor where it causes the module's widget to be changed. Widgets wired to the widget being changed will also have their values adjusted.

Last modified: Mon Nov 18 13:49:57 GMT 1996
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